[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Egypt and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Egypt Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to egypt@jadaliyya.com by Sunday night of every week.]
State Tightens Grip on Mosques for Eid al-Adha
Mada Masr reports on authorities’ restrictions on oppositional clerics during Eid al-Adha.
Houses of Worship in Egypt: An Enduring Source of Inequity
Mai El-Sadany posits, “The country’s failure to ensure that all Egyptian citizens have the same opportunities and institutional support to establish and renovate houses of worship violates the country’s duty to respect the equal treatment of its citizens.”
Church Shells and Empty Promises
Amira Mikhail argues the state has still to achieve notable progress in guaranteeing minority rights in the country.
#Freedetainees: Their #Eid is in Prison
Zeinobia writes on the pro-democracy movement’s campaign in support of political prisoners.
Activist Ahmed Douma in Grave Condition, Says Wife after Prison Visit
Mada Masr reports on Ahmed Douma’s health condition.
Contradictory Accounts over Activist Ahmed Douma’s Hunger Strike
Marwa Al-A’sar writes on the conflicting news on Ahmed Douma’s hunger strike.
Why Sexual Harassment Will Not End in Egypt Any Time Soon
Farah Yousry argues exemptions from punishing and abuse of power decreases the likelihood to resolve sexual harassment in Egypt.
Independence of Egyptian Media at Stake
Khaled Dawoud examines the role of the media as a state tool.
Egyptian Authorities Censor Newspaper
Adham Youssef reports that Egypt’s censorship authorities had seized copies of a newspaper featuring an interview with “a former agent in the General Intelligence Directorate about special espionage operations of Mossad.”
Suez Project a Good Step, but Egypt Needs to Industrialize
Taha Abdel Alim says, “A project to expand the Suez Canal will draw investment--but Egypt will never realize its potential, economic and social, unless industry is put at the top of the list.”
Over 2,000 Residents Forced from Homes, Denied Work on Suez Canal Project
Jano Charbel writes on residents who have been forcefully evicted from their homes in order to develop the Suez Canal project.
Devil and the Deep Blue Sea: How Mediterranean Migrant Disaster Unfolded
Peter Beaumont and Partick Kingsley write a detailed account of the route migrants took from Gaza to Alexandria in order to flee to Italy through the Mediterranean Sea.
Egypt Closes Rafah Border for Duration of Eid Holiday
Mada Masr reports that Rafah Border to remain closed for five days during Eid al-Adha holiday.
Opposition Leader Ayman Nour Calls Protest Law 'Political Suicide' for Sisi
Omnia Al-Desouki interviews “opposition figure Ayman Nour said the events of 3 July were a coup against democracy in Egypt, while criticizing Gulf interference in the country's internal affairs.”
Domestic Cohesion, the Protest Law, National Independence and Confronting ISIS
Ahmed El-Sayyed El-Najjar says, “As Egypt progresses in its political roadmap, it is time to address the fractures created by the disappointing protest law; all the more so amid international and regional developments that demand maximal Egyptian cohesion.”
Commemorating Nasser: His Legacy and Its Uses
Dina Ezzat says, “Dead for forty-four years, Gamal Abdel Nasser's legacy nonetheless continues to live on, as inspiration to some, and as a tool in the pursuit of self-interest for others.”
Preventing Water Wars: How to Build Bridges over River Disputes
Ilmas Futehally focuses the cooperative agreements between states to avoid conflicts over the water as natural resource.
Feed-in Tariff: A Small Step in the Right Direction
Isabel Esterman argues the government’s approval of a feed-in tariff is “the first clear indication of how they plan to integrate private energy projects into the national grid.” This article is translated and published in Arabic.
Gleaming in the Dust
Square Bracket Productions releases “an audio documentary uncovering the illicit trade in antiquities in post-revolution Egypt.”
Egypt's Art Museums: Out of Sight, Out of Mind
Sultan Al-Qassemi writes on Mahamoud Said Art Museum in the city of Alexandria that holds a number of the most important Egyptian artworks of the twentieth century.
In Arabic
إلغاء مظاهرة الباعة الجائلين والقبض على ثلاثة منهم
Mada Masr reports on the laws, or lack thereof, that govern street vendors in Egypt.
رسالة لم تصل للإعلام
Fahmy Huwaidy comments on President Abdelfattah al-Sisi’s apology to Qatar’s Prince Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani for the Egyptian media’s offense on Qatar and its leadership.
قناة السويس.. حق المواطن وواجب الدولة
Maged Osman analyzes the rationale behind the public’s investment in the Suez Canal development project.
لكى لا تقعوا فى الفخ!
Amr Hamzawy explores the adverse impact of restricting civil and human rights activism and the suppression of freedom of expression on university campuses and social networking websites.
قليل من الظلم
Fahmy Huwaidy writes on the security apparatus’ injustice against any form of political activity or expression.
لاجارد: صندوق النقد سيشارك في القمة الاقتصادية ... ومستعدون لدعم مصر "لو كانت مهتمة"
Reuters reports on the International Monetary Fund CEO Chrisine Lagarde’s comment on her organization’s invitation to the economic summit to be held in April of next year.
ماذا حدث في المئة يوم الأولى؟
Ahmed Jad analyzes the state of the economy a hundred days after al-Sisi’s presidential election.
الرئيس السيسى وواشنطن تايمز
Mohamed El-Menshawy explores the reasons behind publishing al-Sisi’s article in The Washington Times.
وقف طباعة عدد «المصري اليوم» يفتح ملف الرقابة على الصحف
Mustafa Mohie details the censorship of Wednesday’s issue of Al-Masry Al-Youm.
هل تُخمد الدولة «ثورة الجامعات».. أم تدفع نحوها؟
Omar Said argues that restricting and regulating political activity on university campuses may not necessarily lead to dissuasion of revolutionary movements.
عن الطلبة والسياسة: "الأولى مأساة والثانية مهزلة"
Mohammed Nagireflects on the authorities’ restriction of political activity on university campuses in Egypt.
من يوافق على محاورة الإخوان؟
Samir Karam argues against the Egyptian regime’s reconciliation with the Muslim Brotherhood.
وقت المصالحة الذي لم يأت بعد
Mai Shams El-Din writes on the reconciliatory efforts between the Egyptian regime and the political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, in which she argues that current indirect talks have not reached to positive outcomes. This article is translated and published in English.
فن صناعة الوحوش!
Bilal Fadl analyzes the circumstances that lead humans to commit violence in a piece entitled: “The Art of Producing Monsters.”
الشرطة تنزل عقابًا جماعيًّا على سكان دير جبل الطير
The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights releases a report on the police’s imposition of collective punishment of Coptic residents in Deir Jabal El-Tyr in Upper Egypt. This piece in translated and published in English.
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