This is a selection of what you might have missed on Jadaliyya last week. It also includes a list of the most read articles and roundups. Progressively, we will be featuring more content on our "Last Week on Jadaliyya" series.
- Statement: Over 250 Anthropologists Join Call for a Boycott of Israeli Academic Institutions
- How Not To Understand ISIS
- When Your Name is on the Blacklist
- ISIS: The Explosion of Narratives - The Land of the Revolution Between Political and Metaphysical Eternities
- A Voyage to Toledo: Twenty-Five Years After the 'Jews of the Orient and Palestinians' Meeting
- Progressive Struggles against Insidious Capitalist Individualism: Interview with Angela Davis
- The Politics of Boycotting Israel while Fighting Sanctions on Iran
- Statement by Scholar Ann Laura Stoler Endorsing BDS against Israel
- Propaganda, Politics, and Profiteering: Islamic Law in the Contemporary United States
- ISIS in the News: Extensive Media Roundup (August-September 2014)
- Egypt Media Roundup (September 29)
- Last Week on Jadaliyya (September 22-28)
- Arabian Peninsula Media Roundup (September 30)
- Cities Media Roundup (September 1-30)
- Egypt Monthly Edition on Jadaliyya (September 2014)
- On the Margins Roundup (September)
- O.I.L. Monthly Edition (September 2014)
- Syria Monthly Edition on Jadaliyya (September 2014)
- O.I.L. Media Roundup (5 October)
- O.I.L. Media Roundup (5 October)
- حل لغز كتابة رُقَم دير علا من القرن الثالث عشر قبل الميلاد
- Syria Monthly Edition on Jadaliyya (September 2014)
- O.I.L. Monthly Edition (September 2014)
- How Not To Understand ISIS
- The Politics of Boycotting Israel while Fighting Sanctions on Iran
- نقطة تحول
- Seize The Moment
- دعوة لتقديم أوراق بحثية: مركز الأصفري للمجتمع المدني والمواطنة المؤتمر السنوي الأول: أجندة للمواطنة الفعّالة بيروت 20-22 شباط/ فبراير 2015
- The Legacy of Turkish in the Armenian Diaspora
- ISIS: The Explosion of Narratives - The Land of the Revolution Between Political and Metaphysical Eternities
- Maha Maamoun: Lingering in Vicinity
- Call for Papers--Asfari Institute First Annual Conference: Exploring an Agenda for Active Citizenship (Beirut, 20-22 February 2015)
- On the Margins Roundup (September)
- New Texts Out Now: Abdullah Al-Arian, Answering the Call: Popular Islamic Activism in Sadat’s Egypt
- Statement: Over 250 Anthropologists Join Call for a Boycott of Israeli Academic Institutions
- Le projet de ville nouvelle Bio-Istanbul: Un urbanisme spéculatif, ségrégatif et durable
- Egypt Monthly Edition on Jadaliyya (September 2014)
- Fourth Annual DC Palestinian Film and Arts Festival: October 2-5, 2014
- Cities Media Roundup (September 1-30)
- Arabian Peninsula Media Roundup (September 30)
- A Voyage to Toledo: Twenty-Five Years After the 'Jews of the Orient and Palestinians' Meeting
- Displaced Intentions
- When Your Name is on the Blacklist
- عندما يكون اسمك على "القائمة السوداء"
- Statement by Scholar Ann Laura Stoler Endorsing BDS against Israel
- Turkey’s New Migration Policy: Control Through Bureaucratization
- Last Week on Jadaliyya (September 22-28)
- El Rass
- Excavating the Sky
- Egypt Media Roundup (September 29)
- Propaganda, Politics, and Profiteering: Islamic Law in the Contemporary United States