[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Syria and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Syria Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to syria@jadaliyya.com by Monday night of every week.]
Regional and International Perspectives
Syria Oil Industry Buckling Under Rebel Gains
Syrian Troops Redeployments Raise Concerns Over Golan Heights Security
Narrative Around Foreign Intervention ‘Veers more Towards the Hysterical Than the Rational’ Maysaloon writes: “to call for a political settlement at this time, and with the regime escalating its indiscriminate attacks on the civilian population out of desperation, looks less like a rational decision by people intent on avoiding bloodshed, and more like an attempt at appeasement.”
Anti-Syrian Racism in Beirut’s Southern Suburbs Mohamed Nazzal reports on the discrimination Syrians face in the Lebanese capital.
Should America Let Syria Fight on Thanassis Cambanis says “a handful of voices in the Western foreign policy world are quietly starting to acknowledge that a long, drawn-out conflict in Syria doesn’t threaten American interests; to put it coldly, it might even serve them.”
The West’s Dilemma: Who is the Official Opposition in Syria? Stephen Starr interviews Aaron Lund
Syrian Narratives
Syrian Opposition: Assad’s Overthrow Wouldn’t End Violence Haytham Manna is opposed to the violent overthrow of Assad and is asking for a serious effort on both sides for a political solution.
Syria ‘Death Video’ of Sheikh al-Bouti Poses Questions Jim Muir explains the mystery that surrounds al-Bouti’s death following the publication of a video allegedly filming the events.
Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood: Influential, Organized, but Mistrusted because they are accused of trying to dominate the political scene.
Syrian Rebel Chief Al Khatib Urges Rejection of Al Qaeda Phil Sands on Khatib’s response to the announcement that Iraq’s Al Qaeda was merging with Jabhat al-Nusra
Jihadists Warn: Syria-Iraq al Qaeda Unification Reflects Badly on Us Hassan Hassan presents a variety of voices who oppose or support the most recent development.
Clashes Between Jabhat al-Nusra and Local Militants in Deir Ezzor Underline Significant Trend (Part 1) Hassan Hassan says “Jabhat al-Nusra fighters tend to exercise restraint when it comes to disagreements with the communities where they operate, a clear distinction from fighters in the Free Syrian Army or other groups, as part of the jihadists' strategy to win hearts and minds.”
Damascus: The Walls Are Rising Hassan Illeik on military developments in the capital
Preparing for the Day After Assad’s Fall Al Jazeera’s Inside Syria program with guests Joshua Landis, Yazan Abdallah and Saleh Mubarak
Sorting Out David Ignatius Aaron Lund’s refutes Ignatius’ narration of military developments in Syria
Inside Syria
The Alawite Dilemma in HomsAziz Nakash offers a comprehensive overview of “the community’s diversity and to reasons for its support of the regime.”
The Interview: My First Flight Mohammed Sergie interviews Omar, a carpenter flown to Aleppo’s air force intelligence headquarters.
Grave Robbers and War Steal Syria’s History C.J. Chivers reports from Tell Mardikh
In Syria, Some Brace for the Next War Liz Sly in Raqqa writes about the rift between Islamists groups now in control of the city and the “moderate” fighters who were sidelined.
Arts and Social Media
Syria Behind the Lines A poignant film by Olly Lambert, edited by Azmat Khan
Syria on Both Sides of the Line A photo gallery by Olly Lambert
The Social Media Buzz: Is Our Regime Seriously Importing Che Matches? Mohammed Sergie’s weekly social media buzz
The Euphrates Kayani Web TV on the Euphrates and the history of regime mismanagement over the last decades.
Jarablus Horizons of Freedom Kayani Web TV on this new group of intellectuals, artists and activists and their work in Jarablus.
Social Media Bouquet From Syria Jadaliyya underlines pertinent social media content that has rarely made the headlines.
Syria’s Media War Jamie Dettmer says journalists entering in rebel-held areas are sometimes forced to hire FSA-appointed drivers and translators.
The Boat that’s Going to Save Syrians from Assad’s Snipers Emma Beals on a Syrian’s invention that will enable people to rescue remotely their peers hit by snipers.
My Colleague Died for Peace Murtaza Hussein remembers Ahmed Shihadeh, one of the founders of activist underground publication Enab Baladi
Hassan Hassan starts his blog on “Syria, the Gulf and radicalism”
The Revolution is Being Televised A film by Adam Pletts following six media activists in Syria.
The Veils of Aleppo A photo gallery by Franco Pagetti
Policy and Reports
Death From the Skies A Human Rights Watch Report on the airstrikes targeting civilians in Syria
The Syrian Opposition’s Leadership Problem Yezid Sayigh provides an overview of the flaws of the opposition and recommendations for the National Council
Chart of Rebel Groups in al Raqqa by Joshua Landis
Al Qaeda Announces an Islamic State Aaron Zelin says “while civilians appreciate JN's help with governance, more of them are showing signs of chafing under the group's imposition of strict Islamist beliefs.”
Ahrar al-Sham: a Profile of Northern Syria’s Al Qaeda Surrogate Chris Zambellis provides an overview of the origins and ideology of the new group.
لنقل المجابهة إلى الخارج: هل يقترب سيناريو صدام و معمر من سوريا؟
Samir Al-Hasan on the American role in the Syria struggle and argues that there are clear signs of a forthcoming American attack on the region.
مثلث برمودا السوري
النفط السوري: كوارث أخرى
سيناريوهات سورية غير متفائلة
الإذاعات عبر الانترنت: تجربة جديدة في الإعلام السوري
مسؤولية بمفعول رجعي!
مؤشرات الأزمة في الاقتصاد السوري
بدرخان علي: "الانتخابات الحرة" ليست شيئا عظيما، بعد خراب البلد