[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Maghreb and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Maghreb Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to maghreb@jadaliyya.com by Wednesday night of every week.]
Algeria: Islamists Lose Ground in Algeria Local Elections FLN-RND governing coalition won majorities in most communes in the 29 November elections. Turnout is reported at 44% and accusations of irregularity are widespread.
Algeria: La Victoire du FLN aux élections locales. Le Pourquoi. 'Laseptiemewilaya' argues that FLN victory resulted from its heavily entrenched 'brand name' rather than electoral fraud.
Algerian Government Reconciles With Citizens Algeria forms a new watchdog committee to monitor government performance, better "respond to the needs of society, and "understand citizens."
Algeria and the Malian Borderline Disorder. @7our comments on the severely impractical proposal to close the Algerian-Mali border.
الجزائر في المرتبة 105 عالميًا من حيث تفشي الفساد
Transparency International ranks Algeria 105 in index of of most corrupt countries in the world, referencing in particular the lack of government will to combat corruption and the immunity of ministers involved in current cases.
الصراع يشتعل في الجزائر لخلافة بوتفليقة
Sources close to the FLN's former secretary general, Ali Benflis, reveal that a growing coalition of groups and parties appear to be gearing up to support his 2014 campaign against Boutefilka.
الشباب الجزائري يناقش نتائج الانتخابات
Nazim Fethi interviews youth on their expectations of the recent elections.
The Libyan public’s role in drafting the Constitution: Part II Lorianne Toler discusses public pressure to directly elect the Constitutional Commission, a mandate which a controversial NTC declaration had assigned to the GNC.
Religious Violence in Libya: Who Is to Blame? Igor Cherstich argues that conflicts between Salafists and Sufis reflect 'legacies of the old regime.'
Libya, my father and I Daughter of dissident Mansur Rashid Kikhia reflects on the personal and psychological impact of Qaddafi's rule.
Higher education and scientific research in Libya: reality and ambitions Mohamed Eljarh highlights the obstacles facing higher education reform, severely neglected under the former regime.
مؤسسات المجتمع المدني بين الفاعليه و قِصر النظر
'Atellysi' suggests several approaches to improve the engagement and impact of new civil society organizations.
الحكومة الليبية…نخلة عوجة
Ahlamelbadri relates popular frustration at the GNC's recent $200 million grant to Tunisia in the midst of neglected and mounting internal economic troubles.
Mauritania: Commemorating Inal's Massacre against Black Soldiers Thalia Rahme reports on the march held by activists to memorialize and demand justice for the 1990 ethnic cleansing that occurred within the Mauritanian army. Succeeding reports indicate the march was dispersed by police.
مجزرة "إينال" حقائق تنشر لأول مرة.. وشهادات بالصور والفيديو
El Watan provides in-depth documentation of the Inal Massacre, including testimonies from survivors and witnesses.
الكثير منا ما زال محكوما بعقلية الحزب الواحد
Interview with diplomat Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah on contemporary political, economic, and security issues in Mauritania.
Le mouvement de contestation au Maroc à l’honneur dans la revue « L’Année du Maghreb » Mamafakinch editors compile abstracts featured in IREMAM's "The year of the Maghreb" which adress the #Feb20 Movement.
Morocco delays Tamazight implementation Siham Ali reports on campaigns to actualize the official recognition of Tamazight, which was amended into the constitution over a year and a half ago.
Misère de la politique ou politique de la misère Driss Benali examines the Makhzen's recycled policies and power structures.
Mamfakinch Counter Corner: Responding to Pam Hait Samia Errazzouki challenges tropes of "Moroccan exceptonalism" in a piece reposted by the Moroccan lobby.
Tunisia: Siliana and the Heritage of Farhat Hached Sixty Years After His Assassination Robert Prince profiles the significance of Farhat Hached, father of the Independent Tunisian Trade Union, in both his contemporary era, the 2011 revolution, and current uprisings in Siliana.
Tunisie : La marche de Siliana pour la dignité. Protestation et tension contre le gouvernement d’Ennahdha Nawaat Editor criticizes government reactions to Siliania protests which attempt to downplay state violence.
La Polit-Revue: Siliana, « bassin miné » du gouvernement Seif Soudani reviews this weeks's political stories.
Trade Union Calls for Countrywide Strike on December 13 UGTT decides to strike after an attack on its headquarters and aggression against its members, allegedly perpetrated by Ennahda. The Tunisian opposition called for a boycott of the National Constituent Assembly in solidarity with the UGTT.
Strikes raise tensions between unions, Islamist govt in Tunisia Aljazeera English report on UGTT-Ennahda conflicts.
Tunisians frustrated over lack of change Al Jazeera video coverage of protests in Siliana and wider calls to address unemployment and deteriorating living standards. Earlier coverage on Marzouki's call for a new cabinet here.
Western Sahara May Also Request UN Observer Status Reda Shannouf reports on the impact of Palestine's recognition on the Sahara National Council's prospective strategies.
Recent Jadaliyya Articles on the Maghreb
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ثورة . . . أما بعد
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