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Egypt Monthly Edition on Jadaliyya (November 2012)


This is a monthly archive of pieces written by Jadaliyya contributors and editors on Egypt. It also includes material published on other platforms that editors deemed pertinent to post as they provide diverse depictions of Egypt-related topics. The pieces reflect the level of critical analysis and diversity that Jadaliyya strives for, but the views are solely the ones of their authors. If you are interested in contributing to Jadaliyya, send us your post with your bio and a release form to post@jadaliyya.com [click “Submissions” on the main page for more information].

Egypt: New Constitution Mixed on Support of Rights
Human Rights Watch expresses concern about articles in the constitutions that might harm basic and civilian rights.

The Strong Egypt Party, the Constitutional Decree, and Gaza: An Interview with Abdel Moneim Abul Futuh
Former presidential candidate Abd El-Moneim Abou El-Fotouh criticizes the opposition’s approach to dealing with the recent political developments in the country.

Update: Thousands Converge on Tahrir for Opposition Protests
Marches from different parts of Cairo merge in at Tahrir Square to denounce the constitutional declaration.

Social Justice and the Draft Constitution
Nader Fergany argues that the only way to establish social justice is to overturn Egypt’s political and economic system.

Morsi and his Adversaries
Ellis Goldberg says that while through his recent decisions the Egyptian president is denying the fundamental right to the Egyptians to seek justice for harm done by the state.

Call for Papers -- New Media, New Politics? (post-) Revolutions in Theory and Practice? (London, 26 April 2013)
University of Westminster announces a call for papers on the influence of media in recent uprisings and protest movements.

الحياة الحزبية في مصر بعد الثورة ... بين الإنطلاق والتعثر
Ahmed Taha talks about the new partisan life in Egypt.

Rules of Engagement: Documentary Filmmaking According to Tahani Rached
Mai Serhan writes about Tahani Rached’s life, filmmaking and her latest project.

Egyptian Protesters and Imprisoned Iranian Hunger Striker: Interviews with Mona El Ghobashy, Hesham Sallam and Hadi Ghaemi
Mona El Ghobashy and Jadaliyya’s Hesham Sallam discuss the Egyptian president’s recent decisions and Hadi Ghaemi talks about the fate of Iranian human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh.

من القاهرة الجميلة - الجزء الأول
Amro Eletrebi writes about his experience in the clashes on Mohamed Mahmoud.

Egypt: A Year of Abuses Against Detained Children
A Human Rights Watch says more than 300 children have been tortured in Egypt over the past one year.

Cairo Event -- Why Middle East Studies? A Discussion of the State of the Field (5 December)
Announcement of an event at AUC Downtown Campus on Middle East Studies.

Dispatch from Mohamed Mahmoud Street: Egyptian Revolts
Mayssoun Sukarieh tells the story of some of the young boys involved in the clashes on Mohamed Mahmoud St.

The President and the Fatal Trilateral Logic of US, Egyptian and Israeli Relations
Amro Ali argues that the nature of trilateral relations between the US, Egypt and Israel influences the Egyptian president’s illiberal decisions in domestic politics.                 

تفكيك أمننة المجتمع
Aly Al Raggal discusses the presence of the security discourse across public fields and social layers.

Bassem Youssef's The Show: Mohamed Mahmoud Street (Video with English Subtitles)
Bassem Youssef’s episode of “The Show” dedicated to the clashes on Mohamed Mahmoud from last year.

Democracy, Democracy, But The Courts Can’t Touch Me
Seif Fawzy says the hope for the revolution lies with the judiciary.

Joint Statement by Twenty-Two Egyptian Rights Organizations on Morsi Declaration
Various organizations condemn the presidents constitutional declaration saying that it is impeding delivering justice.

تيار استقلال القضاء: من مواجهة مبارك إلى تقاسم كعكة السلطة مع الإخوان
Ayat Alhabal looks into the relationship between the Movement for Independent Judiciary and the new Egyptian regime.

Revolution Protection Law May Fail To Live Up To Its Name
Mai Shams El-Din says the Revolution Protection Law is thwarted by the president’s declaration giving him unchallengeable decision-making powers and making the Constituent Assembly immune to dissolution.

Thousands Fill Tahrir on Friday to Protest Morsi's New 'Dictatorial Powers'
Zeinab El Gundy, Mostafa Ali, and Osman El Sharnoubi document the Friday protests in Tahrir against the presidential constitutional declaration.

Human Trafficking in the Sinai: Refugees Between Life and Death
A summary of a recent report on human trafficking in Sinai documenting the suffering of thousands of African migrants who fall victim of Egyptian traffickers.

الجبهة القومية ترفض انقلاب مرسي على الثورة وتدعو للنزول إلى التحرير بقوة
A statement by the National Front for Justice and Democracy calling on Egyptians to protest the presidential constitutional declaration.

Egypt Political Forces Call for Mass 'Eyes of Freedom' Rally Friday
Over thirty political groups call for an 'Eyes of Freedom' Friday protest calling on Mohamed Morsi’s government to quit and interior ministry to be purged.

The President's New Powers
Heba Afify, Amira Ahmed, and Lina Attalah look into the consequences of the president’s new legislative and executive powers granted to him by his own declaration.

Morsy and the "Nationalization" of the Revolution: Some Initial Reflections
Jadaliyya’s Hesham Sallam reacts to Mohamed Morsi’s constitutional declaration.

Eyewitness from Gaza: Historic Convoy Breaks the Siege
Hundreds of activists from leftist, secular and moderate forces reach the Gaza strip amid continuing Israeli bombardment.

الثورة بصفة شخصية
Amro Eletrebi recalls past protests and reflects on the current condition of the revolution.

الجبهة القومية للعدالة والديمقراطية تحمل "مرسي" مسؤولية أحداث "محمد محمود" وتدعوكم للمشاركة في جمعة عيون الحرية
A statement by the National Front for Justice and Democracy accusing Mohamed Morsi of being responsible for the violence during the Mohamed Mahmoud protests.

Egyptian Doctors' Strike and the Quest for Bread, Freedom, and Social Justice
Gillian Kennedy says the doctors strike started as a protest for budget increase but transformed into an anti-Muslim Brotherhood movement.

Imagining Tahrir
Yasser Alwan talks about photographic production during the revolution at Tahrir Square.

“I Have the Picture!” Egypt’s Photographic Heritage between Digital Reproduction and Neoliberalism (Part I)
Lucie Ryzova writes about the attempts to preserve Egypt’s photographic heritage.

Letter to IMF From Egyptian Parties, NGOs, Syndicates and Political Movements
Twenty parties, civil society organizations, and movements sign a statement against the IMF loan the current government is negotiating.

الأمة المصرية حين تفقد لغتها : لغة الرب أم لغة المستعمر؟
A book review of the translation of Niloofar Haeri’s book Sacred Language, Ordinary People: Dilemmas of Culture and Politics in Egypt.

The Scared Islamists And Their Frightened Majority
Mohamed Waked says the word “civil” has acquired a variety of meanings in Egyptian political vernacular which do not necessarily reflect political realities of the forces which are branded with it.

Reflections on Egypt's Draft Constitution
Ellis Goldberg criticizes the new draft constitution, looking into specific articles.

Year of the Ostrich: SCAF's Media Experiment
Adel Iskander traces the military’s use of media since taking over the Egyptian revolution in early February.

New Texts Out Now: Linda Herrera, Youth and Citizenship in the Digital Age: A View from Egypt
An interview with Linda Herrera about her new book on Egypt.

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