[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Egypt and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Egypt Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to egypt@jadaliyya.com by Sunday night of every week.]
“Amr Darrag on Egypt's 'perfect' constitution”
The secretary-general of the Constituent Assembly and member of the Freedom and Justice Party defends the draft constitutions.
“Egypt Constitutional Court postpones all sessions indefinitely”
High Constitutional Court declares open-ended strike after judges are blocked from attending a session that was to rule on the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly.
“Egypt President Morsi: I Refuse to Describe Christians as Minority”
The president responds to allegations that the current situation in Egypt is leading to a mass exodus of Christians from Egypt.
“Anti-Morsy protests bring hundreds of thousands together”
Friday’s protests at Tahrir Square denounce the president’s special privileges and the new draft constitution.
“Update: Morsy supporters take to streets, one killed by falling tree”
Friday’s protests at Cairo University show support for the president’s decisions and the new constitution.
“Abuse of power allegations levelled at government”
The opposition accuses the government of using state funds and property to support pro-Morsi protests.
“A referendum with judges, or no judges?”
As constitutional referendum is announced, judges, who have to observe the voting process, start a general strike.
“Comparison of Egypt's suspended and draft constitutions”
BBC provides an overview of the main differences between the 1971 constitution and the new draft constitution.
“Judgment day for constitution set”
Referendum date set for December 15, as experts warn against the referendum being held in crisis time.
“Egyptian labor between Morsi and Mubarak”
Controversial amendments to the trade union law passed by the president threaten the independence of trade unions.
“Transcript: TIME’s Interview with Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi”
Presdient Mohamed Morsi talks about the Muslim Brotherhood, the Gaza ceasefire and the constitutional declaration.
““Final warning” marches to presidential palace”
Eighteen opposition groups plan a march on the presidential palace to protest the draft constitution and the president’s constitutional declaration.
“Update: Protesters storm Alexandria Brotherhood office, set Mansoura FJP office on fire”
Anti-Brotherhood protesters attack offices of the organization and its party across three governorates.
“50 injured in attack on FJP headquarters in Tanta”
Hundreds of protesters try to break into the party’s headquarters, after earlier clashes between Muslim Brothers and leftists.
“Egypt police fire intense teargas at anti-Morsi protesters in Tahrir Wednesday”
Police tries to disperse anti-Morsi protesters, as demonstrations continue for close to 10 days.
“New Alignment Forms To Oppose Morsi Decree”
Sara Khorshid says anti-Morsi protests draw together revolutionary forces and former regime supporters.
“ElBaradei under fire for Constituent Assembly comments”
Islamists attack Mohamed ElBaradei after his comments suggesting that Islamist members of the Constituent Assembly deny the Holocaust.
“Thoughts on the current crisis”
Ursula Lindsey says the Muslim Brotherhood have misread their own popularity.
“Around 300 injured in Mahalla clashes”
Clashes erupt between Muslim Brotherhood youth and Ultras in the industrial town of Mahalla.
“Review: Morsy’s supporters and detractors”
The Daily News’ does an overview of what Egypt’s prominent columnists say about the current clash between opposition and regime-supporters.
“Update: Mother of Damanhour teen killed in clashes speaks out on son's death”
Islam Fathy’s mother says her son went voluntarily to the headquarters of the Muslim Brotherhood, not at request of the organization.
“Islamists launch initiatives to defend Morsy”
Seif Abd El-Fatah, adviser to the president, says the first and fourth points of the constitutional declaration are negotiable.
“Head of Shura Council denies criticising Morsi's decree”
Ahmed Fahmy claims the media misquoted him and says he supports the constitutional declaration.
“Morsi's declaration to go to Administrative Court”
Administrative Court schedules 12 lawsuits filed against the constitutional declaration for December 4.
In Arabic:
“نائب الرئيس في حوار مع التلفزيون: الإعلان الدستوري يبعد القضاة عن السياسة”
Vice-President Mahmoud Mekki says that as a judge he is tempted to feel anxious because of the constitutional declaration, but he approves of it because it is designed to keep the judiciary away from politics.
“"خالد سعيد" جديد بالأسكندرية.. أسرة "عبد الله" تتهم الشرطة بضربه حتى الموت”
A young man dies in the notorious Sidi Gaber police station, as the Ministry of Interior claims that police torture is no longer happening.
“«التأسيسية» توافق على محاكمة المدنيين «عسكريًا» في الجرائم التي تضر بالجيش”
The Constituent Assembly agrees to include an article in the constitution allowing military trials of civilians for crimes that “damage” the army.
“هشام البسطويسي: نظام «المرشد» يحاول استنساخ «الديمقراطية الإيرانية» في مصر”
Reformist judge and former presidential candidate, Hisham Bastawisi says the president is trying to implement “Iranian democracy” in Egypt.
“لأننا يجب أن نلقي عليهم المولوتوف”
Ahmed Samir writes about why young men continue to get into dangerous clashes with interior ministry forces.
“عاجل.. نادي القضاة وقضاة الأقاليم يرفضون بالإجماع الإشراف علي استفتاء الدستور”
The Judges’ Club refuse to oversee the upcoming constitutional referendum.
“شركات الأتوبيس بالغربية ترفض تأجير سياراتها لنقل «الإخوان» إلى القاهرة”
Bus companies in Gharbia Governorate refuse to rent buses to transport Muslim Brothers to Cairo for the protests.
“بيان غاضب لقضاة مجلس الدولة يستنكر الإعلان الدستوري.. ويذكر مرسي بعمر بن الخطاب”
A statement by the judges of the State Council denounces the constitutional declaration.
“بالفيديو .. والد جيكا يحمل مرسي مسئولية استشهاد جابر.. ويهاجم ا«لإعلان الدستوري »”
The father of Gaber Salah, who died during clashes at Mohamed Mahmoud, accuses the president for his son’s death.
“هجوم بقذائف صاروخية علي مصنع للاسمنت بوسط سيناء”
Armed men attack a cement factory in Sinai with RPGs.
Recent Jadaliyya articles on Egypt:
The Draft Constitution: Some Controversial Stipulations
Lina Attalah outlines the main debates over the draft constitution including articles that infringe on civil rights, union rights and military and interior ministry prerogatives.
November Culture
Jadaliyya’s November Culture bulletin.
Egypt: New Constitution Mixed on Support of Rights
Human Rights Watch expresses concern about articles in the constitutions that might harm basic and civilian rights.
The Strong Egypt Party, the Constitutional Decree, and Gaza: An Interview with Abdel Moneim Abul Futuh
Former presidential candidate Abd El-Moneim Abou El-Fotouh criticizes the opposition’s approach to dealing with the recent political developments in the country.
Update: Thousands Converge on Tahrir for Opposition Protests
Marches from different parts of Cairo merge in at Tahrir Square to denounce the constitutional declaration.
Social Justice and the Draft Constitution
Nader Fergany argues that the only way to establish social justice is to overturn Egypt’s political and economic system.
Morsi and his Adversaries
Ellis Goldberg says that while through his recent decisions the Egyptian president is denying the fundamental right to the Egyptians to seek justice for harm done by the state.
Call for Papers -- New Media, New Politics? (post-) Revolutions in Theory and Practice? (London, 26 April 2013)
University of Westminster announces a call for papers on the influence of media in recent uprisings and protest movements.
الحياة الحزبية في مصر بعد الثورة ... بين الإنطلاق والتعثر
Ahmed Taha talks about the new partisan life in Egypt.
Rules of Engagement: Documentary Filmmaking According to Tahani Rached
Mai Serhan writes about Tahani Rached’s life, filmmaking and her latest project.
Egyptian Protesters and Imprisoned Iranian Hunger Striker: Interviews with Mona El Ghobashy, Hesham Sallam and Hadi Ghaemi
Mona El Ghobashy and Jadaliyya’s Hesham Sallam discuss the Egyptian president’s recent decisions and Hadi Ghaemi talks about the fate of Iranian human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh.
من القاهرة الجميلة - الجزء الأول
Amro Eletrebi writes about his experience in the clashes on Mohamed Mahmoud.
Egypt: A Year of Abuses Against Detained Children
A Human Rights Watch says more than 300 children have been tortured in Egypt over the past one year.
Cairo Event -- Why Middle East Studies? A Discussion of the State of the Field (5 December)
Announcement of an event at AUC Downtown Campus on Middle East Studies.
Dispatch from Mohamed Mahmoud Street: Egyptian Revolts
Mayssoun Sukarieh tells the story of some of the young boys involved in the clashes on Mohamed Mahmoud St.
The President and the Fatal Trilateral Logic of US, Egyptian and Israeli Relations
Amro Ali argues that the nature of trilateral relations between the US, Egypt and Israel influences the Egyptian president’s illiberal decisions in domestic politics.
تفكيك أمننة المجتمع
Aly Al Raggal discusses the presence of the security discourse across public fields and social layers.
Bassem Youssef's The Show: Mohamed Mahmoud Street (Video with English Subtitles)
Bassem Youssef’s episode of “The Show” dedicated to the clashes on Mohamed Mahmoud from last year.
Democracy, Democracy, But The Courts Can’t Touch Me
Seif Fawzy says the hope for the revolution lies with the judiciary.