This is a selection of what you might have missed on Jadaliyya last week. It also includes a list of the most read articles. Progressively, we will be featuring more content on our "Last Week on Jadaliyya" series.
- Tradition and the Anti-Politics Machine: DAM Seduced by the “Honor Crime”
- We Are Fine in Gaza. How Are You?
- Netanyahu's First War
- Dissecting IDF Propaganda: The Numbers Behind the Rocket Attacks
- Colonial Experiments in Gaza
- Mowing the Lawn in Gaza
- Text of Israel-Hamas Ceasefire Agreement
- Noura Erakat and Yousef Munayyer on Gaza Assault: Interview with MSNBC's Chris Hayes
- Morsy and the "Nationalization" of the Revolution: Some Initial Reflections
- Israeli Aggression in the Gaza Strip: In Pictures
- فواز طرابلسي: حرير وحديد
- Democracy, Democracy, But The Courts Can’t Touch Me
- Infographic: Palestinian & Israeli Deaths
- America's Native Prisoners of War
- Joint Statement by Twenty-Two Egyptian Rights Organizations on Morsi Declaration
- تيار استقلال القضاء: من مواجهة مبارك إلى تقاسم كعكة السلطة مع الإخوان
- Reports Roundup (November 24)
- Gaza Solidarity Statement from Individuals and Organizations Based in New York and New Jersey
- Israel and Hamas: Fire and Ceasefire in a New Middle East
- From Opposition to Puppet: Morocco’s Party of Justice and Development
- Revolution Protection Law May Fail To Live Up To Its Name
- Thousands Fill Tahrir on Friday to Protest Morsi's New 'Dictatorial Powers'
- Human Trafficking in the Sinai: Refugees Between Life and Death
- Gaza Reprieve: Jadaliyya Co-Editor Mouin Rabbani On What The Cease-Fire Tells Us About the Balance of Power
- Tradition and the Anti-Politics Machine: DAM Seduced by the “Honor Crime”
- الجبهة القومية ترفض انقلاب مرسي على الثورة وتدعو للنزول إلى التحرير بقوة
- Egypt Political Forces Call for Mass 'Eyes of Freedom' Rally Friday
- The President's New Powers
- Maghreb Media Roundup (November 22)
- Going from Pillar to Truce
- Morsy and the "Nationalization" of the Revolution: Some Initial Reflections
- بيروت… غزة
- A Precarious Balancing Act: Lebanon and the Syrian Conflict
- Bibi Bombs
- The BICI Reforms: Promises of Progress, A Worsening Reality
- On Gaza: Interviews with Sherine Tadros and Mouin Rabbani, and A Reading by Sinan Antoon
- Syria Media Roundup (November 22)
- Eyewitness from Gaza: Historic Convoy Breaks the Siege
- الثورة بصفة شخصية
- الجبهة القومية للعدالة والديمقراطية تحمل "مرسي" مسؤولية أحداث "محمد محمود" وتدعوكم للمشاركة في جمعة عيون الحرية
- ملف من الأرشيف: عبدالله الطريقي
- Text of Israel-Hamas Ceasefire Agreement
- Jadaliyya Co-Editor Noura Erakat on China Radio International's Big Debate
- Russia Today Interview with Co-Editor Mouin Rabbani and Others on Gaza Assault
- Arabian Peninsula Media Roundup (November 21)
- African Americans for Justice in the Middle East and North Africa Statement Regarding the Aggression Against Gaza
- New Texts Out Now: Mark LeVine and Gershon Shafir, Struggle and Survival in Palestine/Israel
- Call for Applications: Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Modern Arab Culture and Society (Brown University, 2013-2015)
- Democracy Now! Interview with Raji Sourani and Richard Falk on Gaza Assault and International Humanitarian Law
- Egypt Media Roundup (November 19)
- Mohamed Mahmoud Clashes, One Year on: "A Battle for Dignity"
- Out of Sight, but Not out of Mind: Mohamed Mahmoud Remembered
- Assiut, Qursaya, Mohamed Mahmoud: Making the Connections
- عمودُ السّحاب يرتد على نتنياهو وحكومته
- O.I.L. Media Roundup (19 November)
- Noura Erakat and Yousef Munayyer on Gaza Assault: Interview with MSNBC's Chris Hayes
- Last Week on Jadaliyya (Nov 12-18)