With this bouquet of articles and photo essays, Jadaliyya is hereby launching a Photography Page. The Photography Page aims to provide a space for reflection on photography in its various forms and uses in the Middle East. We showcase the work of photographers active in the region and cultivate critical thinking about photographic practices, representations, and history. The page publishes photo essays, articles, interviews, reviews and more. It also provides information on photographic archives, agencies, and institutions, exhibits, events, and publications.
Submissions to the Photography Page are welcome at photos@Jadaliyya.com. Here are our launching posts for the photography page:
Imagining Tahrir
by Yasser Alwan
"I Have the Picture!" Egypt's Photgraphic Heritage Between Digital Reproduction and Neoliberalism (Part I)
by Lucie Ryzova
Living Under Threat of Expulsion: Palestinian Women Photograph Life in Susiya Village
by Activestills Collective
Also be sure to check out these two upcoming photography events:
In Tribute to The History of Studio Photographic Practice in Egypt: On Photography, at Studio Viennoise
(Cairo, 14 November - 16 December 2012)
Photo Cairo 5: More Out of Curiosity than Conviction
(Cairo 14 November – 17 December 2012)