This is a selection of what you might have missed on Jadaliyya during the month of July 2012. It also includes the most recent videos and the most read articles. Progressively, we will be featuring more content on our Monthly Edition series, and we now have a page dedicated to all roundups.
- The PhD's Job Crisis
- Pinkwatching And Pinkwashing: Interpenetration and its Discontents
- Frantz Fanon and the Arab Uprisings: An Interview with Nigel Gibson
- Soul Searching for the Roots of White Supremacist Terror in the United States
- Morsy, the Coup and the Revolution: Reading between the Red Lines
- أزمة اليمين في مصر: من مبارك إلى الإخوان
- On Defections and Developments in Syria: PBS NewsHour Interview with Bassam Haddad and David Lesch
- Urbanism and the Arab Uprisings: Downtown Cairo and the Fall of Mubarak
- The Emergence of Salafism in Tunisia
- What is a Virgin?
- خمس كاميرات مكسورة
- محمد الشمري: شوق
- #SudanRevolts: Halima's Testimony (Video)
- Cinematic Occupation
- On Defections and Developments in Syria: PBS NewsHour Interview with Bassam Haddad and David Lesch
- Saudi Campaign for Disabled Rights Interview on Sabah Al-Saudia (Video)
- Safe Streets Campaign in Yemen
- Call for Papers: Congress of Contemporary Research on the Middle East (Erlangen, Germany, 4-6 October 2012)
- Beirut Event: هذا البحر لي - This Sea is Mine (28 August - 8 September 2012)
- The Economic and Human Toll of Syria's Worsening Refugee Crisis: Democracy Now! Interview with Omar Dahi
- As Syria Free-Falls . . . A Return to the Basics (Part 1)
- Constructing the Self, Constructing the Other
- NEWTONs You Might Have Missed
- السلاح في العراق: موت صامت ...موت مباح
- Maghreb Media Roundup (August 30)
- The Future of Media in Egypt: An Interview with Hisham Kassem
- Syria Media Roundup (August 30)
- الأدب في زمن النفط: أيام الماعز
- Syria: Joint Rapid Food Security Needs Assessment
- Conference: Politics, Art, and Society - The Arab Uprisings of 2011 and After (28 September 2012, Cleveland, Ohio)
- Crisis in the Gulf and Oriental Architecture in the U.S.: Interviews with Toby Jones and Phil Pasquini
- Moroccan State Propaganda and the Western Saharan Conflict
- Adorning Afghan Walls
- The Echo Chamber of "Campus Anti-Semitism"
- “There Are No Civilians In Wartime.” Rachel Corrie’s Family Confronts The Israeli Military In Court
- Moroccan AFP Journalist Beaten and Harassed by Police in Rabat
- Masrah al-Share' (Theater of the Street): Suleiman, PhoFassad, and Jordan (In both Arabic and English)
- New Texts Out Now: Jason Brownlee, Democracy Prevention: The Politics of the US-Egyptian Alliance
- مغزى التصاريح الإسرائيليّة
- Gaza in 2020: A Liveable Place?
- Call for Papers: Islam, Political Islam, and Islamophobia (Bloomington, Indiana, 29-30 March 2013)
- لا لقرض الصندوق... لا للاستدانة باسم الشعب
- The Balkanisation of Syria: Myth or Reality?
- Kuwaiti Government Official Condemns Twitter
- Arabian Peninsula Media Roundup (August 28)
- Beirut Event: هذا البحر لي - This Sea is Mine (28 August - 8 September 2012)
- Egypt Media Roundup (August 27)
- The Love Affair with Erdogan (Part 1)
- Oil. Religion. Occupation. ... A Combustible Mix.
- O.I.L. Media Roundup (27 August)
- Anatomy of the US Targeted Killing Policy
- Last Week on Jadaliyya (Aug 20-26)
- InCABI Statement on India-Israel Free Trade Agreement
- على ظهر الحوت
- Call for Papers: Ready for Democracy? Religion and Political Culture in the Orthodox and Islamic Worlds (Bloomington, Indiana, 28 February - 2 March 2013)
- Egyptian Government Attempts to Suppress the Media
- Announcing the New Issue of Middle East Report Fall 2012
- فنر الحداد: الطائفية في العراق
- The Cultural Project of the Revolution
- الإخوان المسلمون: سنوات ما قبل الثورة
- Reports Roundup (August 25)
- The Economic and Human Toll of Syria's Worsening Refugee Crisis: Democracy Now! Interview with Omar Dahi
- Trying to Understand MUJWA
- Jordan's Current Political Opposition Movements and the Need for Further Research: An Interview with Tariq Tell (Part 2)
- Press Release: Bahrain Hires London and Washington-Based Companies to Improve Image
- Traveling Open Call for Palestinian Artists (30 August Deadline)
- النقش ُعلى مياهٍ تنكرُ صورتي
- حب رغم الزنزانة
- عندما يصبح تسييس القضاء ضمانة لاستقلاله: أفكار حول التجربة المصرية 1967-2012
- August Culture
- Portrait of America: Kehinde Wiley at the Jewish Museum
- An Excerpt from The Penguin's Song by Hassan Daoud
- Syria Media Roundup (August 23)
- Maghreb Media Roundup (August 23)
- Tunisian Constitution: Text and Context
- Amal Dunqul: Spartacus' Last Words
- Call for Papers: Mediterranean Research Meeting (Mersin, Turkey, 20-23 March 2013)
- Interview With Kuwaiti Filmmakers
- Ghassan Kanafani: The Symbol of the Palestinian Tragedy
- Back to the Table, Egypt and the IMF
- In the Arab World, Social Media Has Fast Developed into a Medium for the Masses
- Writing, Revolution, and Change in Syria: An Interview with Nihad Sirees
- Case Review: Pardoning Protestors against the Disengagement from Gaza
- Anamorphosis
- On the Nature of the Hashemite Regime and Jordanian Politics: An Interview with Tariq Tell (Part 1)
- Seam Zones Turn 50,000 Palestinians into "Internally Stuck Persons"
- From Resilience to Revolt: Making Sense of the Arab Spring
- The South Gathers in Tehran
- Divesting from All Occupations
- ما هو الاستعمار الاستيطاني؟
- The PhD's Job Crisis
- Joint Statement for the Release of Bahraini Human Rights Activists
- Call for Papers: Congress of Contemporary Research on the Middle East (Erlangen, Germany, 4-6 October 2012)
- An Invisible Nation: The Gulf’s Stateless Communities
- Arabian Peninsula Media Roundup (August 21)
- مأساة الكتب في مصر
- Last Week on Jadaliyya (Aug 13-19)
- Dark Humor Facebook Pages of the Syrian Opposition
- Aesthetic Politics: Iranian Performance and the Challenge of Modernity
- Egypt Media Roundup (August 20)
- الفيّاضيّة الجديدة
- Safe Streets Campaign in Yemen
- South African Government Discourages Citizens from Traveling to Israel
- Reports Roundup (August 18)
- Abdelilah Benkirane : du chef de gouvernement au simple petit fonctionnaire du Makhzen
- مرسي والانقلاب والثورة: قراءة بين الأسطر الحمراء
- The Emergence of Salafism in Tunisia
- Families of Kidnapped Lebanese in Syria Cut Off Access to the Airport in Beirut
- Frantz Fanon and the Arab Uprisings: An Interview with Nigel Gibson
- خمس كاميرات مكسورة
- Maghreb Media Roundup (August 16)
- Exile and Memory in Contemporary Western Armenian Literature
- ظاهرة حرق الدواليب تخترق قصور العدل: الحق في محضر العصبية
- Syria Media Roundup (August 16)
- عن الحلم الاجتماعي والأمن والفساد
- Sanctions Against Iranian Students in the Netherlands
- Call for Proposals: New Paradigms Factory (Deadline: 12 September 2012)
- Syria: Prospects for Intervention
- Morsy, the Coup and the Revolution: Reading between the Red Lines
- الرئيس مرسي وأخلاقيات النظافة
- Light at the End of their Tunnels? Hamas & the Arab Uprisings
- Arabian Peninsula Media Roundup (August 14)
- Imposition of National/Civil Service Requirement on Palestinian Arab Citizens of Israel: An Overview of Political Party Positions
- Syrian Refugee Photo Essay
- محمد الشمري: شوق
- Egypt Media Roundup (August 13)
- صواريخ ملونة لا تبعث على البهجة
- O.I.L. Media Roundup (13 August)
- US Pursues Return of Palestinian TV Station's Equipment
- Last Week on Jadaliyya (Aug 6 -12)
- Roundtable on the Language of Revolution in Egypt
- Roundtable on Language of Revolution: The Revolution Continues (present continuous) (Colla)
- Roundtable on Language of Revolution: The Revolution Continues…(Sabra)
- قصائد
- Saudi Arabia Between Conservatism, Accommodation, and Reform
- Reports Roundup (August 11)
- Time to Reject the Language of Coptic Victimhood
- #SudanRevolts: Halima's Testimony (Video)
- Soul Searching for the Roots of White Supremacist Terror in the United States
- حوار مع الروائي العراقي مرتضى گزار
- Cinematic Occupation
- Maghreb Media Roundup (August 9)
- CIA: KUBARK's Very Long Shadow
- Litigating the New Frontier in the War on Terror
- Syrian Inmate Describes Fatal Assault on Prisoners
- Pinkwatching And Pinkwashing: Interpenetration and its Discontents
- Syria Media Roundup (August 9)
- تأمّلات في بنيان درويشي: سرير الغريبة
- Mahmoud Darwish: At the Station of a Train Which Fell Off the Map
- New Texts Out Now: Khaled Furani, Silencing the Sea: Secular Rhythms in Palestinian Poetry
- أزمة اليمين في مصر: من مبارك إلى الإخوان
- Photos of War Torn Abyan, Southern Yemen
- Committee on Academic Freedom: Letter Concerning the Arrest and Detention of Muge Tuzcuoglu
- Interview with Representative of Sudan Change Now
- الفكر التقدمي في الإسلام المعاصر: نظرة نقدية
- On Defections and Developments in Syria: PBS NewsHour Interview with Bassam Haddad and David Lesch
- Arabian Peninsula Media Roundup (August 7)
- Understanding the Standoff in Mali
- Egypt Media Roundup (August 6)
- Jadaliyya Launches Arab (Tikram) Yoga Page, Courtesy of Qatar, Iran, and US Intelligence Services: The End of Angry Arabs
- Saudi Campaign for Disabled Rights Interview on Sabah Al-Saudia (Video)
- زوبعة "النمر" لم تكن في فنجان
- Last Week on Jadaliyya (July 30-Aug 5)
- Urbanism and the Arab Uprisings: Downtown Cairo and the Fall of Mubarak
- Concerning the Gulf: The Emirates Crackdown
- Maghreb Monthly Edition on Jadaliyya (July 2012)
- Jadaliyya Monthly Edition (July 2012)
- Month-by-Month Summary of Developments in Syria (Updated)
- Free Citizen Journalists in Sudan & Call for Videos
- زكريا محمد: ديانة مكة في الجاهلية: كتاب الحمس والطلس والحلة
- وقوع الغريب على نفسه
- (في نقد مبدأ (اتبرع.. ولو بجنيه
- Maghreb Media Roundup (August 2)
- Syria's Mutating Conflict
- Israel’s Nukes Derail U.S. Nonproliferation Goals
- يوم ودعنا البحر
- Syria Media Roundup (August 2)
- Weaponizing Tear Gas: Bahrain's Unprecedented Use of Toxic Chemical Agents Against Civilians
- Egypt Monthly Edition on Jadaliyya (July 2012)
- Iraq's Secular Opposition: The Rise and Decline of Al-Iraqiya
- العدودة القبطية القنائية