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Maghreb Media Roundup (August 16)


[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Maghreb and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Maghreb Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to maghreb@jadaliyya.com by Wednesday night of every week.]


Algerian president under pressure to sack generals, follow in Egypt’s footsteps  Massoud Hadna suggests that Mursi's actions have reignited desires to demilitarize the Algerian government.

Despite Calm, Algeria Keeps Its Focus on Terror in Tribal Areas Atef Qadadira describes the volatile security situation experienced in Kabylie, though he relies almost exclusively on official accounts.


Opinion: A Night to Remember in Libya Khadija Ali reflects on the historic August 8 transference ceremony.

Libya faces mental health crisis New research estimates that 40% of the "most conflict-affected populations could be suffering from PTSD," and that 200,000 citizens may also be experiencing depression.

How Sexualized Violence is Used as a Weapon of War The Women Under Siege Project dissects the rape and humiliation tactics used by the Gaddafi regime during the revolution.

Libya: The Fight For Women's Rights Goes On Mel Frykberg discusses the achievements of female candidates in the recent elections and the priorities most critical to the female electorate.

Libya: The Election of Magarief and National Reconciliation Karim Mezran highlights the subtleties missing from mainstream media analysis of GNC president Magariaf and his role in the new legislative body.


Mauritania: The People Want the End of Military Rule Ahmed Jadu highlights the varied calls for regime change from diverse civil society groups in Mauritania, including the Feb 25th Youth Movement and the Coordination of Democratic Opposition.

Slavery still shackles Mauritania, 31 years after its abolition Monica Mark chronicles the history and contemporary manifestations of slavery in Mauritania.

Mauritania: Using Twitter to Mock the President Ahmed Jadu explains  disapproving reactions to the president's appearance on the TV show "Encounter with the People."

Amnesty International Demands Mauritania Release Biram and Fellow Abolitionists  


Morocco: Students Demand Education Reform Hisham Al-Miraat describes the August 6 protest organized by the Union of Moroccan Students to Change the Education System.

Compte rendu du Démocafé de Rabat : « Système éducatif au Maroc » Review of the problems  and proposed reforms discussed at the Democafe on Morocco's educational system.

There’s More: A response to James Traub’s piece on Foreign Policy Samia Errazzouki challenges the conventional and obscured narrative of Morocco's contemporary political realities, as regurgitated in a recent Foreign Policy feature.

Morocco: Mistreatment Of Single Mothers Rana Sossey Alaoui describes the self-immolation of Fedwa Laroui as a product of chronic social and administrative discrimination.


Les Tunisiennes manifestent pour leurs droits Monia Ghanmi interviews rights organizations involved in the protest against a recently passed constitutional amendment that ascribes women as complimentary to men.

Tunisia’s New Constitution : A Look From Within Myriam Ben Ghazi highlights the most pivotal processes of decision making in Tunisia's ongoing constitutional process.

Eyes on Tunisia Al Jazeera assembles citizen reactions to Olympic medalist Habiba Ghribi's attire in light of the contentious constitutional amendment that seems to devalue women.


الرقاب: اضراب جوع احتجاجا على ايقافات 9 أوت
Sizi Bouzid activists launch a hunger strike to protest the arrest of demonstrators on August 9 (video).

كلام شارع: التونسي و المساواة التامة بين الرجل و المراة
Conversations with Tunisian citizens regarding the role of men and women in society (video).

Recent Jadaliyya Articles on the Maghreb

Maghreb Media Roundup (August 9)
Maghreb Monthly Edition on Jadaliyya (July 2012)
Dissent in Morocco: Not All for One
Neither Allah, Nor Master
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