[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Egypt and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Egypt Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to egypt@jadaliyya.com by Sunday night of every week.]
“UPDATE 2: Morsi retires top army leaders; amends 2011 Constitutional Declaration; appoints vice president”
Mohamed Tantawi and Sami Anan are sent into retirement and substituted by respectively by Abdel Fatah El-Sisi and Sedky Sobhy.
“Sinai attacks may stoke Egypt-Israel tensions”
Linda Heard says recent attacks in Sinai will force the Egyptian president to ask Israel for permission to deploy more troops along the border.
“On the attacks in Sinai”
Issandr El Amrani goes over the events of the Sinai attack and its consequences for Egypt.
“The Changing of Egypt’s Guard”
Intelligence chief Murad Muwafi might have been dismissed for suggesting that the army is to blame for the recent Sinai attacks.
“Confiscation of Dostour newspaper raises fears over freedom of the press”
Giza court orders confiscation of new issues after lawsuits are filed by the Muslim Brotherhood against the newspaper.
“Israeli soldiers preemptively arrest African migrants in Egyptian territory”
Dodging efforts of Israeli rights organizations to stop migrants’ mistreatment, the Israeli army has started detaining them before they reach Israeli territory.
“Egypt’s scapegoat for the Sinai attack”
David Ignatius says the general who was sacked over the attacks in Sinai was the one the US, Israel and Europe actually trusted.
“Where have you been when the lights went down in Cairo !?”
Zenobia comments on the worsening power outage crisis in Egypt.
“Egypt authorities silence conservative TV host Okasha, for now”
Following a lawsuit filed by the Muslim Brotherhood, Tawfiq Okasha is forced to shut down.
“Something wrong with the wires”
Youssef Rakha gives a short but meaningful overview of this year’s Ramadan drama series Egyptians are watching.
“The rise of the thugs”
Rana Allam feels that Cairo is safe despite rising number of crime reports in the country.
“Germany warns of Egyptian Salafi base”
A German intelligence official says a banned German Salafi group might be operating on Egyptian territory.
“Qandil’s faux independents”
Ahmed Aboul Enein says many of the “technocratic” ministers in the new cabinet are old guards of Mubarak’s regime who already have a record of mismanagement in their former positions.
“New committee formed to address labor strikes”
The committee will include representatives from the ministries of interior, manpower and industry, as well as members of the Egyptian Trade Union Federation.
“UPDATED: Egyptian troops strike hard in North Sinai after multiple attacks”
Fighting along the border with Gaza continues, as Egyptian army steps up campaign in North Sinai.
“Egypt president's absence from military funeral draws fire from critics”
President Morsi receives criticism for not attending Sinai victims’ funeral, while activists and Muslim Brotherhood figures are attacked at the funeral procession.
“Egypt’s Intelligence Services Promotes Naiveté”
Sarah El-Sirgany comments on head of intelligence saying he had information about the attack in Sinai but did not think it would happen during Ramadan.
“Egypt Presidential Election Maps: Upper Egypt Districts Part Two”
Eric Schewe presents a detailed map of election results by district for Upper Egypt.
“Egypt's Youth Grapple With Love-Hate Relationship With US”
A translation of Amina Khairy’s article on how different youth groups in Egypt are changing their attitude towards the US.
In Arabic:
“تصاعد الدعوات لمليونية24 أغسطس ضـد الإخوان”
Some political forces call for protests against the Muslim Brotherhood scheduled for August 24.
“إخوانوفوبيا أم إخوانوليبيا”
Hazem Abd El-Azeem criticizes the political opponents of the Muslim Brotherhood, saying they are attacking the organization at the expense of their initial opposition to the previous regime.
“دع القلق وابدأ المشاكل”
Amr Ezzat answers to the pressing questions many Egyptians right now are asking about the state of the revolution and the recent incidents of violence.
“وزير الداخلية يصدر حركة تنقلات تشمل العديد من القيادات الأمنية”
The recent attack in Sinai results in changes in important posts in the Ministry of Interior.
“«الشروق» تنشر أسماء رؤساء تحرير الصحف القومية الجدد”
Al-Shorouq publishes the names of the new editors-in-chief of state print publications.
من قتل الجنود المصريين في سيناء؟
Tamer Wagih rejects conspiracy theories on who stands behind the Sinai attack and reasons out the facts.
“«الحرية والعدالة» يطالب «التأسيسية» بإلغاء المجلس الأعلى للصحافة”
The Muslim Brotherhood suggests that the Press Committee in the Shura Council should be disbanded.
“اليوم.. المحكمة العسكرية بالسويس تصدر حكمها بقضية الناشط باسم محسن”
Military trials continue against protesters, as the court in Suez is expected to pronounce a verdict on Bassem Mohsen’s case.
Recent Jadaliyya articles on Egypt
Roundtable on Language of Revolution: The Revolution Continues (present continuous) (Colla)
Elliott Colla discusses the language aspect of the discussion on whether Egypt is experiencing a revolution or not.
Roundtable on Language of Revolution: The Revolution Continues…(Sabra)
Adam Sabra argues the events following January 25 constitute a revolution.
Time to Reject the Language of Coptic Victimhood
Paul Sedra talks about the consequences of the 1952 Revolution for the Copts and the necessity for their political initiative.
أزمة اليمين في مصر: من مبارك إلى الإخوان
Amr Adly discusses the current and future presence of neoliberalism in the economic policies of the Muslim Brotherhood.