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O.I.L. Media Roundup (13 August)


 [This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Occupation, Intervention, and Law and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the O.I.L. Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each biweekly roundup to OIL@jadaliyya.com by Monday night of every other week] 


"Egypt Demands Release of Its Citizen from Guantanamo", Cindy Galway Buys
The International Law Professors Blog reports that the Egyptian government has formally requested the release of the sole Egyptian held in Guantanamo Bay, alleged al-Qaeda operative Tariq Mahmoud Ahmed al-Sawah.

"New US Sanctions on Myanmar and Iran", AFP
The United States has announced a new round of sanctions designed to target links between Hezbollah and the governments of Iran and Syria, a move inspired by the recent bloodshed in Syria.

"Israeli and Egyptian militaries jointly operating in the Sinai to arrest migrants", Allison Deger
Israeli forces are conducting operations in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, coordinating with the Egyptian military to arrest African asylum seekers and turn them in to Egyptian authorities, often resorting to dubious tactics such as deceiving would-be refugees into thinking they are already inside Israel.  Notably, Egypt is denying their role in the joint operations, while Israel is alleged to have banned journalists in the country from writing about a report on the operations.

"Report: TSA officers say Boston airport program to flag terrorists encourages racial profiling", AP
A program at Boston's Logan International designed to flag terrorists based on the mannerisms of passengers has led to "rampant racial profiling"--not just of Middle Easterners, but also of Hispanics and blacks who fit a number of profiles.

"Lebanon indicts Syrians as bomb plot uncovered", Reuters
Lebanon's military prosecutor has issued an indictment of Michael Samaha, a Lebanese politician, and Ali Adnan and General Ali Mamlouk, two Syrian military officers, accusing the three of membership in a plot to detonate bombs in Lebanon with the aim of inciting sectarian violence.


"Obama’s Counterterror Chief: What War in Yemen?", Spencer Ackerman
Ackerman examines a recent talk by Obama counterterrorism adviser John Brennan at the Council of Foreign Relations, arguing that while the facts on the ground of Yemen clearly indicate that the United States is "embroiling itself in a foreign civil war", Brennan misleadingly characterizes the United States' presence as a large development effort.

"In Kiobel brief, scholars provide comparative law perspective on Alien Tort Statute extraterritoriality", Vivan Grosswald
Grosswald and other scholars seek to respond to a concern of several justices at February's oral arguments in the case of Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. that the United States would violate international law by allowing extraterritorial application to the ATS, on the grounds that it would be the only country to have recognized civil liability for human rights violations committed overseas.  


"What Is the Real Terrorist Threat in America?", Steve Coll
In light of the Gurdwara shooting, Coll points out that, statistically, domestic terrorism at the hands of non-ideological deranged killers or anti-government extremists or white supremacists is more frequent and more deadly than that of Islamic militancy.  Coll wonders aloud why these statistics aren't more widely publicized and why the public discussion of terrorism isn't more informed by these statistics.

"The Palestine Romney Doesn't Know", Zahi Khouri
Criticizes Mitt Romney's comments that "culture makes all the difference" between Israel and Palestine's economies, writing that "Palestinians living under Israel's brutal occupation share the same culture and proudly claim the same remarkable achievements."

"Break Free of U.S.-Israel Shadow", Vijay Prashard and Prabir Purkhaystha
In an op-ed for the Hindu Times, Prashard and Purkhaystha argue that in light of the Arab Spring's changes to the "political topography of the Middle East", India must cease backing the Israeli Occupation and throw it's political support behind Boycott/Divestment/Sanctions efforts and the statehood aspirations of the Palestinians.


"The International Commission of Inquiry on Libya: A Critical Analysis", Kevin Jon Heller
Kevin Jon Heller provides a critical assessment of the International Commission of Inquiry on Libya established by the UN Human Rights Council, judging whether the commission was satisfactorily independent and impartia, and whether its legal conclusions withstand analysis.  

"Transcript of John Brennan’s Speech on Yemen and Drones"
Lawfare provides a transcript of Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism John O. Brennan's talk at the Council on Foreign Relations, discussing the United States' targeted killing activities in Yemen.

Conference Compendium

"Refiguring the 1970s: New  Narratives in U.S. and International History"; 26-27 April 2013; University of Chicago; Send proposals here.

"International law and Capitalism"; August 2012; University of Helsinki, Finland; Register here.

"Islam, Political Islam, and Islamophobia: An International Conference"; 29-30 March 2012; Indiana University, Bloomington; Register here.

On Jadaliyya

"أپاچي", Sinan Antoon

"The Unfinished Story of Iraq's Oil Law: An Interview with Greg Muttitt", Ali Issa

"Palestinian Politics: Representation and Accountability (Lecture)", Noura Erakat

"Cinematic Occupation", Sadia Shirazi

"Litigating the New Frontier in the War on Terror", Lisa Hajjar

"Pinkwatching And Pinkwashing: Interpenetration and its Discontents", Jasbir Puar and Maya Mikdashi

"New Texts Out Now: Khaled Furani, Silencing the Sea: Secular Rhythms in Palestinian Poetry", Khaled Furani

"Israel’s Nukes Derail U.S. Nonproliferation Goals", Victor Kattan

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