This is a selection of what you might have missed on Jadaliyya during the month of July 2012. It also includes the most recent videos and the most read articles. Progressively, we will be featuring more content on our Monthly Edition series, and we will have a page dedicated to all roundups.
- Asad Apologists: The Ostrich Syndrome
- What is Settler Colonialism?
- My 50 Minutes with Manaf
- Against Orthodoxy: The Story of Alawi Origins
- رقصات طائفية على أشلاء الشهداء في القطيف
- The Idiot's Guide to Fighting Dictatorship in Syria While Opposing Military Intervention
- Morsi, SCAF, and the Revolutionary Left
- Imperialistic Sins
- Children and non-Muslims Only
- The Pendulum Swings & A New Era Has Begun: Presbyterian Church (USA) Endorses Boycott, Splits on Divestment
- Employees of Gulf of Aden Ports Corporation Protest (Video)
- Racism and Segregation at Lebanese Beaches (Video)
- Slain Filmmaker Bassel Shahade: "It's very dangerous to hold a camera around this country" (Video)
- Syrian Cartoonist Ali Ferzat: 'They broke my hands to stop me from drawing Assad' (Video)
- The Magic Of Your Eyes: Rima Khcheich Pays Tribute to Sabah
- Palestinian Politics: Representation and Accountability (Lecture)
- Bulgaria Bombing Catches Country Unprepared
- أپاچي
- Debate Over Open Data in Yemen
- Dissent in Morocco: Not All for One
- Arabian Peninsula Media Roundup (July 31)
- Syria Monthly Edition on Jadaliyya (July 2012))
- خمسون دقيقة مع مناف طلاس
- رومني وزيارة هنيّة للقاهرة
- فواحش الأديان وصوامد الإنسان: الأديان تحاكم مستقبلها
- O.I.L. Media Roundup (30 July)
- Egypt Media Roundup (July 30)
- Last Week on Jadaliyya (July 23-29)
- Neither Allah, Nor Master
- The Identity of Al-Azhar and Its Doctrine
- Beirut Event: Public Meeting on Arab Feminist Knowledge Production (29 July 2012)
- Employees of Gulf of Aden Ports Corporation Protest (Video)
- Morocco Reforms: Criminalizing Dissent
- Campaign Against the Prawer Plan: Learn and Take Action
- Reports of Cluster Munitions Use in Syria
- مصطفى كامل والعثمانية القديمة
- My 50 Minutes with Manaf
- Press Release: UK Company Helps Bahrain Government Spy on Activists
- Maghreb Media Roundup (July 26)
- أزمة الكهرباء في العراق...عقود ووعود وما خفي أعظم
- New Texts Out Now: James Gelvin, The Arab Uprisings: What Everyone Needs to Know
- Syria Media Roundup (July 26)
- No Comment
- رقصات طائفية على أشلاء الشهداء في القطيف
- Against Orthodoxy: The Story of Alawi Origins
- Arabian Peninsula Media Roundup (July 24)
- Palestinian Politics: Representation and Accountability (Lecture)
- Syrian Refugees: Anxious Neighbors Stretched Thin
- The Unfinished Story of Iraq's Oil Law: An Interview with Greg Muttitt
- Apache
- نقاش الحرية الجنسية في المغرب بين الحقوقي والسياسي
- Roundtable on the Language of Revolution in Egypt
- The Language of Revolution in Egypt: A Response to Stacher and Springborg
- Transnational Discourses of Power, Revolutions, and Uprisings
- عرائس الموت في اليمن
- Why the Language of Truth Matters
- Why the Language of Revolution Matters
- Mainstream Media Coverage on Tunisia: Short, Bittersweet, and Overly Deficient
- Responding to "The Atlantic" Smear on Mondoweiss
- Iraq: Cybercrimes Law Violates Free Speech
- Last Week on Jadaliyya (July 16-22)
- Egypt Media Roundup (July 23)
- Euphémiser la domination, ce qu'une première page nous apprend sur le régime algérien
- UN Committee Against Torture Releases List of Issues for Israel
- Damascus Developments [Updated]
- Children and non-Muslims Only
- The Revolution in Permanence
- Amnesty International Condemns Sentencing of Omani Activists
- Imperialistic Sins
- IFEX Tunisia Monitoring Group Expresses Concern Over Closing of Media Reform Body
- العمال المصريون، من الإتهام بالفئوية إلى الإتهام بالعمالة
- Beyond Libya's Election
- Syrian Refugees: Lessons from Other Conflicts and Possible Policies
- فلسطينيو سورية والثورة السورية
- Maghreb Media Roundup (July 19)
- تحت شمس ذاكرة أخرى
- The Brotherhood's One Percent
- In Translation: The Revolutionary Youth Coalition's Final Report
- Spotlights on "The Egyptian Revolution, One Year On"
- Syria Media Roundup (July 19)
- Greater Israel Bus Connections & Across the Wall
- Visualizing Palestine on Jadaliyya!
- War Against Activists: Coopting "Justice" and the Lack of Judicial Independence
- Victimizing the Employer: Gulf Media's Backward Reporting
- Al-Haq: Legal Memorandum on State Responsibility in Relation to Israel’s Illegal Settlement Enterprise
- On the 60th Anniversary of the Coup
- Alliance for Kurdish Rights: Fire Isn't Turkey's Biggest Problem When It Comes to Prisons
- Arabian Peninsula Media Roundup (July 17)
- Beyond US Exceptionalism: Stephen Walt and America's "Core Values"
- What is Settler Colonialism?
- Symbolism in Peril
- ذلك البيت الذي بناه أبي
- Last Week on Jadaliyya (July 9-15)
- Pro-Palestine Ads at Metro-North Stations Stir Controversy
- Egypt Media Roundup (July 16)
- Reflections on a Lifetime of Engagement with Zionism, the Palestine Question, and American Empire: An Interview with Noam Chomsky
- An Open Letter to the President of Republic of Sudan
- On the ADC, Arab-American Community, and Empowerment
- O.I.L. Media Roundup (16 July)
- أي تحالف اجتماعي يحكم مصر ما بعد الثورة؟
- The Rise of Egypt's Workers
- Kuwait: Bidoun Nationality Demands Can't Be Silenced
- Meeting Essam Sharaf: Time for Truth and Reconciliation?
- ملاحظات على هامش التحقيق في قمع المظاهرات
- Yemen: Enduring Conflicts, Threatened Transition
- The Magic Of Your Eyes: Rima Khcheich Pays Tribute to Sabah
- Racism and Segregation at Lebanese Beaches (Video)
- مناف طلاس ... إنشقاق أم هروب!
- J Street and Americans for Peace Now Biggest Losers in the Presbyterian Church (USA) Battle Over Divestment
- The Pendulum Swings & A New Era Has Begun: Presbyterian Church (USA) Endorses Boycott, Splits on Divestment
- Huda Asfour: Back and Forth to Beirut
- Letter to EU High Representative on the EU-GCC Ministerial Meeting
- Syria Media Roundup (July 12)
- Maghreb Media Roundup (July 12)
- Jadaliyya Monthly Edition (June 2012)
- Nous n’avons jamais été aussi corrompus (?)
- Maghreb on Jadaliyya: June 2012 Edition
- Egypt on Jadaliyya: June 2012 Edition
- "The Jews of Our Time?": Israel's Deportation of the South Sudanese
- Will Syria Cause a Divorce Between Iran and Turkey?
- نظرة على الآفاق والتحديات التي تواجه انتفاضة جديدة في السودان
- Academics Call on EU Commission to Exclude Israeli Companies from EU-Funded Research
- BDS at 7: Celebrating, Reflecting, and Further Mainstreaming
- Committee to Protect Journalists Condemns Recent Attacks on Palestinian Journalists
- Call for Papers: Short Papers on Youth Movements for Social Change / Youth Organizations (25 July Deadline)
- New Texts Out Now: Akram Khater, Embracing the Divine: Gender, Passion, and Politics in the Christian Middle East
- Human Rights Watch Calls for Due Process for Detained Libyan Ex-Prime Minister
- Call for Papers: The Elections of the Revolution - From the Street to the Ballot Box (Cairo, 15 July Deadline)
- Asad Apologists: The Ostrich Syndrome
- Libyan Elections: An Overview
- Call for Papers: "Inverted Worlds" - Congress on Cultural Motion in the Arab Region (Beirut, 15 July Deadline)
- Arabian Peninsula Media Roundup (July 10)
- Return of Egypt People's Assembly Dogged by Legal, Constitutional Ambiguity
- President's Reinstatement of Egypt Parliament Met with Praise, Indignation
- دور الرأسمال الاستثماري الخاص في التنمية المحلية الشاملة أو: البحث عن "برجوازية وطنية" فلسطينية
- Birzeit University President's Response to CAF Letter Regarding Professor Musa Budeiri
- Egypt Media Roundup (July 9)
- Al-Haq and Diakonia Seminar--"Annexation Wall: Lessons Learned and Future Strategy"
- Last Week on Jadaliyya (July 2-8)
- خيارات المصريين بين بلاغة الثورة وأكاذيب النظام
- Artist Call: NEWSFEED: Anonymity & Social Media in African Revolutions and Beyond (New York, 16 July Deadline)
- غسان كنفاني رمز التراجيديا الفلسطينية
- البوستر السياسي السوري .. الكلمة في وجه الرصاصة
- Slain Filmmaker Bassel Shahade: "It's very dangerous to hold a camera around this country" (Video)
- Call for Participants: Arab Feminist Knowledge Production Meeting (Beirut, 27-31 July 2012)
- Syrian Cartoonist Ali Ferzat: 'They broke my hands to stop me from drawing Assad' (Video)
- Borders and Bobbing Heads: Postcoloniality and Algeria's Fiftieth Anniversary of Independence
- AUB President Responds to Criticisms of 2012 Honorary Degree Recipient Selection
- هل إنتهى سراب الترويكا: حول تسليم البغدادي
- The Palestinian Authority, UNESCO, and the Illusion of Triumph
- ضاحي بن خلفان أو يوحنا الخليجي صارخاً بالرياح
- Youth and Citizenship in the Digital Era: Critique of an Emerging Phenomenon
- The Forcible Transfer of the Palestinian People from the Jordan Valley
- Syria Media Roundup (July 5)
- القرآن ـ جزء من أوروبا؟
- Committee on Academic Freedom: Letters Concerning Professor Musa Budeiri and Gaza Students' Right to Study in the West Bank
- Maghreb Media Roundup (July 5)
- The Muslim Brotherhood and the Military: A New Deal?
- #Algeria50th
- NEWTONs You Might Have Missed
- Surviving Massacre: Hagop Arsenian’s Armenian Journey to Jerusalem, 1915-1916
- Guilt, Property, and Sustaining Settler Consciousness in Palestine
- Arabian Peninsula Media Roundup (July 3)
- Syria on Jadaliyya: June 2012 Edition
- المعارضة السورية تطالب أمريكا بتسليحها وتجاوز مخاوفها من الإسلاميين
- Pouvoir and Agency
- لماذا لا يستطيع الشهرودي أن يخلف السيستاني
- Chaos in Kuwait: Politics as Usual?
- Egypt Media Roundup (July 2)
- Last Week on Jadaliyya (June 25-July 1)
- O.I.L. Media Roundup (2 July)
- Morsi, SCAF, and the Revolutionary Left
- The President, SCAF, and the Future of Egypt: Interview with Sarah Sirgany
- Egypt After the Election: An Interview with Mona El-Ghobashy and Joshua Stacher