[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Egypt and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Egypt Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to egypt@jadaliyya.com by Sunday night of every week.]
“Abouel Fotouh: Boycotting elections could facilitate fraud”
Former presidential candidate Abd El-Moneim Abou al-Fotouh says his campaign will decide between backing Mohamed Morsy and invalidating votes for the run-off.
“Brotherhood lawyer: 1.5 million military, police personnel listed as voters in first round”
Abdel Moneim Abdel Maqsoud, legal adviser to Mohamed Morsy’s campaign, says the number of military and police voting in the run-off will double.
“Egypt's army ends deadlock on constituent assembly”
SCAF announces that the Parliament will meet June 12 to elect a new Constituent Assembly.
“The need for self-criticism after the first round”
Ashraf El-Sherif explores the reasons behind failures of different groups during the first round of the presidential elections.
“FJP, Nour reject Shafiq’s accusations of killing demonstrators”
The Freedom and Justice Party and Al-Nour Party rejected Ahmed Shafiq’s allegations that they were involved in killing protesters during on February 2, 2011
“Update: SCAF to set Constituent Assembly criteria if parties fail to agree”
SCAF says it will issue a new constitutional declaration if he Parliament fails to set the criteria for the formation of the Constituent Assembly.
“Egypt secret police files shine light on murky world”
More than a year after state security offices were stormed, the fate of personal files that activists found inside is still unknown.
“The History of Violence”
Salama Moussa says the history of violence is in Egypt is an important concern that voters have going into the presidential elections.
“Updated: Broad satisfaction over Egypt's Constituent Assembly deal”
Agreement is reached over the composition of the new Constituent Assembly, which will be divided equally between Islamists and non-Islamists.
“Shafiq country: Why Morsi lost Egypt's Delta”
Gregg Carlstrom investigates the reason behind Ahmed Shafiq’s popularity in Sharqiya governorate, the birthplace of his opponent – Mohamed Morsi.
“Sore Losers”
Wael Eskander says Hamdeen Sabahy and Abd El-Moneim Abou El-Fotouh contesting election results does not mean they are unable to face electoral defeat.
“What do Egyptians expect from justice?”
Results from a survey show that Egyptians are keenly interested in the trials of former regime officials and expect more than just “guilty” verdicts.
“The Strategic Direction of the Egyptian Revolution”
Tarek Osman says the Egyptian Revolution would either succumb to populism or see some of its leaders put the foundations for sustainable and lasting change.
“Brotherhood presidential candidate Mursi attempts to mollify women's fears “
Mohamed Morsi says he would not change laws on women’s rights if he becomes president.
“BREAKING: Court to assess Disenfranchisement Law on 14 June”
The Egyptian Constitutional Court has scheduled a hearing for the Disenfranchisement Law aimed at preventing former regime officials from running in the presidential elections.
“Giza court acquits 13 policemen on charges of killing protesters”
The Giza Criminal Court finds thirteen policemen not guilty of killing protesters in the neighborhoods of Imbaba and Kerdasa on Jan 28-29, 2011.
“Six injured in Monufiya after fight over Ahmed Shafiq poster”
A fight erupts between families after an attempt to display a poster of presidential candidate Ahmed Shafiq.
“ElBaradei: The real battle is to write constitution, cancel election”
Mohamed ElBaradei says he supports the protesters in Tahrir Square and will hold a meeting with the revolutionary youth.
“South Sinai police organize protest after attack”
Police in South Sinai walk out on a protest after an attack that leaves one officer dead and several injured.
“Debates around the second round of the Egyptian presidential elections”
Café Thawra criticizes the decision of the Revolutionary Socialists to back Mohamed Morsy in the presidential run-off.
In Arabic:
“ننجو أو نهلك جميعـًا”
Ibrahim El-Hodeiby says that consensus between the Muslim Brotherhood and the other political forces needs to be reached so that the country would not fall in the hands of the former regime.
“إجهاض ثورة «العوانس والمطلقات» بسؤال «إيه إللي نزلهن التحرير؟!» عيب!”
Amina Khairy talks about recent cases of harassment against women protesters in Cairo.
“رفعت السعيد: الثورات العربية «وراءها جهات خارجية» تسعى لـ«نشر الفوضى»”
The Head of Tagammu Party says foreign forces tried to spread chaos during the Arab Uprising; calls on Egyptians not to boycott the elections.
“مشروع قانون «إخواني» لزيادة رواتب ضباط الجيش 400٪”
The Freedom and Justice Party has proposed a law to restructure and increase 4-fold salaries of military officers.
"اللجان القانونية لحملات د.أبوالفتوح وصباحيّ وعليّ: مليون صوت باطلة ولجنة تصويتية تصل الأصوات فيها إلى 81 ألف من أصل 43 ألف فقط يحقّ لهم الحق وزيادة ما يقرب من 50%"
The campaigns of Abd El-Moneim Abou El-Fotouh, Khalid Ali, and Hamdeen Sabahy issue a joint statement on violations of the first round of elections.
“مفاجأة: «المفوضين» توصي ببطلان إحالة العليا للانتخابات «العزل» للدستورية”
The Committee of delegations of the Constitutional Court Law of Disenfranchisement might revoke the decision of the Supreme Electoral Commission not to implement it.
“سلامٌ على خالد”
Amr Hadi commemorates two years of the death of Khalid Said.
“ساويرس: يجب احترام الانتخابات وأرفض المجلس الرئاسى.. وتأييد الأقباط لشفيق بسبب مدنية الدولة”
Egyptian businessman Naguib Sawiris says the results of the presidential elections should be respected.
“خذلته النيابة في جمع الدلائل... وأهمل هو شهادات الشهود ودفاتر التسليح: هذا ما اطمئنت له عقيدة أحمد رفعت!”
Lawyer Hoda Nasrallah says mistakes of the prosecution led to the disappointing outcome of the Hosni Mubarak trial.
“مذكرة إخوانية تتهم الشاطر بعرقلة التوافق مع القوى الوطنية”
Leading members of the Muslim Brotherhood accuse Khairat El-Shater of obstructing consensus negotiations with other political forces.
Recent Jadaliyya articles on Egypt:
Roundtable: The Presidential Poll, Unpacked
Protests in Tahrir; Drones in Turkey's Skies
Tahrir Protests Continue (Photos and Video)
Beejo and Oum Loubna: About Mubarak (In both Arabic and English)
Saeeds of Revolution: De-Mythologizing Khaled Saeed