[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Syria and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Syria Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to syria@jadaliyya.com by Monday night of every week]
Regional and International perspectives
Syria’s Kurds: Part of the Revolution? Thomas McGee on the politicization of the Kurdish youth in Syria
The Digital Arms Trade Jillian C. York on Obama’s executive order that prevents facilitating human rights abuses through the sale of “spyware” to the Syrian and Iranian regimes.
The Syria Course and the New International Balances Wassim Raad on the "global cold war climate" that emerged out of the Syrian uprising
Solving Syria: a path to peace? Johan Galtung argues that there is no single solution for solving the Syrian crisis.
More than just a pawn in a game? Chess chief's bold move to visit Assad Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, the President of the World Chess Federation and a Russian politician pays a ‘timely’ visit to Bashar al-Assad.
New Texts Out Now: Roger Owen, The Rise and Fall of Arab Presidents for Life Roger Owen discusses his latest book, a timely publication shedding light on the power structures surrounding the Arab Presidents for life.
Principled Intervention in Syria Adil E. Shamoo’s utopian scenario for an intervention in Syria
Imperialism and the Left
Don’t Let Syria Become Libya Hamid Dabashi on the “grotesque geography of imperial domination” preventing Syria to liberate itself.
The Plague of War in Syria Tarak Barkawi considers war to be a “state of being” rather than an instrument of policy.
Syria Regime Change: United Nations Duplicity, Kofi Annan and Diplomats Wives Felicity Arbuthnot’s fierce criticism of Western diplomacy.
An Imperialist Springtime: Libya, Syria and Beyond: Samir Amid Interviewed by Aijaz Ahmad Samir Amid on those uprisings which the U.S. and its allies took “the initiative of initiating.”
"No Trust" Regarding US Role in the Syrian Uprising: Bassam Haddad on Al-Jazeera's "Min Washington"
On Syrian narratives
Free Syrian Army Struggles to Survive Amid Charges that It’s Executing Opponents On extrajudicial killings performed by regime opponents.
Syria: The Silent Majority Expands Anas Zarzar argues that the new neutral majority is what can “save Syria from extremism on both sides.”
New Illusion, Old Mindset Sawsan Zakzak on three factors that prevent electoral competition in Syria.
Bullets and Home-made Bombs The Economist blatantly trying to legitimize the Free Syrian Army’s need for lethal equipment to fight the Assad regime.
Art and social media
After Daraa; Syrian Art Today Maymanah Farhat’s insightful comment on the transformations of the Syrian local art scene since the beginning of the Syrian Revolution
Policy and Reports
Numbers and Locations of People Fleeing the Violence in Syria Mapping of Syrians’ displacement within and outside Syria
Arguments on Safe Havens in Syria Turkey’s Center for Middle Eastern and Strategic Studies released this report providing a purely geostrategic analysis on potential locations for safe havens in Syria.
المعارضة السورية ، أهمية العمل من الداخل
Munir Darwish argues that it is important for the opposition to shift its focus on working internally, rather than internationally, on relieving the situation in Syria.
سورية: خطر التقسيم والنزاع على اقليم “الجزيرة”
Sulaiman Yousef: the threat of Secession and division in Syria and the fate of the Kurds in the country.
الطاقة وأبعاد الصراع على سوريا
Ziad Hafez offers an economic explanation of Russia's stance on the situation in Syria based on energy.
Wesam Abdallah argues for the importance of defining and shedding meaning to the notions and concepts that are rising from the current situation in Syria.
اللاذقية..أسماء المرشحين البعثيين لمجلس الشعب ومناصبهم وعودة "الإقطاع البعثي"
Eyad Khalil presents the names of the Baathist nominees for the Syrian People's Council upcoming elections and argues for the reemergence of the "Baathist Sector"s
Fawwaz Traboulsi offers his take on the role of the Arab Left during the time of revolutions.
نزار قباني و'حشيش' الديمقراطية
Subhi Hadid commemorates the anniversary of the death of the Syrian Poet Nizar Qabbani and the influence and role of his poetry during the 50s in Syria.
واشنطن والنظام السوري: حقوق إنسان أم انتفاضة شعب؟
Subhi Hadidi: the main reason behind the Syrian regime's prevalence is the support its receiving from the United States.
Haytham al-Maleh presents an account of the lives and opinions of those politicians and activists who fled Syria in the 60s.