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Maghreb Media Roundup (July 9)


[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Maghreb and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Maghreb Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to maghreb@jadaliyya.com by Tuesday night of every week]


Tourisme : Le plan de Amar Ghoul ne convainc pas les jeunes: The Minister of Tourism Amar Ghoul announces a plan to bolster Algeria’s minimal tourist industry through the expansion of accommodation services and transportation to attract the young generation. 

Algeria: Air Algerie Receives 3rd A330-200 Airbus Air Algerie received its third Airbus as part of its fleet-renewal program set to extend until the end of 2016. 

Daho Djerbal, historien : « L’Algérie n’a pas besoin de reconnaissance » des crimes coloniaux Daho Djerbal discusses collective and state history of the 8 May Massacre anniversary.

الغنوشي في الجزائر: رسائل طمأنة Rashid al-Ghannushi visits Algeria to discuss security and tourism relations and strategies.

شهادة التعليم المتوسط دورة 2015 After some delay and questions over internal cheating, ENCY-Education released the results of the BEM secondary education exams and the high school Baccalaureat exams.

Algeria's Islamist Revival Dalia Ghanem-Yazbeck writes for the Carnegie Middle East Center on Algerian Islamism and the State.

France, Spain and Portugal look to unlock Algeria gas exports: Christian Oliver in Brussels and Tobias Buck in Madrid write for the Financial Times on the importance of increased gas exports to the European Union in relation to Russian pipelines.


Numbers of internally displaced in Libya double since September - UNHCR UNHCR news report on the increasing number of internally displaced Libyan population (IDPs). Now estimated to 434,000, the number of IDPs throughout the country doubled since September 2014; stalling peace-negotiations and ongoing fighting prevent the return of IDPs to their communities.   

Salwa Bugaighis:  A loss of a nation Azza K. Maghur remembers fellow human rights lawyer and political rights activist Salwa Bugaighis, a year after her murder in Benghazi. 

Emails to Hillary contradict French tale on Libya war "Ex-CIA source says French Intel service 'created' Libyan rebel group in fight against Moammar Gadhafi."

Another Day After for Libya Blogger Emadeddin Muntasser's suggestions for better political and economic outcomes in Libya.


(أولاد لبلاد توجه رسالة “هيب هوبية” للشعب الموريتاني (فيديو Taqadoumy presents Awlad Lblad, a Mauritanian hip-hop group’s latest message criticizing president Abedel Aziz’s regime and the Société Nationale Industrielle et Minière.

La lutte contre le racisme et l’esclavage en Mauritanie : Un délit en Mauritanie Soninkldees-j’o reviews human right injustices against anti-slavery activists jailed since November of last year after Djiby Sow entered into critical condition requiring surgery. 

الموريتانيات يندّدن بالمد التكفيري وبتساهل السلطات مع المتطرفين Amina Bint Al-Mokhtarand other female activists are subject to Takfiri rhetoric, while other Mauritanian activists have announced their support for the female activists. 

رئيس الحزب الحاكم : المطالبون باحترام حرية التعبير مغيبون عن الإدراك The president of Mauritania’s leading political party, Mohammad Oueld Muham, comments on journalist's calls for extensions on freedom of expression.

 أنصار الدين تنفى تهديدها للأراضى الموريتانية Sahara Media reviews Mauritanian response to threats issued by Ansar Eddine and their recent activity in Mali.


Expropriations. Un barrage menace les habitants de Tizinzou Forced expropriation of Tinzinzou villagers in order to complete the construction of a dam financed by the Moroccan General Budget of the State and the Kuwaiti Fund for Arab Economic Development. 

Inezgane: Une histoire de faits divers Prominent Moroccan blogger Leila Ghandi’s take on the events of Inezgane, a small town where two Moroccan women were arrested and charged with public indecency for wearing summer dresses.

وزير الحريات المغربي يهدد بالاستقالة إذا سمح القانون بـ"الجنس خارج الزواج” Review of Moroccan Minister of Justice Mustapha Ramid’s interview with L’ Economiste, in which he threatened to step-down if the the Penal Code reform was to decriminalize extramarital sex and homosexuality, and to allow for the non-observance of fasting during Ramadan by Moroccan Muslims. Ramid also pushed against the abolition of capital punishment in Morocco. 

Au Maroc, des filets capturent le brouillard pour le transformer en eau Video coverage of the growing fog collection initiative taking place in remote mountain villages in the area of Sidi Ifni. Fog is filtered and transformed into clean water that is then transported to villagers via an underground piping system.  

In the 1970s, Nass El Ghiwane were Morocco’s shaabi boy band and motley rocker rebels Brownbook Magazine coverage and live soundtrack of Moroccan chaabi group Nass El Ghiwane. 


Policiers en tenue civile, armés sur les plages… une mesure qui crée la polémique sur les réseaux sociaux Controversy over new security measures and the deployment of armed, undercover security agents in Tunisian beaches.   

L’attaque de l’Imperial Marhaba revêt-elle une dimension politique ?  Seif Soudani’s critique of the underlying socio-political dimensions of the attacks in Sousse, which he sees as the reinforcement of bourgeois clientelism at the expense of democracy.

تونس تمنع من دون الـ35 من السفر لتركيا والمغرب وليبيا Tunisian authorities prohibit men under the age of thirty-five from travelling to Serbia, Turkey, Morocco and Libya. The latter are considered to be major transit hubs to Iraq and Syria, where an estimated number of 3000 to 4000 Tunisian men received paramilitary training in the last four years. 

Le Festival International de Hammamet du 9 juillet au 20 août: Programme et Tarifs Program for the Fifty-First International Festival of Hammamet, starting from 9 July to 20 August.

Western Sahara

Leaked cables: Morocco lobbied UN to turn blind eye to Western Sahara in 'House of Cards' operation The Guardian reports on a United Nations report accusing the Moroccan government of unethical tactics to intercept and influence media cables. 

The U.N. shifts on the Western Sahara conflict Jacques Roussellier writes for the Daily star on the United Nations’ renewal of its mission in the Western Sahara and its implications. 

On Western Sahara, Questions Raised by Angola, Venezuela, China Matthew Russell Lee highlights several state responses to the recent referendum renewal, and how “Polisario could not speak at the UNSC stakeout where, for example, private citizen Hilary Clinton recently did.”

Recent Jadaliyya Articles on the Maghreb 

A Dangerous Dualism: The Myth of Two Algerias Thomas Serres dispels the prevailing notion of a dualistic Algeria, instead pointing to the nuances and complexities that make up Algerian society. Read the French version here.

Tunisia: Democratic Miracle or Mirage? Nadia Marzouki and Hamza Meddeb complicate the perception of the Tunisian exception and model, honing in on a more critical approach to the state of Tunisian politics today.

الثورة القادمة إلى شمال أفريقيا: الكفاح من أجل العدالة المناخية Jadaliyya interviews Hamza Hamouchene and Mika Minio-Paluello on the release of their new book on climate justice in North Africa. Read the English version here.

Un portrait de la jeunesse des banlieues populaires de Tunis aujourd’hui Olivier Legros reviews Les jeunes de Douar Hicher et d’Ettadhamen. Une enquête sociologique, a book that touches upon the experiences of Tunisian youth in popular, working-class neighborhoods.

Paradigms Lost in Morocco: How Urban Mega-Projects Should Disturb our Understanding of Arab Politics Koenraad Bogaert addresses the issues surrounding major urban projects in Casabalanca within a contentious political context following the advent of Morocco's 20 February Movement.

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