[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Turkey and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Turkey Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to turkey@jadaliyya.com by Sunday night of every week.]
Turkey’s “Buffer Zone” in Syria
Turkey’s Syrian Adventure to Backfire Lale Kemal reports that Turkey’s interim AKP government is preparing for an incursion into Syria to neutralize what it sees as a security threat posed by Syrian pro-Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) as well as the ISIL, whereas the TSK (Turkish Armed Forces) is of the opinion that a decision on an incursion in Syria should be given by the new government to be established.
AKP Foreign Policy Dragging Turkey in Dangerous Direction Criticizing the AKP’s foreign policy in the Middle East, Cafer Solgun argues that the AKP’s preparation for a military intervention in fact aims to camouflage its own responsibility in creating the chaos in Syria, as well as to make people forget the damage its Syria policy has done to Turkey.
A New Phase in Turkish Politics Doğu Ergil contends that the Turkish Armed Forces will not take seriously the AKP’s “adventurous and half-baked foreign policy” and will be reluctant about the AKP government’s lust for intervening in Syria.
How Has Intervention in Syria Become So Urgent?“Why was there no urgency for a military operation in Syria when so many stretches of the border were held by ISIL and why it did it become so urgent when the YPG captured Tal Abyad?” asks Orhan Kemal Cengiz.
No One Is Eager to Intervene Militarily in Syriaİlnur Çevik argues that neither the AKP government nor the military wants to send Turkish troops into Syria, but “Turkey does at times need to flex its muscle and this may well be in the form of shelling and aerial bombings.”
Are We Going in to War Against Syria? (1)-(2) Abdülkadir Selvi provides details about the formation of a “buffer zone” in Syria under the light of the recent National Security Council meeting, where the main agenda was Turkey’s military operation plans in Syria.
Syria: A Confederation of Terror Organizations (1)-(2) Serkan Demirtaş reports that at the National Security Council (MGK) meeting, Turkey’s senior government and military officials described the country’s southern neighbor “a confederation of terrorist organizations”.
Will Turkey Really Occupy Northern Syria Now? Mustafa Akyol writes that what threatens the AKP government most is in fact the PYD, a left-wing, secular, pro-PKK movement, which is seen in the West as a key ally against the ISIL.
Security Zone in Syrian Territory Yaşar Yakış argues that Turkey should cooperate with Northern Syrian Kurds, as it has done with northern Iraqi Kurds, instead of seeing the success of PYD over ISIL as a security threat.
Is Turkey Poised to Invade Syria? Semih İdiz argues that the Turkish military is concerned a military engagement in northern Syria has no international support, and reports that opinion polls have also shown that a large porting of Turkey’s public is opposed to any intervention in Syria.
Turkish Military Edges Closer to Syria Intervention Metin Gürcan argues that despite the Turkish military’s deep reservations, it appears to be preparing itself to enter Syria in the next two weeks.
Erdogan Looks for Military Victory to Avenge Electoral Defeat According to Fehim Taştekin, President Erdoğan wants to drag Turkey into war in Syria before a coalition government is formed in order to win the elections he lost, this time as the commander in chief.
Codes of Possible Cross-Border Operation Yahya Bostan argues that rapid developments in the Syria might force Turkey’s interim government to issue a memorandum for a cross-border operation, which has been authorized by Parliament before.
You'll Understand When the Map of Turkey Changes... (1)-(2) Arguing that Turkey has the right to establish a “security zone” in Syria and reserves the right to self-defense due to the “near proximity of danger,” İbrahim Karagül sees Turkey’s military intervention in Syria a must.
The Kurdish Issue Perplexes the Turkish State Gökhan Bacık argues that the Turkish state is failing to formulate a consistent strategy toward the Kurds because of two developments: the pro-Kurdish People’s Democratic Party (HDP)’s success in the latest election, and the formation of autonomous Kurdish cantons in northern Syria that have gained international support and legitimacy.
The PKK’s Superior Mind Criticizing Turkey’s hypocrisy, which sees the PYD as a terrorist threat while continuing to have an official dialogue with its leader Salih Müslim, Abdülhamit Bilici argues that before it calls for a war, Turkey needs a new and more straightforward strategy regarding Kurds and northern Syria.
Post-Election Politics and Coalition Scenarios
The MHP Factor Mümtazer Türköne analyzes the reasons for the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP)’s harsh and uncompromising stance in the face of any coalition proposals that include the pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), as the MHP sees itself as the HDP's antithesis.
Post-Election Erdogan Cannot Regain Power He Lost“If Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan pushes for snap elections, he may be disappointed with the results,” writes Cengiz Çandar.
Bahçeli Takes Revenge on CHP, Helps AK Partyİlnur Çevik writes that the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP)’s red-lines for forming a coalition government is to terminate the peace and reconciliation process with the Kurds in all forms, and bring four former AKP ministers who were implicated in the corruption scandal to justice.
Can Davutoğlu Drop Turkey’s Kurdish Bid for an MHP Coalition? According to Murat Yetkin, Prime Minister Davutoğlu knows that dropping the Kurdish peace process in order to form a coalition with the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) could damage the AKP through the loss of conservative Kurdish votes, but continuing to peace negotiations would also put an end to chances of a coalition with the MHP while also weakening the AKP’s hand with regard to coalition talks with the CHP.
Will Bahçeli’s Negationist Policies Work? Mehmet Yılmaz argues that the the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) has chosen “being in opposition” as the only policy, and its uncompromising attitude will unavoidably drag Turkey into an early/re-election.
The Negotiation Power of the AKP and CHP According to Arif Beki, the only serious coalition hope left, even if weakened, is a grand coalition between the AKP and the Republican People’s Party (CHP).
The Coalition Possibilities…. Ali Bayramoğlu writes that with the MHP’s tough and uncompromising attitude toward the HDP, the opposition parties already removed the coalition possibility without the AKP.
Other Pertinent Pieces
Was Reyhanli Attacked to Oust Turkish Spy Chief?“Leaked court documents about the worst terror attack in Turkey have revealed that Turkish security forces failed to act on thirteen official warnings from the intelligence service,” reports Pınar Tremblay.
Thoughts on the Istanbul LGBTI Pride Parade Mustafa Akyol comments on the relationship between Islam and LGBTI rights and politics in the wake of the ban of the Pride Parade in Istanbul under the pretext that “there could have been provocations” because it was the holy month of Ramadan.
Turkey’s Top Court is Now More Liberal Than US Supreme Court Emre Kızılkaya argues that the Constitutional Court’s latest ruling on religious wedding ceremonies has strengthened the libertarian case-law and democracy in Turkey.
Ocalan Niece's Swearing-in Ceremony Marks Milestone for Kurds“The niece of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan made her debut in parliament last week in a striking illustration of how the Kurdish struggle has progressed and transformed Turkey over the years," writes Sibel Hürtaş.
Turkey’s “Buffer Zone” in Syria
Suriye'ye müdahale hukuksuzdur, nokta (1) - (2) Ezgi Başaran purports that a potential military intervention in Syria by the Turkish army—for example, setting up a "safe zone" or attacking IS or PYD forces—would be illegal according to international law.
Bu kimin savaşı? Fehim Taştekin suspects that Erdoğan might be aiming to regain his electoral support by way of a military intervention in Syria.
"Türkiye’nin Suriye’ye Müdahalesi Cinnet Hali Olur" An interview with Behlül Özkan, who argues that an incursion into Syria would be ‘madness’ since no group on the ground would support Turkey militarily.
Güney sınırımızı Kürtlere emanet edelim Oya Baydar thinks that Turkey should support a Kurdish presence at its southern border as it is the most peaceful and logical option for the people on both sides of the border.
Suriye'de Kürtlerin yapacağı etnik temizlik ve asimilasyon planını ele geçirdik! According to Celal Başlangıç, Turkish government’s alleged claims about the PYD’s “ethnic cleansing activities in Syria” reflects the Turkish state’s official assimilationist plans regarding Kurds in the early Republican era.
Türkiye’nin felaketi: Kürt düşmanlığı Besé Hozat argues that Turkey’s “safety zone” plan aims at the invasion of Rojava.
Mesele sadece Kürtler değil, sen daha anlamadın mı kardeşim? Berxwedan Yaruk talks about the social contract Kurdish forces offer in Syria, challenging the nationalist discourse that portrays the PYD as more dangerous than ISIS.
Savaş masası kuranlara bir uyarı: Savaş kötü bir şeydir Mete Çubukçu warns that in the event of an invasion into Kurdish regions of Syria, Kurds in Turkey will be engaged in the conflict.
Bölge korsanlığı politikası ve emekçilerin tutumu A. Cihan Soylu states that any hostile attempt at Syrian Kurds will mean poverty, unemployment, and war for the working class in Turkey, and therefore should be fiercely opposed.
Rojava'da IŞİD, Suriye'de Nusra! According to Yusuf Karataş, Turkey’s Syrian policy is dependent on al-Nusra while its Rojava policy is dependent on ISIS.
Tampon bölgeyi halka sormak gerekmez mi? Mehmet Çetingüleç states that the government should prioritize securing the border over “being stuck in northern Syria”.
Kurdish Politics
"Çözüm Süreci": Artık HDP'siz olamaz... Cengiz Çandar thinks that the peace process needs to be reorganized according to new parliamentary dynamics, with the HDP as the main actor of the process.
Kürde Emanet!Şeyhmus Diken argues that Kurdish politics will change and determine the politics of the region, and that President Erdoğan should become hardened to this fact.
AKP savaş için ‘acele ediyor.’ Biz barış için ne bekliyoruz? Veysi Sarısözen expects the parliament to stop President Erdoğan’s flared up ambitions to go into war with the Kurds in Iraq to evade a resonating conflict within Turkey’s borders.
Erdoğan’ın kabusu According to Eren Keskin, the legitimacy of Kurdish regions in Syria distresses President Erdoğan and the Turkish army.
Faşizmin açığı ve gizlisi Adil Bayram relates the AKP’s Syria policy choices to energy politics in the region.
İşin sırrı ‘Türkiye partisi’ olmakta Fehmi Işıklar argues that Öcalan, the HDP, and the PKK all agree on the vitality of peace, and the necessity of a political solution to the Kurdish issue.
Post-Election Politics and Coalition Scenarios
Çıkış arayışı Suat Kınıklıoğlu thinks the biggest issue in Turkish politics is to reconstruct the center that the AKP has abandoned.
Türkiye ekonomisinin koalisyonla sınavı Burak Saltoğlu lists the challenges and opportunities of a coalition government or an early election.
HDP, İmralı ve Kandil’den bağımsız bir siyaset izleyebilir mi?İhsan Dağı interrogates the possibility of going beyond an Öcalan/PKK-determined politics for the HDP.
‘Erdoğan’sız AK Parti olmaz’ diyenler bize ne demiş oluyor? According to Levent Gültekin, by failing to delimit the excessive and partisan powers of President Erdoğan, AKP politicians have turned the country into a lawless state.
AKP-MHP koalisyonu olursa?İhsan Çaralan analyzes what an AKP-MHP coalition would bring about.
AKP savaşı ve barışa özlem... Mustafa Yalçıner argues that the leading AKP politicians want to go into a war with Syria while the new parliamentary distribution constitutes an obstacle against this will.
Devlet'in devletle dansı Lale Kemal thinks the MHP should abandon its uncompromising stance regarding the Kurdish issue and prioritize the interests of the country.
Erken seçim ne getirir, ne götürür? According to Fuat Keyman, a coalition government would be more beneficial than the outcomes of an early election.
Anahtar HDP'nin boynunda Nuriye Akman thinks that the HDP should change try to engage in a dialogue with the MHP to break its uncompromising attitude in order to further the peace process.
5 maddede “Neden AKP-CHP koalisyonu”? Bercan Aktaş, an HDP member, lists why and under which conditions an AKP-CHP coalition scenario should be favored over other options.
Erdoğan’ın hedefi... Celalettin Can argues that the HDP’s election victory seems to have prevented Erdoğan’s plans of invading Rojava and dragging Turkey into war.
Siyaset orta akıl tuzağına takıldı According to Mustafa Şen, if the AKP does not learn from its mistakes, and revive its criticism against the system instead of claiming full authority; it will likely lose the 2019 elections.
AKP neden kaybetti, CHP neden kazanamadı?Özer Sencar states that the decrease in the AKP’s vote derives more from Erdoğan’s declining popularity and corruption allegations than the worsening economy.
Police Intervention at Istanbul Pride Parade
Bayrağını gökkuşağından seçmiş insanlar size ne yapabilir? Sevil Atasoy’s TEDx İstanbul speech, titled “Right to Life,” on LGBTI rights.
İnsanlık onuru için mücadeleŞahin Alpay condemns the police intervention at the Pride Parade, and hopes for the attainment of equal rights and treatment for LGBTI individuals.
İçinden ‘onur’ geçen yürüyüş…“The participants were against violence, unarmed and honorable people. They had not stolen, killed or broken the law. They were only demanding equal citizenship and a humane life,” says Murat Sevinç.
‘Toplumsal ahlak’ muhafaza ve müdafaa edildi, asayiş berkemal Hürrem Sönmez purports that the AKP’s thirteen-year-old rule has corroded the culture of courtesy (towards the others), propriety, and living together despite differences between social groups.
Other Pertinent Pieces
Ve Türk ordusu Kürt katırları karşısında şanlı bir zafer daha kazandı According to Hakan Aksay, the recurrent slaughter of mules in Şırnak by the Turkish military is because they are “political” and “Kurdish” mules, and therefore instrumental for “smuggling” and “terrorism.”
Tarım işçileri kimin kurbanı? Nurcan Baysal relates the high number of agricultural workers’ deaths in Turkey to the economic politics of the region that force landless peasants into insecure working conditions.
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HDP’nin programina evet diyen muhafazakarlar, kadin, Alevi ve LGBTI’lerle esitlige de evet diyor