This is a selection of what you might have missed on Jadaliyya last week. It also includes a list of the most read articles and roundups. Progressively, we will be featuring more content on our "Last Week on Jadaliyya" series.
- The Cell of Survival: Bara Sarraj
- We Are All Uncomfortable: On Academic Boycott & What Is Productive
- Olivier Roy on Laicite as Ideology, the Myth of 'National Identity' and Racism in the French Republic
- Breaking House Rules: Hoodies, Hijabs, and Belonging in the Netherlands
- Wearing Catastrophe on Our Chests
- Academic Freedom, Ethics, and Responsibility: The Silencing and Censoring of Palestine in Western Liberal Academia
- حورية المطلقة في سن الثالثة عشرة لا تنفع إلا لقراءة كتب الاطفال
- The Armenian Genocide and the Politics of Knowledge
- New Texts Out Now: Bedross Der Matossian, Shattered Dreams of Revolution: From Liberty to Violence in the Late Ottoman Empire
- حوار مع المخرج السينمائي الفلسطيني ميشيل خليفي
- Last Week on Jadaliyya (May 11-17)
- Egypt Media Roundup (May 18)
- Turkey Media Roundup (May 19)
- Arabian Peninsula Media Roundup (May 19)
- Foreign Policies Media Roundup (April-May 2015)
- ISIS in the News: Extensive Media Roundup (March-April 2015)
- Not Much Special in UN Middle East Missions
- إعادة ابتكار فلسطين: السينما من أجل السلام في جنين
- The Armenian Genocide and the Politics of Knowledge
- ISIS in the News: Extensive Media Roundup (March-April 2015)
- Naema’s Office is Bleeding
- Foreign Policies Media Roundup (April-May 2015)
- We Are All Uncomfortable: On Academic Boycott & What Is Productive
- New Texts Out Now: Bedross Der Matossian, Shattered Dreams of Revolution: From Liberty to Violence in the Late Ottoman Empire
- Memory and Forgetfulness in A Settler Colony
- طائرة الجثامين الصباحية
- Wearing Catastrophe on Our Chests
- Arabian Peninsula Media Roundup (May 19)
- Academic Freedom, Ethics, and Responsibility: The Silencing and Censoring of Palestine in Western Liberal Academia
- Then and Now: LCPS Interviews Jadaliyya Co-Editor Ziad Abu-Rish on State Institutions in Lebanon
- النكبة كمصل في الوريد
- Turkey Media Roundup (May 19)
- Egypt Media Roundup (May 18)
- Last Week on Jadaliyya (May 11-17)
- This is the Time. This is the Record of the Time