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Egypt Media Roundup (April 27)


[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Egypt and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Egypt Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to egypt@jadaliyya.com by Sunday night of every week.] 

Regional and International Relations

Egypt's Foreign Policy Worries Mount after Yemen Crisis
Dina Ezzat writes on the foreign policy challenges in Egypt. 

Egypt FM in New York to Campaign for Security Council Seat
“Egypt announced its bid to win a non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council last September.”

Egypt Drops Out of U.S. Inner Circle Even as Aid Resumes
Ahmed Fateha explains the United States’ relation with Egypt after the Obama administration resumed military aid but prevented the Egyptian army from buying weapons on credit starting in 2018. 

Central Bank's Governor: Egypt Receives Six Billion Dollars from Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait
Al-Masry Al-Yaoum reports.

Human Rights and Legal Institutions

Egypt’s Draft Cybercrime Law Undermines Freedom of Expression
Ragad Saad writes on the state’s move towards enacting Cybercrime Laws in Egypt.

Egypt's Judiciary: A Willing Participant in Repression
Sharif AbdelKoudous writes on the judges’ role in oppression in Egypt in terms of the harsh sentences handed to defendants belonging to various political affiliations.  

Human Rights NGO Presses Charges against Officer Accused of Whipping Man in Police Station
The Arab Penal Reform Organization (APRO) pressed charges on Thursday against a high-ranking police officer accused of whipping a man who came to file a complaint at the Tanta police station,” Mada Masr reports.

Egypt Sentences an American to Life
The New York Times reports on Egyptian-American Mohamed Soltan’s life sentence.

Q&A on Morsi's Ettehadiya Clashes Trial
Omar Said interviews Hoda Nasrullah Prosecution lawyer on the twenty-year prison sentence handed to Morsi’s Ettehadiya clashes trial. This interview is published in Arabic. Click here to read Amnesty International’s report on the trial.

Reexamining Human Rights Change in Egypt
Heba Morayef focuses on human rights groups and organizations’ role in Egypt since the 1990s.

Egypt's Administrative Prosecution to Investigate Schoolyard Book Burning
Ahram Online reports, “The education ministry is to halt its investigation into the incident, and to hand over all related documents.”


Sisi's Crackdown on Islamists yet to Win over Egyptian Village
Micahel Georgy sheds light on the condition in Kerdasa in spite of state arrests and intimidations of Morsi supporters.  

Reports and Opinions

Tales of Blasphemy in Egypt
Ishak Ibrahim argues, “The political regime may have changed, but the popular, security, and judicial prosecution remains opposed to expression of opinions that contradict, or are believed to contradict, the predominant Sunni faith.”

Phosphate Taken out of the Nile after Barge Accident: Minister
Ahram Online reports, “A barge carrying 500 tons of phosphate capsized in the Nile on Tuesday, sparking fears that Egypt’s drinking water will be contaminated.”

A Return of the Mubarak System
Ahmed Morsy and Casper Whuite write, “Despite new amendments, Egypt’s revised electorcal law falls short of introducing reforms to ensure fair voter representation and a more pluralistic and accountable political system.”This article is published in Arabic.

Brotherhood Official Says Group Underwent Broad Restructuring
“Ahmed Abdel Rahman, head of the Muslim Brotherhood's newly established office, said that the group was mistaken in thinking that a revolutionary course would restore stability to the country,” Ahram Online reports.

Efforts to Fight Extremism in Education Misses the Point
Ursula Lindsey writes on public’s reaction to burning books written by the Muslim Brotherhood’s leader Sayyid Qutub at a school in Egypt. 

Egypt Reforms School Textbooks to Counter Extremism
Ministry of Education to remove Salahudin a historical iconic figure who confronted the crusades in the twelfth century.

Egypt's Sisi Approves 500 Million Dollars World Bank Loan to Expand Natural Gas Grid
Ahram Online reports.

Arabtec Seeks Funds from Banks
“UAE construction company holds talks with domestic and international banks.”

Controversial Islam al-Behairy Program Suspended
Islam al-Behairy’s controversial television program “With Islam” has been suspended following a request by the Grand Sheikh of al-Azhar.

Morsi's Punishment is a Crime
Toby Cadman argues Morsi’s twenty-year prison sentence is a message to those who aim to challenge the military authority in the country.

Meet the New Militant Groups Attacking Corporations and Killing Civilians in Egypt
Tom Dale writes on new militant groups called Revolutionary Punishment and Popular Resistance Movement. 

MOI Obliged to Register Children from Customary Marriages after Court Ruling
Mada Masr details the court’s ruling on registering children born out of customary marriages (Urfi).

Deport Me!
Scott Longsheds light on the paradoxes in media and popular attention toward Egypt’s mistreatment to homosexuals and refugees depending on their race, nationality, and ethnicity.


الهجرة والمتوسط والبؤس في العالم
Ibrahim Awad reflects on sea-boat migrants particularly following the tragic death of over 700 immigrants who attempted to cross the Mediterranean on 19 April.

ثنائية التفجير والإعدام
Najeh Ibrahim links the increase of targeted explosions with judiciary rulings on Muslim Brotherhood figures and supporters.

صفقات القمح الروسيّ الفاسد تعود إلى القاهرة
Walaa Hussain writes, “The dangerously low-quality wheat imported from Russia that plagued Egypt during the Mubarak era has returned to the country, which recently identified 25,000 tons destined for Egyptian bread.” This article is published in English.

احتفاليّة حرق الكتب الدينيّة تغضب الرأي العام المصريّ
Rami Galal writes, “The Ministry of Education official responsible for burning several books in the yard of a Giza school defended herself to Al-Monitor and asserted that she operated under the direction of the ministry and security agencies.” This article is published in English.

قرارات اقتصاديّة تعيد فتح ملفّ التوتّر بين السيسي ورجال الأعمال
Ahmed Fouad writes, “The Egyptian government has upset the local business community with the issuance of regulations for laws imposing a 10% tax on stock market profits and restricting dollar deposits.” This article is published in English.

مسيرة لإخوان المطرية رفضاً لسجن مرسي 20 عاماً... والأهالي: "المرة الجاية إعدام"
Following the twenty-year sentence handed to Morsi, tens of Muslim Brotherhood supporters in Matareya took to the streets to protest the verdict.

الدائرة المغلقة لعنف الدولة.. المطرية نموذجًا
Mai Shams El-Din writes on the cycle of violence in Matareya. This article is published in English.

لماذا تتطوّر الهجمات الإرهابيّة إلى أكثر شراسة في سيناء؟
Al-Monitor Sinai correspondent writes, “Security forces in Egypt seem to be ineffective in defending the peninsula against terrorist attacks, and may be investing too little in their military defense.” This article is published in English

Articles on Jadaliyya Egypt

From Khaled Kaddal's Trapped Sounds
Medrar TV reports on the Alexandrian artist Khaled Kaddal’s performance.

كلام مجعلص في الفن: حوش المدرسة وسحابة البضان. حوار أنديل مع عادل اسكندر
Status Audio Journal Hosts Page releases a discussion between Adel Eskandar and Egyptian artist Andeel.

Answering the Call: Popular Islamic Activism in Sadat's Egypt: A STATUS/الوضع Conversation between Abdullah Al-Arian and Anthony Alessandrini
Status Audio Journal Hosts Page releases a discussion between Abdullah Al-Arian and Anthony Alessandrini.

Black Feminism Is: Reflections on the Black Feminist Think Tank Symposium
Black Feminism Think Tank Page releases a review on conference titled: “Black Women in the Academy: Defending Our Name 1894-1994.”  

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