This is a selection of what you might have missed on Jadaliyya last week. It also includes a list of the most read articles and roundups. Progressively, we will be featuring more content on our "Last Week on Jadaliyya" series.
- Do Muslims Belong in the West? An Interview with Talal Asad
- More on Laïcité in Historical Context
- Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions: Myths and Realities
- Machiavelli in the Twenty-First Century: Sudanese Security Leaks in Perspective
- Gender and the Production of Islamic Urban Space in Iran
- انتصار البيروقراطية: عقد من إجهاض التغيير السياسي والاجتماعي في مصر
- قصة نافخ الدواليب لسميرة عزام
- Snapshot: Dubai and Abu Dhabi
- ‘A Distinctly French Universalism’: Translating Laïcité after Charlie
- الجسد والسلطة في السينما( 2): قراءة جندريّة
- Syria Media Roundup (February 3)
- Photography Media Roundup (February 5)
- Egypt Monthly Edition on Jadaliyya (January 2015)
- O.I.L. Monthly Edition (January 2015)
- Turkey Media Roundup (February 3)
- Egypt Media Roundup (February 2)
- Last Week on Jadaliyya (January 26-February 1)
- Dead Sea Living
- الفيلسوف طريد المدن الموحشة: عبد الله القصيمي الجزء الثاني
- دور النشر السورية: مأساة الورق والحبر والدم
- الجسد والسلطة في السينما( 2): قراءة جندريّة
- Vote 'Yes' on MESA Resolution in Support of Free Speech
- Syria Media Roundup (February 3)
- Profile: Alexandrian Filmmaker Ahmed El Samra
- Representing Iraq and its Diaspora: A STATUS/الوضع Conversation between Samir and Sinan Antoon
- Photography Media Roundup (February 5)
- الفيلسوف طريد المدن الموحشة: عبد الله القصيمي الجزء الأول
- صراع "التطبيقات الإلكترونيّة" في المسلسل البريطاني " Black Mirror": من أجل إنسان تحوّل إلى " تطبيقْ"
- New Texts Out Now: Mayanthi L. Fernando, The Republic Unsettled: Muslim French and the Contradictions of Secularism
- Coming Soon! Too Big To Fail by Khalil Bendib
- Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions: Myths and Realities
- Egypt Monthly Edition on Jadaliyya (January 2015)
- Snapshot: Dubai and Abu Dhabi
- O.I.L. Monthly Edition (January 2015)
- Do Muslims Belong in the West? An Interview with Talal Asad
- Turkey Media Roundup (February 3)
- More on Laïcité in Historical Context
- Egypt Media Roundup (February 2)
- Last Week on Jadaliyya (January 26-February 1)
- Machiavelli in the Twenty-First Century: Sudanese Security Leaks in Perspective