Jadaliyya has revamped its Arabic section and reappears today with a bouquet of posts that reflect, in their variety and their approach, the open, critical and ambitious space Jadaliyya established more than a year and a half ago for writers and readers alike. Our bouquet reflects our trajectory as we move forward:
Ibtisam Azem interviews Lebanese novelist Huda Barakat
Nasser Rabat writes about the history and politics of public squares in the Arab world.
Brahim ElGuabli contemplates Ibn Rushd’s posthumous journey.
Ismail Nashif looks at the work of the Palestinian artist Anisa Ashkar.
Ahmed Farouk translates excerpts from Walter Benjamin’s Berlin Childhood Around 1900.
You can read more articles on our pages: Arabic.jadaliyya.com. You can also follow us on twitter.
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