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Egypt Media Roundup (November 3)


[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Egypt and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Egypt Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to egypt@jadaliyya.com by Sunday night of every week.] 

Regional and International Relations

Egypt, Ethiopia Discuss Forming Joint Industrial Zone in Addis Ababa: Minister
Following the recent agreements made on the disputed Renaissance Dam, Egypt and Ethiopia agree on establishing a joint industrial zone headed by a private company which gains its support from the Egyptian state.

Tunisian Press Slams Egyptian Cleric's 'Infidel' Election Comments
Karem Yahia writes on Muslim Brotherhood loyalist Wagdi Ghonaim’s comments on Tunisia’s parliamentary elections.

Egypt Has Right to Build Sinai Buffer Zone: US
AFP reports on the United States’ official supportive statements on Egypt’s right to build a buffer zone along its borders with Gaza.

Unfriendly Regimes, But Stable: Egypt's Regional Choice
Dina Ezzat writes that Egyptian diplomats and officials say their country “is banking on members of old regimes to help the transition process in Syria, Yemen and Libya, say diplomats and officials.”

Egypt Police Halts Illegal Migration Attempt to Italy 
Lobna Monib claims that the Egyptian police has arrested “seventeen Arab nationals attempting to illegally migrate to Italy from the coast of Alexandria.”

Security in Sinai

Egypt’s Ansar Bayt Al-Maqdis Swear Allegiance to Islamic State
Ahram Online reports on a statement purportedly issued by Sinai-based militant group Ansar Bayt Al-Maqdis where their leaders allegedly swear allegiance to Islamic State leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi.

North Sinai Residents Near Rafah Border Begin Evacuation
Ahram Online writes on the army’s evacuations of residents west of Rafah border in order to create a buffer zone in the area following Friday’s deadly attack on a security checkpoint in Northern Sinai. 

North Sinai Border Area Evacuation Begins 
Ahmed Eleiba writes on the army’s compensation plans to residents who were forced to evacuate their homes in Northern Sinai.

Evacuation and Displacement Are Not the Solution
Zenobia reflects on the impact of forced evacuations of residents in Northern Sinai and releases official copies of the decree.  

Egypt’s Security: Threat and Response
The Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy (TIMEP) releases a comprehensive study on the trends of terrorist attacks in Northern Sinai and other areas in Egypt and the state’s response to such attacks.

Egypt’s Anti-Terrorism Hysteria
Khaled Dawoud writes on the state and media’s response to the security situation in Sinai.

Egypt Detains Thirty-Five for Joining Islamic Militant Groups
Detained suspects accused of joining the Islamic State and plotting attacks in Egypt, Ahram Online reports.

Endowments Ministry Vows to Punish Sinai Imams who Shelter Tunnels under Mosques
Aswat Masriya reports on Endowments Ministry’s statement that threatens to dismiss imams who shelter tunnels under mosques.

It Is War in Sinai
Ahmed Eleiba writes on the new government measures following last Friday’s deadly attack on a security checkpoint in Northern Sinai.

Searing Saw: Sinai
Amr Khalifa reflects on the state’s evocation of nationalistic rhetoric in its war against terrorism in Sinai and sheds light on the socioeconomic negligence of Northern Sinai that he argues has exacerbated the security situation in the Peninsula. 


Entrepreneurs Do Not Understand their Legal Requirements: Levari Founders
Menna Samir interviews Sherif Hefni and Mohamed Raslan founders of “Levari” an international law firm that specializes in “corporate, commercial, banking, and finance law transactions.”

Saudi Arabia Allocates $350m to Egypt in Three Agreements
Mohamed Ayyed writes, “The agreements [between Saudi Arabia and Egypt] include [financing] two electricity stations in Western Damietta and al-Shabab.”

Egypt Rises to 112 in Doing Business Rankings, But Officials Still Displeased
Isabel Esterman analyzes the findings on Egypt’s economy ranking in the World Bank’s annual Doing Business 2015 report

From EU Money to Egypt, via Tax Havens
George Turner writes, “A combination of lax rules and loose policy means that money from the European Investment Bank, the EU's long term lending institution, is flowing to tax havens. An Egyptian case study shows how this happens.”

Human Rights and Rule of Law

The Return to Authoritarianism and the Crisis of Citizenship Rights
Moataz al-Fegiery releases a study on human rights conditions and restrictions of public space under al-Sisi’s administration.

Is Justice Blind in Egypt?
Amani Massoud writes, “Yara Sallam might be just one more name to add to the list of people wronged by the Egyptian justice system. But more importantly, she is one more name temporarily taken off an ever shrinking list of those fighting against all odds to correct injustice.” 

Egyptian Rights Groups Propose Changes Ahead of UNHRC Review
Ahram Online highlights rights groups’ recommendations prior to the United Nations Human Rights Council’s next week’s sessions on human rights violations in Egypt. Read the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights report on the topic in Arabic and English.

Eight Men Sentenced to Three Years in Prison for “Gay Marriage” Video
Mada Masr reports on a misdemeanor court’s ruling against eight men shown in “gay marriage” video.

ISIS, Fear & Authoritarianism in North Africa
Douglas Garrison writes on Egypt, Algeria, and Tunisia’s exploitation of the terrorism rhetoric in order to maintain a strong hold all forms of public expression.

Government Rab’a Report to Differ from HRW: Committee Member
Mada Masr reports that a government-formed fact-finding commission on the Rab’a massacres to report its findings in November.

Egypt’s 1984
Sharif Abdel Kouddous writes on the increasingly Orwellian state Egypt is in as the spaces of expression dwindle and surveillance expands.

Relatives of Jailed Activists Hold Sit-In at High Court
Egypt Daily News Reports.

Alaa Abdelfattah, Twenty-Three Others Detained on First Day of Protest Law Retrial
Alaa Abdelfattah detained on the first day of protest law re-trial, which is expected to resume on 11 November, Ahram Online reports.

Press and Media Freedoms

Egyptian Journalists Protest Media's Alignment with State
Lobna Moneib writes that around 400 Egyptian journalists signed a petition against the chief editors’ pledge to support the government and refrain from publishing material that “undermines” the state. Click here to read the Ahram Online’s report on the chief editors’ pledge to the government.  

Al-Sisi Praises Egyptian Media's 'Understanding', Defends Protest Law
Ahram Online reports on al-Sisi’s satisfaction with media outlets’ coverage on the ongoing developments in the country.

Egyptian Media Is Not Taking Prisoners, State's Line Is Only Line
Heba Afify writes on the state’s imposed restrictions on media outlets and argues it has started with shutting down Islamists’ television stations following the 3 July military coup. This article is translated and published in English.

Journalist Arrested While Reporting on Mahalla Protest
Al Jazeera photojournalist Ibrahim M was arrested during a coverage of Mahalla workers anti-terrorism protest, Mada Masr reports. 

University Protests

Can Private Firms Solve Egypt's Security Problem?
Sherif Tarek writes, “Without proper regulation and training, experts say private security firms will play a limited role in maintaining order in Egypt.”

Dozens of Egyptian Students Arrested, Expelled Amid On-Campus Protests
Forty-three students arrested and twenty-five expelled on Wednesday, Ahram Online reports.

Egyptian Campuses and Football Emerge as Flashpoint in Resistance to President al-Sisi
James M. Dorsey writes on the current regime’s restriction of public space on students on university campuses and draws comparisons to Mubarak’s similar tactics.

Culture and Politics

Art as Political Expression
Nancy Okail launches the Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy’s (TIMEP)“artivism” series, which includes interviews with Egyptian artivists such as Ganzeer, Sondos Shabayet, and Aly Talibab. In addition to articles on the narrowing space for revolutionary art by Ahmed Naje and a historical account on the path of artivism in Egypt and elsewhere in the Arab world by Sultan al-Qassemi.

Reports and Opinions

Where Is Egypt's Maspero Youth Union Now?
Jason Casper writes on the political influence of Maspero Youth Union in light of the developments in Egypt.

Alice in Trauma-land
Sally Toma writes on the trauma victims of sexual assault face and reflects on the international regulations imposed against sexual harassment. 

Egypt’s University System is Failing Scientists
Isabel Esterman writes on the challenges current and prospective students face when studying in universities in Egypt.

Cabinet Officially Bans Pro-Morsi Alliance
Mada Masr reports Egypt’s cabinet has banned the pro-Morsi National Coalition Alliance to Support Legitimacy (NASL).  

Eight Brotherhood Supporters Arrested Friday in Alexandria Protests: Police
Ahram Online reports.

In Arabic

(محمد سيف الدولة: إخلاء سيناء مطلب (إسرائيلي
Mohammed Seif al-Dawla argues the Egyptian military’s forced evacuations in Sinai is an Israeli demand.

البابا تواضروس: الأقباط أفضل بعد 30 يونيو وجيش مصر وقت بجانب الشعب
Pope Tawadros II said during his visit to Russia that the status of Coptic Christians is better following 30 June 2013 and the military stood by the Egyptian people. 

مواجهة الإرهاب.. بعض الحقائق
In a three-article series, Amr Hamzawy reflects on the international war against terrorism. Read parts two and three.

السلطة لا تعرف الفراغ
Abdellah al-Sinawy reflects on the current regime’s political and economic policies.  

لماذا تراجع دور أساتذة الجامعة في الدفاع عن استقلالها؟
Mohamed Abdelsalam analyzes the sociopolitical setbacks that led to the blemishing role of university professors in defending universities’ independence. 

الدور الاقتصادى للدولة فى المرحلة المقبلة
Amr Adly writes on the economic challenges of the Egyptian state in the coming period.

طبيب: إمتناع ليلى سويف ومنى سيف عن الشرب تهديد حقيقي لحياتيهما
Activists Lila Suwaif and Mona Seif escalate their hunger strikes. 

(آن الأوان ترجعي يا دولة الجواسيس (الحلقة الخامسة والأخيرة
In the final part of a five-part article series, Bilal Fadl compares and contrasts Abdelnasser’s era with al-Sisi’s. Click here to read part four.

المحاكمات العسكرية للمدنيين.. مجددًا
Mada Masr reflects on the expansion of military powers following al-Sisi’s decree.

الإلحاد.. بين الملاحقة القضائية والعنف البدنى
Nadia Ahmed writes on the attack and assault on atheist Ahmed al-Harqan and his wife following a television interview.  

شكري مصطفى لم يكن عود بخور
Fatima Abid links the ramifications of torturing prisoners during their detention period and the impact it has on producing radicalized individuals following the end of their prison sentence. 

وزير الداخلية يعد "البدو" بدراسة إلغاء "إثبات الجنسية" وزيادة مرتبات الحراس إلى ألفي جنيه
Aswat Masriya reports that Interior Minister Mohamed Ibrahim promised to Bedouins in Sinai to study the elimination of proof of nationality laws and increase of security personnel wages. 

نخل «العريش» الحزين: مشاهد من الحياة تحت الحظر
Omar Riyadh reflects on the impact forced evacuations and war in Northern Sinai have on residents of the area. This article is translated and published in English.

«أصوات من شمال سيناء.. وسط ضجيج «الحرب على الإرهاب
Mada Masr writes on Northern Sinai residents’ discontent with the deep-seated socioeconomic situation as the army begins evacuation plans to create a buffer zone near Egypt-Gaza border. 

انتهاكات مستمرة ضد أهالي حوض المثلث بالمنتزه
The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) releases a statement expressing its concern with the Endowment Authority’s violations against residents of Hod al-Musallas in Muntazah located in Alexandria governorate. This statement is translated and published in English.

مصر تبدأ برنامج لاستزراع 4 ملايين فدّان جديد رغم معاناتها من ندرة المياه
Walla Hussain writes on the limited water resources in Egypt following a four million acres cultivation proposal. This article is translated and published in English.

السيسي: لن نسمح بكسر إرادة الشعب والجيش وفرض «سايكس بيكو» جديدة على المنطقة
President Abdelfattah al-Sisi’s four-part interview with Saudi newspaper Okaz. To read the interview in Arabic, click for parts one, two, three, and four. Ahram Online published a two-part overview on all four parts of the interview in English (one and two.)

"قراءة في كتاب "أكتوبر 73 السلاح والسياسة" لهيكل: مصر تتفاوض مع العدو عند "الكيلو 101
Khaled Abu Bakr reviews Mohamed Hasanin Haikal’s book entitled;” October 73: Weapons and Politics.”

فرصة وصول الإيبولا لمصر ليست صفراً
Islam Hussain reflects on the possibilities of the Ebola virus reaching Egypt.

Recently on Jadaliyya Egypt

Symposium Report: 'Researching the Middle East and North Africa after 2011: Challenges, Queries, and Questions'
Nada El-Kouny and Nova Robinson recap scholars, researchers, and academics’ discussions on a forum held at Rutgers University entitled: “Researching the Middle East and North Africa after 2011: Challenges, Queries, and Questions.” 

قل انتهاكات الحقوق الاقتصادية ولا تقل جرائم الفساد
Osama Diyab writes on the judicial dismissal of economic rights, which results in maintaining the status quo despite popular uprisings.

14 منظمة حقوقية مستقلة تنتقد توسيع اختصاصات القضاء العسكري
Jadaliyya’s Reports Page releases joint statement issued by fourteen rights organizations criticizing the expansion of military powers following al-Sisi’s decree on 27 October 2014. 

Analog Sound
Medrar TV reports on musicians Rami Abadir and Mostafa El Sayed’s live improvisational show. 

Sarah Samy
Medrar TV reports on Egyptian artist Sarah Samy’s first solo show held in Cairo. 

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