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Egypt Media Roundup (April 3)


This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Egypt and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Egypt Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to egypt@jadaliyya.com by Sunday night of every week. 

“Update: Muslim Brotherhood endorses Khairat al-Shater as presidential candidate”
Muslim Brotherhood backtracks on its initial pledge not to field a candidate for the presidential elections, citing “a serious threat to the revolution” as its motivation in doing so.

“Presidential elections commission accuses Abu Ismail of illegal campaigning”
Higher Presidential Elections Commission (HPEC) takes Abu-Ismail to court after an organized parade escorted him to submit his papers at the HPEC headquarters.

“Document attributed to NSA advises satellite channels not to tackle crises”
A document signed by National Security Agency’s Major General Magdy Abdel Ghaffar urges channels not to cover politically sensitive topics.

“Yusuf Al-Qaradawi and Political Opportunism”
As'ad AbuKhalil criticizes Qaradawi’s relationship with the Qatari ruler and inconsistent positions on a variety of issues.

“One dead, four injured in fuel clashes”
Egypt’s persisting fuel crisis takes its toll in al-Minya governorate.

“Coptic church withdraws representatives from constituent assembly”
Church says it withdraws representatives in solidarity with liberal parties.

“Why we withdrew from the constituent assembly”
MP Mostafa Al-Nagar outlines his motivation to not vote for or put forward his candidacy for the Constituent Assembly, criticizing the Islamist parliamentary majority.

“The battle over Egypt's constitution reveals the risks of majority rule”
Osama Diab criticizes the ongoing constitutional debates, saying that the constitution should focus on defending basic rights and freedoms.

“Katatny: Military will not have exceptional status in new constitution”
People’s Assembly speaker says that the new constitution will not give special privileges to the army. It will have “a special but not an exceptional status,” he said.

“Sheikh Qaradawi cautions Brotherhood on presidential contest”
Qaradawi sends an open letter to the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood urging them not to field their own candidate and not to divide the “Islamist vote.”

 “SCAF to jostle Islamists for constitutional privileges”
Hani Al Assaar reflects on different scenarios for SCAF-Muslim Brotherhood deals. 

“Abul-Fotouh: No rush to form constituent assembly”
Abul-Fotouh issues statement in which he calls on Parliament to reconsider the criteria for selecting members of the Constituent Assembly.

“Egypt media driven by devil, says Brotherhood leader”
Brotherhood leader lashes out at Egyptian media for criticizing the group’s recent decisions. 

“Islamists attack 'dictatorship of the minority'”
Ahram Online overviews the opening session of the Constituent Assembly. The session was mostly dedicated to discussing the absence of one-quarter of its members who boycotted it.

“Collaboration With Mubarak Costs Vodafone Soccer Sponsorship And Fans – Analysis”
Vodafone struggles to clean its image after collaborating with the previous regime. 

Egypt: Women's Right to Divorce Debated in Parliament 
Ahmed Awadalla outlines the debate over the right of women to divorce, as parliament begins to discuss this issue.

“FJP to start proceedings to dismiss cabinet”
The Brotherhood continues to press for the resignation of Al-Ganzouri’s government.

“Court sets date to rule on constituent assembly”
Battle for the Constituent Assembly continues, as the State Council’s Administrative Court sets a date to rule on its validity.

“Egypt told to give military leaders 'safe exit' by western governments”
Senior Muslim Brotherhood members claim that Western governments pressed them to strike a deal with SCAF to not prosecute members of the military.

“Brotherhood business heads enter spotlight”
Muslim Brotherhood affiliated business owners form a new business association; some businessmen associated with the previous regime attend.

In Arabic:

“الحرية والعدالة”يواجه العسكري بالتهديد بـ”مليونيات لإسقاط الحكومة”
The article discusses the front page of the print-only FJP paper, which called for a million-man march against the current government

94”% من المشاركين يعتزمون التصويت فى انتخابات الرئاسة”
An opinion poll on the presidential elections conducted by the Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studie shows that Amr Moussa is leading, followed by Hazem Abou Ismail

“مصر بين الإصلاح والاصطلاح ...”
Mostafa Higazi criticizes the persisting political division in Egypt, as different factions fight to defend their ow interests

“الجبهة السلفية: «الإخوان» يهدفون لضرب «أبو إسماعيل»”
Some Salafis see Khairat Al-Shatir’s presidential candidacy as a manifestation of a Muslim Brotherhood-SCAF deal aimed at undermining presidential hopeful Hazem Salah Abu-Ismail

“«خير الله»: ترشيح «الشاطر» عودة لسيطرة رجال الأعمال على الحكم”
Former intelligence official and presidential candidate Hossam Khairallah says that Shatir’s candidacy reflects efforts of businessmen to usurp political power

“رسالة مفتوحة إلى الإخوان المسلمين”
Qaradawi sends an open letter to Muslim Brotherhood leaders, urging them to drop plans to field a presidential candidate in order to preserve Islamist unity

“اخلعوا أيديكم عن الخلع.. والدين”
Marwa Sharaf al-Din criticizes the calls for changing the Family Law, especially with regard to right to divorce for women 

“مصر: الأطفال يُحَاكَمون”
Human Rights Watch reports on the persistence of the practice of trying children in military courts

“جمعية غير جامعة”
Moataz Abdel-Fattah criticizes the process through which the Constituent Assembly was elected, pointing that parties are putting their own interests above national ones

“البنات أقوى”
Nagla Badeer writes about her disappointment with the Ultras’ decision not to let women participate in the sit-in after 8:00 pm


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