[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Mali, South Sudan, Somalia, Mauritania, Djibouti, and Comoros Islands and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the On the Margins Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each month's roundup to info@jadaliyya.com.]
موريتانيا: غضب من قانون لرقابة وتنظيم الإنترنت Mauritanian activists are criticizing a recent bill in the Mauritanian parliament, which they say is a violation of freedom of expression.
Quadruple Hope in Mauritania's Refugee Camp Photos from Doctors Without Borders about a woman who gave birth to quadruplets in Mauritania after fleeing the conflict in Mail
Mauritania president to stand for reelection at 21 June poll Mauritanian Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz President to stand for reelection in 21 June poll.
مرصد حقوقي: سجناء السلفية يتعرضون لقتل بطيء A Mauritanian human rights organization criticizes the treatment of Salafist prisoners.
Mauritania gets its second female president hopeful Lalla Mariem Mint Moulaye Idriss, the head of the Mauritanian news agency AMI announced her presidential bid, becoming the second woman in Mauritanian history to do so.
اتهامات للحكومة الموريتانية بالتمييز العنصري Local human rights organizations accuse the Mauritanian government of racial discrimination.
سامي كليب يكتب: ابتسمت لنا مدينة شنقيط الموريتانية A veteran music journalist discusses his recent trip to Mauritania to interview a musician, and his travels around the country.
When Will Impunity End for Slave Traders in Mauritania? Haratin Mauritanians protested against continued slavery and discrimination in Mauritanian society.
Letters from Mauritania: The Social Phenomenon of Slavery in Mauritania A Mauritanian student writes to American students about the issue of slavery in Mauritania.
Somalia MPs want President to resign or will be ‘impeached’ Numerous Somali MPs called for the resignation of President Hasan Sheikh Mohamud and threatened to impeach him if he refused to resign.
Fighting Al Shahab Rebels: Washington’s Terrorism or Counter-terrorism in Somalia? A discussion of the casualties of past American interventions in Somalia.
Somalia and Kenya in Diplomatic Row The Somali government condemned the arrest of a Somali diplomat in a raid Kenya claimed targeted militants and illegal immigrants.
The New Face of Somalia Aaron Christiansen discusses the current political situation in Somalia and the territories controlled by factions and autonomous regions.
Comoros - Improving Prison Facilities An ICRC press release discussing efforts to improve Comoran prison conditions.
رئيس جامعة كفر الشيخ: عودة الحرس الجامعى بشكله القديم "غير مقبول" Comoran student activists rejected the return of the university guard police force to universities, arguing their presence stifles academic freedom.
Kenya to Play Comoros in 2015 African Cup of Nations Qualifier Kenya and Comoros are to play each other in next year’s qualifier for the African cup of nations soccer tournament.
The United States and Djibouti sign a new agreement for Camp Lemonnier The United States and Djibouti reached an agreement to extend the duration of the American military presence in the country.
Ogaden: Refugees Arbitrarily Detained by Djibouti Ogaden activists accuse the government of Djibouti of improperly handing over refugees to the Ethiopian government
Life in Djibouti: how do you survive in a country with no rain? A discussion from the British Red Cross about life in Djibouti, which has very little water
Djibouti: Open Letter to President Obama - Do not welcome the dictator Djiboutian activists criticize US President Barack Obama’s decision to meet with President Gulleh because of human rights violations.
Djibouti: Repression, Arbitrary Arrests are Not Political Solutions Djiboutian activists criticize the government for conducting arbitrary arrests and detention.
How US Military Assistance Failed in Mali A discussion of the failure of American military assistance following the collapse of an authoritarian regime in Mali in 1991.
Dune Stabilization in the Mali Inner Delta Efforts are underway to protect the Malian village of Sobe from encroachment resulting from destabilized sand dunes nearby.
Lines in the Malian Sand: Tuareg Fractures Widen as Talks Continue to Stall A discussion of the fractures that have emerged in the Tuareg nationalist movements as talks continue with little progress.
South Sudan
South Sudan: Civilians killed and raped as ethnically-motivated violence spirals and famine looms Amnesty International reports the dangers children are facing amidst the ongoing conflict in South Sudan
South Sudan: how hate radio was used to incite Bentiu massacres Keith Somerville discusses the alleged efforts by South Sudanese rebels to use radio to incite massacres during the ongoing conflict.