[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Turkey and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Turkey Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to turkey@jadaliyya.com by Sunday night of every week.]
Local Elections
Who Won and Who Lost in Figures Sedat Ergin analyzes the election statistics.
Turkish PM Erdoğan's Post-Election "Balcony Speech" Erdoğan’s speech from the party headquater’s balcony after elections.
Erdoğan: Political Enemies Will "Pay the Price" Fehim Taştekin argues that “more than half of the electorate refuses to buy Erdoğan’s argument that the elections legitimize his government.”
The Naked Truth of Turkish Politics According to Murat Yetkin, the majority of voters ignored the corruption claims, because Erdoğan is such an influential figure for them .
Next Issues: Presidential Polls, Kurdish Autonomy and Syria Murat Yetkin argues that Syria is likely to be the site of antagonism in terms of the upcoming presidential elections, the struggle between the AKP and the Gülen movement, and the BDP’s claims for Kurdish autonomy.
The Cost of "Pride and Prejudice" Nuray Mert argues that no matter who wins the elections, Turkey cannot be ruled by an “iron fist” for long.
KONDA Survey Results KONDA’s survey on local elections, which was publicized two days before the elections.
Turkey's Election May Ironically Have Dealt a Blow to Democracy Simon Tisdall argues that results of the elections will sharpen the polarization and antagonisms in the society.
The Ottoman Revival Is Over Elmira Bayrasli argues that despite Erdoğan’s “Pyrrhic victory” in the elections, Turkey as a whole, particularly as an international player, has lost.
Erdoğan Won the Elections, But Will He Convince the Turkish People? Yavuz Baydar asks how Erdoğan could govern a polarized society, which continues to put pressure on the government due to graft scandals and authoritarianism.
What Did the Turkish Electorate Say in the Sunday Elections? According to Barçın Yinanç, voters supported the AKP not because they did not care about corruption but because the AKP terminates their “under-representation” problem.
Erdoğan’s War is Set to Continue Semih İdiz does not believe that local elections are likely to bring political stability and democracy to Turkey.
Post-Election Panorama (1)-(2) Doğu Ergil relays his comments about elections and politics following it.
Turkey's Extraordinary Local Elections (1)-(2) Markar Esayan argues that Erdoğan emerged as the top candidate for the upcoming presidential race in August 2014.
Stability Unlikely Amanda Paul writes that Erdoğan’s war will continue and the biggest loser of the elections will be democracy.
Erdoğan Won the Battle but Lost the War Abdullah Bozkurt points to the lingering questions on the fairness and transparency of elections.
Lessons From the Local Election Beril Dedeoğlu portrays post-election Turkey as consisting of “a stern government, a polarized society, and an indefinite election atmosphere.”
A Cyber Crackdown on Gülen Media? A blog post commenting on the methods the AKP government deploys in its current cyber campaign against Gülen community.
Erdoğan's Success In The Elections Makes Ankara More And More Like Moscow Melik Kaylan argues that the election triumph for Erdoğan looks like disaster for Turkey.
Lessons From the Ballots(1)-(2) Mustafa Akyol writes that the majority of the electorate did not give credence to undemocratic methods such as wiretapping, leaking, and espionage.
AKP Now Fated for Utter Isolation Cengiz Aktar argues that there is no longer any group, including the Kurds, with which the AKP can establish an explicit or implicit alliance.
Erdoğan Supported by Lower and Middle Classes Cemil Erdem argues that the AKP’s investment in infrastructure, health, education, and transportation was attractive to the lower and middle classes.
Winners and Losersİbrahim Kalin contends that the elections showed that Gülen’s attacks on Erdoğan had practically no impact on the AKP’s electorate.
Fraud Bülent Keneş addresses the claims that “have made the election results questionable.”
Turkey’s Opposition Should Rediscover its Strengths Kemal Derviş makes suggestions to the opposition parties, especially the Republican People’s Party (CHP).
Erdoğan Emboldened for Presidential Run Cengiz Çandar argues that Erdoğan is now more likely to set out on the road toward the presidency with more determination than he had in the pre-election period.
Polarization at Home, Isolation in the World According to Joost Lagendijk, Erdoğan destroyed all political and economic chances for the betterment of Turkey’s domestic and foreign policies.
Authoritarian Erdoğan Sets an Unappealing Precedent David Gardner compares Erdoğan to Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Nouri al-Maliki.
Erdoğan on a Roll (1)-(2) The Economist argues that Abdullah Gül seems the most likely choice for prime ministry in the next elections, unless “Erdoğan wants a puppet prime minister.”
Not Without Looking at the Mirrorİsmet Berkan comments on the geographical distribution of votes.
Why Does the AKP Always Win? Etyen Mahcupyan argues that the opposition failed in understanding the dynamics of society and “thought it would be sufficient to underscore corruption alone in order to strike at the AKP.”
Turkey Turns Its Back on the EU Alan Cowell contends that the increasingly authoritarian role of the AKP and recent elections would jeopardize Turkey’s relations with the EU.
The Environment Has Lost at the Polls Melis Alphan maintains that environmental concerns were not reflected in the local elections.
One Victor of March 30 Elections was BDP Orhan Miroglu comments on the success of the BDP in local elections.
"Achievements Made Over Last Century Being Undone" An interview with Ali Bulaç, a well-known Islamic writer and columnist, on recent elections and political Islam.
Turkey's Elections and Gender Politics Diba Nigar Göksel argues that despite the AKP’s conservative agenda, there may be hope for gender-equality and increase in the level of women’s and LGBT’s participation in politics.
Exploring Erdoğan’s Unwavering Support in Turkey Kumru Toktamış and Emrah Çelik analyze the reasons why the conservative public continues to support Erdoğan.
In Turkey's Political Contest, Rule of the Law is the Real Loser Emma Sinclair-Webb argues that the struggle between Erdoğan and Gülen eroded the rule of law in Turkey.
Turkey’s Election Failings May Lead to Yet Another Legitimacy Crisis for Erdoğan Halil Gürhanlı points out that the AKP considers elections as synonymous of democracy.
Local Elections
Seçimin kaybedeni kazananı (1)-(2) Nazan Üstündağ explains the winners and losers of Turkey’s local elections.
AK Parti nasıl başarılı oldu (1)-(2) Ahmet Hakan points out why graft allegations did not spell the end of the AKP.
Cahil halk sendromu…(1)-(2)-(3) Arguing against “ignorant people syndrome,” Ali Bayramoğlu dwells upon the geography and sociology of the local elections.
AK Partililerin 'Stockholm Sendromu' Murat Aksoy asks whether the local elections results are symptoms of a Stockholm Syndrome for AKP members.
Sandıktan ne çıktı? (1)-(2) Who did wın the elections, and what will come after, Taha Akyol asks.
Gülen kaybetti, Erdoğan güldü (1)-(2) Ruşen Çakır argues that “Gülen lost, whereas Erdoğan won” the elections.
Türkiye kendi kaderini tayin etti: Ayrışma! According to Umut Özkırımlı, the local elections were a milestone of Turkey’s self-determination and it is nothing but a disintegration.
Toplumsuz siyaset olmuyor Ohannes Kılıçdağı writes that “politics without society is impossible.”
Sonucu yoksullar belirliyor The poor swings the balance in elections, Erdem Yörük argues.
Halk 'refahıma bakarım' dedi According to Uğur Gürses, the people said that “we just mind our own wealth.”
Bir seçim okuması (1)-(2) Soli Özel provides a reading of Turkey’s local elections.
Herkes için Pyrrhus Zaferi' (1)-(2) Cengiz Çandar argues that the results are Pyrrhic victory for all Turkish citizens and politicians.
İki balkona bakarak Cumhurbaşkanlığı'na gidiş yolu Murat Sabuncu compares and contrasts Erdoğan’s last "balcony speech" with the previous ones.
Haklılık ve millilik Mücahit Bilici draws attention to the possibility of a “rage/ebullience democracy” (galeyan demokrasisi) in Turkey under the AKP’s rule.
Türkiye'de siyasetin gözden geçirme sınavı Reflecting upon the local elections results, Cevat Öneş argues that it is time for reviewing the politics in Turkey.
Türk milleti geçilmez Mehmet Altan criticizes Prime Minister Erdoğan, who claims that the winner of the local elections is the national will.
Seçimden kim kârlı çıktı? Who did come out ahead? Fehmi Koru asks.
30 Mart'ın kazananı sandık ve demokrasi Ertan Aydın, Erdoğan’s political advisor, claims that the winner of the local elections is democracy.
Seçim sonuçlarından çıkardıklarım… Ergin Yıldızoğlu writes his inferences from the local elections.
Herkese bir ders var Ahmet Taşgetiren maintains that there are lessons for everybody to take from the local elections.
Tatava yapma, politika yap Hayko Bağdat criticizes the online campaign, "Cut the crap and just stamp it" (Tatava yapma bas geç), which advocated support for the strongest opponent of the AKP everywhere.
Kirli bezle temizlik olmaz Criticizing the Republican People’s Party (CHP) for its local elections strategy, Nedim Şener argues that “cleaning with a dirty swab is impossible.”
Gerçek dünya, sanal dünyayı yendi (1)-(2) Arguing that the cyber world is defeated by the real world, Oral Çalışlar addresses his friends and relatives who are proponents of the CHP.
CHP'ye oy isteyip Başbakan'la savaştık, kaybettik! Hüseyin Gülerce, a columnist for Daily Zaman and a prominent figure of the Gülen Community, criticizes his community about the elections.
Gülen cemaatinden Hüseyin Gülerce'nin 4 eleştirisine 4 yanıt The Gülen community’s response to Hüseyin Gülerce.
MHP'nin seçim sonucu: Başarı gibi Tanıl Bora analyzes the local elections results of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP).
Seçim sonuçları üzerine Günay Aslan analyzes the local elections results of the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP).
Seçim: Değinmeler (1)-(2) Delil Karakoçan’s local elections analysis for the BDP.
BDP: Başarı ve rehavet Mete Çubukçu comments on the BDP’s local election results.
HDP Merkez Yürütme Kurulu seçimleri değerlendirdi… The People’s Democracy Party (HDP) Central Executive Board’s analysis on the local elections.
Meşruiyet meselesi, alternatif meselesidir Ferdan Ergut ’s local elections analysis for the HDP.
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