[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Egypt and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Egypt Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to egypt@jadaliyya.com by Sunday night of every week.]
The Sound of Prison
Lina Attalah says, “Thousands have been incarcerated in and around protests in recent months, but little is known of their prison conditions.”
Powering the Way to a Darker Tomorrow: Coal Cannot Solve Egypt’s Energy Crisis
Allison McManus highlights the state’s contradictory energy-related announcements, in which she argues is a sign of lack of coordination between government bodies.
The Consequences of Misgovernance, Negligence, and Corruption
Sara Khorshid reflects on Egyptians’ mistrust in the status quo following Morsi’s ouster.
On the Responsibility to Form a Public Coalition for Rights, Freedom, and National Development
Amr Hamzawy says, “The building of a general movement for democracy is a long process, which requires deep organizational and intellectual cooperation with grassroots elements within society, the effects of which will not be felt for many years.”
Forays by the Coptic Church into Politics Spell Trouble for its Subjects
Amir Beshay reflects on state-church relations following Morsi’s ouster in light of al-Shorouk’s interview with Pope Tawadros II of the Coptic Orthodox Church.
Wishful Thinking: The Obama Administration’s Rhetoric on Democracy and Human Rights in Egypt
Amy Hawthorne analyzes the Obama administration’s position on Egypt, in light of the United States’ publicized support of democracy and human rights.
Cameron’s Investigation into the Muslim Brotherhood is Not about National Security
David Wearing argues, “Rather than protecting UK citizens at home, the government is essentially bolstering its unscrupulous allies in the Middle East.”
The Egyptian Counter Revolution: The Gulf Connection
Maged Mandour says, “Since Egypt, as a rentier state, can ignore popular demands and rely on coercion, continuous financial support from Arab states, similar to international financial support, will only act as insulation for the regime from popular pressure.”
Egypt: A space that Is not Our Own
Zainab Magdy “explores whether women will ever find a space that is their own.”
Egypt and the Right to Truth
Mohamed El-Shewy offers several insights on the state’s responsibility to its people in light of the second principle of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
What Al-Sisi’s Presidency Will Mean for Egyptian Politics
Dina Rashed draws historical comparisons between Mohamed Ali Pasha and al-Sisi status in relation to the various social forces in the country.
Why Egypt is in a Spiral of Despair
Khaled al-Berry argues, “A battle for the judiciary between the old guard and the Muslim Brotherhood is adding ever more layers of pessimism to my country's future.”
FGM Eradication in Egypt Since 2011: A Forgotten Cause?
Passant Darwish writes on NGOs and governmental efforts to eradicate female genital mutilation (FGM) in Egypt.
Sisi’s Covert Clues
Philip Whitfield analyzes al-Sisi’s speech in which he announced his run for office.
Why the AIDS Cure Matters
Wael Iskandar argues that the military officially embraced the AIDS and Hepatitis C cure either to enhance its image through the eyes of millions infected with the disease, or the army was tricked into believing that a cure exists.
Workers Struggle to Self-Manage
Jano Charbel writes on workers’ efforts to ‘self-management’ as they face state obstructions that hinder such efforts.
No Freedom in Delivering Sermons, Says State Official
Mai Shams El-Din reports on the state’s restriction and censorship of sermon topics.
Cabinet Announces Plans to Import Coal
Isabel Esterman offers insights on the cabinet’s approval to import coal as an energy source.
From Favor to Bid
Naira Antoun reflects on al-Sisi’s announcement to run for office.
This Way Time Becomes a Loop: To Ali Shaath
Motaz Atalla remembers the late Ali Shaath.
Can the Police Return to Campus?
Mai Shams El-Din says, “A court ruling could see police back inside universities, but how that return would look is still taking shape.”
In Arabic:
مع تزايد اتجاه الحكومة لحل أزمة الطاقة دون أدنى احترام للبيئة أو لبعد الاستدامة، المبادرة المصرية تنتقد التوجه المستجد للتوسع في استخدام تقنيات خطرة لاستخراج الغاز الطبيعي
Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights releases a statement rejecting the state’s use of poisonous methods to extract natural gas.
النزاع القبلي في أسوان
Fatima Emam Saskouri sheds light on the state’s negligence of the ethno-tribal status in Aswan.
عسكرة المستقبل
Fahmy Huwady writes on the Egyptian military’s involvement in the economic realm and argues that they may revive their political role with al-Sisi’s presidential win.
سؤال هذه الانتخابات
Amr Khafaga argues that Egyptians have not shown clear alignment as to which presidential candidate they will elect.
عن تجريف النخب
Amr Hamzawy writes on elites’ role in politics in Egypt.
مساعي مصرية دبلوماسية لكسب ود جنوب السودان لتأمين مصالحها في مياه النيل
Aya Aman says, “Egypt is seeking to develop ties with South Sudan as its relations with Ethiopia and Sudan deteriorate over the distribution of Nile water.”
اللاعدالة الانتقامية
Mustafa Shawki reacts to the death penalty sentence of 529 Muslim Brotherhood supporters.
ما نطق الجنرال عن الهوى
Amr Magdy analyzes al-Sisi’s speech in which he announced his presidential bid.
مواجهة الفساد جزء من العدالة الانتقالية أيضا
Osama Diyab and Mohamed al-Shiwy argue that corruption and lack of holding anyone accountable is an obstruction to justice.
Recently on Jadaliyya Egypt:
الصراع على المساجد في مصر: بحثاً عن كنيسة الاسلام
Amr Ezzat reflects on state restrictions imposed on mosques and Friday sermons following Morsi’s ouster.
في نقد الثورة2/2
Mohammed Addakhakhn offers critical analysis of normative perceptions on the 25 January “Revolution.”
On Prison & Egyptian Regime’s "War on a Whole Generation": Democracy Now! Interview with Alaa Abd El-Fattah
Jadaliya’s Reports Page releases Alaa Abd El-Fattah’s interview with Democracy Now!
Medrar TV interviews political cartoonist, Mohamed Kandeel.
Egyptian Organization for Human Rights Condemns Unfair Trial that Sentenced 528 to Death
Jadaliya’s Reports Page releases a statement issued by the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights condemning the death penalty sentence of 528 Muslim Brotherhood supporters.
The Problematic Continuity of Nasserism
Amr Adly analyzes the political and social dynamics that led to the persistence of “Nasserism” since the 1950s in Egypt.