I have recently participated in a panel titled "Future of Syria," organized by Project on Middle East Political Science at George Washington University. My aim was to address four basic questions in a very short time period: What are the structural causes for the Syrian Uprising?; What explains the regime's resilience nearly one year on?; What explains the current stalemate?; and, where is the Syrian revolution going?
The time limit presented a challenge but the discussion allowed for more time to elaborate. I will be elaborating on these questions on the pages of jadaliyya in the future. My answers, abridged and perhaps somewhat crude as a result, are presented in the video below. My principal disclaimer is that I was tackling key issues in answering these questions, and did not intend, and could not given the time limit, offer exhaustive answers.
Future of Syria
Click on image below to access the video.
Go to minute-marks 57 and 1:27 for the Q & A portion.