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Maghreb Media Roundup (February 6)


[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Maghreb and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Maghreb Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to maghreb@jadaliyya.com by Thursday night of every week.]  


Citizen Journalists Expose Police Brutality During Protests in Algeria Abdou Semmar highlights the engagement of cyber-activists in broadcasting police violence during recent protests in Ghardaia.

Video entretien avec le président du MSP Abderrazak MakriTout sur l’Algérie interviews Markri about the presidential boycott, the candidates, and the general state of democracy in Algeria.

« l’opposition » va-t-elle cautionner la mascarade du 17 avril ? Said Radjef offers an analysis of the opposition in Algeria.


Loi liberticide, agressions et condamnations: la liberté de l'information plus que jamais en danger depuis la revolution Reporters Without Borders expresses grave concerns over the state of freedom of information in Libya.

A Stark Reality for Libya’s Progress Tasbeeh Herwees pinpoints the lack of a constitution in Libya as a critical concern in building democratic stability.

يريدون تحقيق النظرية الثالثة في الجنوب Chokri Midi offers three theories to analyze violence in Libya’s south.

 What the fighting left behind – a visit to Warshefana Valerie Stocker visits Warshefna, wracked with violence and instability.


حصيلة اتفاقيات منتدى موريتانيا للاستثمار تبلغ 250 مليارا A recent investment forum in Mauritania has encouraged significant financial investment from large corporate firms.

إيجاز صحفي (Mouvement 25 Février) Mauritania’s 25 February movement issues a press release describing police repression and arrests at their recent anti-government protest.

نظام العسكر... ديون تتحملها الأجيال القادمة ! / الحسين محمد عمر Hussein Mohamed Omar reacts to foreign exploration in Mauritania, which he asserts serves only the corrupt elites in the country.


برنامج مسار ومنطق الوصاية Mohamed Moussaoui addresses critics of recent student protests in Morocco, reaffirming rights to assembly.

Closing Morocco’s Rape Loophole is Just the First Step Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui of Amnesty International discusses the problematic nature of laws criminalizing sex in North Africa.

Objectifs mondiaux de l'éducation: Le Maroc encore loin du compte selon UNESCO UNESCO recently issued a report on education in Morocco, declaring the country very far from its goals in education reform.


Congrats Tunisia on the New Constitution! Amira al Hussaini offers a roundup of the twitter world’s response to the new Tunisian constitution, both positive and negative.

Poetry, and Tunisia’s Future Artists, including poets in the street poetry collective, claim public space through a letter to the Prime Minister. 

Backwards is the Future? Women, Tunisia, and the Constitutional Debate Hugh Oberlander investigates the “double discourse” of many women in Tunisian politics.

La constitution: des avancées majeures qui restent à mettre en pratique Reporters Without Borders applauds major advances in the Tunisian constitution, but underscores that they will depend on their practical application.

Tunisie : Projets politiques et Réalités sociologiques : Les difficultés d’une adéquation. Tahar Chergouche carefully lays out the sociopolitical field in Tunisia, including points of convergence and rupture.

The surprising success of the Tunisian parliament Riham Bahi and Jan Volkl describe the conditions under which Tunisian parliamentarians made the National Constituent Assembly the focal point in democratic politics in the region.

Western Sahara

Whose Sahara? Morocco’s Nationalist Games George Bajalia and Toshiro Baum explore Morocco’s domestic and foreign policy with regard to Western Sahara.

ASVDH تندد باعتقال المناضل الصحراوي عبد السلام اللومادي The Sahrawi Association for the Victims of Grave Human Rights Violations issues a letter of concern for imprisoned Sahrawi activists, including Abdul Salam Allomadai, whose health is deteriorating.

Recent Jadaliyya Articles on the Maghreb

Judiciary Draft Laws in Morocco: Undercutting the Young Judges Movement Anass Saadoun presents Moroccoan judges’ struggle for independence and the efforts of the regime (through a judicial reform law) to break this new movement.

Libya’s Revolution 'Will Not Stop Until We Have Freedom' Alastair Stone laments the tenacity of political repression in Libya, highlighting the case of jailed writer Jamal al-Hajji.

Tunisia’s Judges: The Intra-State Struggle for Independence Mohamed Afif Jaidi highlights institutional attempts and obstacles to creating an independent judiciary in Tunisia.

Crise politique et question territoriale en Tunisie Sami Yassine Turki explores the “territorial question” at its intersection with Tunisian socio-politics, interrogating public space and a tension between centralization and decentralization.        

الأدب والثّورة: حوار مع حسين الواد بمناسبة الذّكرى الثّالثة للثورة التونسيّة Nour Gana interviews Tunisian litterateur Houceine el Oued on his life and work on the third anniversary of the Tunisian 2011 uprisings.

The Tindouf Refugee Camps: A Moroccan's Reflections  Nadir Bouhmouch describes his recent visit to the Tindouf refugee camps and measures his experience to the representations presented in his home country.

ليبيا: دولة الميليشيات  Wissam Mata describes the deteriorating state of security in Libya and portends a bleak outcome given increased decentralization of power to local armed militias.

Tunisia: A New Prime Minister for Old Politics?  Stefano Maria Torelli profiles Tunisia’s new Prime Minister, Mehdi Jomaa.

New Texts Out Now: Samia Errazzouki, Working-Class Women Revolt: Gendered Political Economy in Morocco  Jadaliyya interviews Maghreb Page editor Samia Errazzouki on her recent article in the North African Studies Journal.

After Mauritania’s Elections: Toward Reform or a Political Charade?  Hassan Ould Moctar analyzes the latest round of elections in Mauritania.

Emel Mathlouthi at Cairo's Qasr El Nil Theatre Jadaliyya culture and Madrar TV cover Tunisian singer Emel Mathlouthi at Cairo’s Downtown Contemporary Arts Festival.

Drug Trafficking in Northwest Africa: The Moroccan Gateway Abdelkader Abderrahmane examines the history of Morocco’s cannabis cultivation and its drug trade with Europe.

Implications of Morocco's Bifurcated Educational System Yasmine El Baggari situates her own experiences as a student in the Moroccan educational system, caught between a colonial model and failed indigenous policies.

الثورة الجزائرية: محاورة الماضي Jadaliyya Reports on the anniversary of the Algerian Revolution with a series of articles and spotlight analyses.

Blasti – C’est ma place  Jadaliyya Reports on a new Tunisian photography project that encourages women to use this medium to communicate about their relationship to their city. 

الجزائر تلقي الحجاب Jadaliyya’s Arabic editors analyze the veil in Algeria as a symbol of anti-colonialism through excerpts from Franz Fanon.

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