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Maghreb Media Roundup (December 30)


[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Maghreb and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Maghreb Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to maghreb@jadaliyya.com by Thursday night of every week.] 


L’Algérie face à son destin, d’Abdelkader ben Mahieddine à Tareq Mammeri  Adel Herik postulates that Algeria has been bound to repeating history for fifty years.

Khalifa peut conclure un deal avec les autorités In an interview with Hadjer Guenafa, lawyer Khaled Bourayou offers predictions on formerly-exiled tycoon Rafik Khalifa’s legal defense.

Le Mzab en deuil: Manifeste pour la paix  Dr. Brahim Benyoucef offers a situational and psychological analysis of violence in Algeria’s Mzab region. 

Vidéo: La petite blague de Hollande qui ne fait pas rire l'Algérie  The French president recently made a joke at the expense of Algeria’s security environment; Benjamin Roger reports on the reaction in Algeria.  (Hicham Hamza breaks the story: François Hollande se réjouit devant le Crif que Manuel Valls revienne d’Algérie « sain et sauf »)


Libye: vers une guerre du pétrole? Christophe Boisbouvier interviews former advisor to Prime Minister Ali Zeidan, Othman Bensasi, about the current state of Libya’s political economy and security situation.

فزان وتأبين الاستقلال Al-Zedany describes the historical relationship of the Fezzan region with the larger nation of Libya since its independence.

Art of the Revolution  Michael Cousins profiles street-art photographer Rula Bilbeisi Dajani’s book “Libya – Art of the Revolution.”


When is glass not transparent?  After journalist Riyadh Ahmed published a “scoop” on journalists and media accepting cash from governmental officials, Anita Hunt asks whether this information was novel in the first place.

انتخابات موريتانيا المهزلة المرتقبة Ahmed Ould Jeddou describes the recent elections in Mauritania as a political near-disaster that has sparked growing unease in the country.

انتخابات موازية في الطينطان  Ahmed Ebih reports on “parallel elections” held by activists in Tintane, who held a vote on social needs and desires. 


Maroc: do you speak darija?  Youssef Ait Akdim contextualizes the debate over darija as part of a larger concern over national identity.

Point hebdomadaire n°47 sur la campagne de parrainage des prisonniers politiques et d’opinion au Maroc  The Association in the Defense of Moroccan Human Rights publishes an end of year assessment of political prisoners in Morocco.

Les PME sont-elles Malheureuses? Zouhair Baghough investigates disadvantages for small- to medium-sized businesses in Morocco.

Will Morocco Regulate the Internet? An Interview with Zineb Belmkaddem and IbnKafka  In an interview with Jillian C. York, Ibn Kafka and Zineb Belmkaddem explore the ramifications of the possible Code Numérique that would severely curb internet freedom and particularly impact electronic media.

808 - L'Blaka Fes - Officiel HD L’Bassline releases their latest video, rapping about life in Fes and struggling against “the system.”


Tunisie: Les 5 clips incontournables des partis politiques (VIDÉOS)  Monia ben Hamadi profiles Tunisian rap in 2013.  

"Billkamcha": Une plateforme de lutte contre la corruption en Tunisie  Sarah ben Hamadi highlights a new website that allows Tunisians to independently report on cases of corruption.

« La Tunisie, 1er pays à constitutionnaliser la protection de l’usage de l’Internet » Riadh Guerfali reports that Tunisia has become the first country to protect internet freedom as a constitutional right.

Three Years Later, Tunisia's Interior Still Neglected  Robert Joyce highlights socioeconomic and security-related discrepancy between coastal and interior regions.

Western Sahara

Western Sahara: global mobilization for human rights of Saharawi people  The Sahara Press Service furnishes an overview of the international response to human rights violations in Western Sahara in 2013.

VIDEO تصريح عائلة المختطفين الصحراويين 15 عقب الندوة 24.12.2013 On the eighth anniversary of their disappearance, the mothers of fifteen young Sahrawi men release this video declaration. 

VIDEO Saharawis in Exile In this video, Ketil Blom depicts the lives of Sahrawi people living in Norway.

Recent Jadaliyya Articles on the Maghreb

Tunisia: A New Prime Minister for Old Politics?  Stefano Maria Torelli profiles Tunisia’s new Prime Minister, Mehdi Jomaa.

New Texts Out Now: Samia Errazzouki, Working-Class Women Revolt: Gendered Political Economy in Morocco  Jadaliyya interviews Maghreb Page editor Samia Errazzouki on her recent article in the North African Studies Journal.

After Mauritania’s Elections: Toward Reform or a Political Charade?  Hassan Ould Moctar analyzes the latest round of elections in Mauritania.

Emel Mathlouthi at Cairo's Qasr El Nil TheatreJadaliyya culture and Madrar TV cover Tunisian singer Emel Mathlouthi at Cairo’s Downtown Contemporary Arts Festival.

Drug Trafficking in Northwest Africa: The Moroccan Gateway Abdelkader Abderrahmane examines the history of Morocco’s cannabis cultivation and its drug trade with Europe.

Implications of Morocco's Bifurcated Educational System Yasmine El Baggari situates her own experiences as a student in the Moroccan educational system, caught between a colonial model and failed indigenous policies.

الثورة الجزائرية: محاورة الماضيJadaliyya Reports on the anniversary of the Algerian Revolution with a series of articles and spotlight analyses.

Blasti – C’est ma place  Jadaliyya Reports on a new Tunisian photography project that encourages women to use this medium to communicate about their relationship to their city. 

الجزائر تلقي الحجابJadaliyya’s Arabic editors analyze the veil in Algeria as a symbol of anti-colonialism through excerpts from Franz Fanon.

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