[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Maghreb and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Maghreb Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to maghreb@jadaliyya.com by Thursday night of every week.]
Bouteflika écrit au roi Mohamed VI President Abdelaziz Bouteflika writes to King Mohamed VI, invoking shared history and neglecting any allusion to the controversial Algerian flag defamation incident in Morocco.
L'Union Européenne annonce le montant de son soutien financier à la Tunisie Sandro Lutyens describes a new package of financial aid offered from the EU to countries in the Middle East and North Africa, intended to be a manner of “soft power.”
Algérie, la dernière génération وثائقي كامل:الجزائر،الجيل الأخير A documentary from filmmaker Evelyne Jousset Garcia examines the making and complexities of identity for Algerians who fled with their parents to France in the fifties and sixties.
Interview de Hassina Kherdouci Kabyle.com interviews Kabyle and feminist activist Hassina Kherdouci on why she refuses this nomenclature in favor of simply “person” or “woman” and her publication on women’s songs in Kabylie.
Libya: Displaced Camp Residents Need Immediate Protection Human Rights Watch urges protection for Tawarghen people now living in refugee camps and facing violence from armed groups from Misrata.
Libye: Sous la pression de la rue, des milices annoncent leur départ de Tripoli. Trop beau pour être vrai? As armed militias declare their exit from Tripoli, Libyan citizens and netizens harbor serious doubts.
Opinion: Change in Libya, crossing the “Valley of Despair” By using “change management theory,” Nuri Twebit situates Libya’s period of change as happening after, not during the revolution, and makes according recommendations for institution building and governmental comportment.
حراك 9 نوفمبر .. لا للتمديد ..نعم للتجديد In the face of an incredibly difficult security situation, Libya’s 9 November movement provides hope in their call for a renewal of political debate and engagement.
Photo Gallery: Police Attack Peaceful Protest in Mauritania Anita Hunt offers video evidence of police repression of Mauritanian m25fev movement’s protest of upcoming elections.
Mauritania, France sign security agreement France and Mauritania sign counter-terrorism agreement, intended to strengthen rule of law in Mali.
Mauritania elections: the hard choice Mouhamed Lemine El Kettab questions the ability of the upcoming Mauritanian elections to resolve political tensions in Mauritania, particularly given the marginalization of large portions of the population.
Election Crisis in Mauritania Renews the 2009 Scenario Ahmed Jedou likens the Mauritanian political climate to that of 2009 and analyzes the implications of unilateral elections.
Moroccan Minister-Delegate Mbarka Bouaida explains the importance of her country's relationship with the U.S. Mbarka Bouaida reminds us of Morocco’s official geopolitical and nationalist discourse in this interview on Fox News.
Language Conundrum Zouhair Mazouz describes the paradox of language in Morocco’s education system and society.
Morocco: Revise Draft Law on Domestic Workers Human Rights Watch urges Morocco to reform laws governing domestic workers to comply with international standards.
La mort au ventre : un suicide à petites bouchées Hanane Benaguida, of the Hayna group for eating disorder support, describes the lack of attention and medical and psychological networks in treating eating disorders in Morocco.
ATTAC/CADTM soutient les victimes des micro-crédits à Ouarzazate Mamfakinch and Lakome highlight efforts by Moroccan civil society organizations to defend Ouarzazate residents against harmful practices by microcredit lending agencies.
#NadorKiss: Anonymous takes on Moroccan authorities over kissing case Anonymous activists and netizens from around the world take up the case of two Nador teens facing trial for publishing a photo of their kiss on Facebook.
Leak : Rapport sur la loi de finances 2014 Nawaat leaks an eighty-four page document from Tunisia’s Finance Ministry on finance law in 2014.
Klay BBJ Explains His Arrest (VIDEO): Tunisia Live interviews Tunisian rapper Klay BBJ, who rails not against the police, but the system.
Tunisie : Le retour de la censure sur le Net? Tawa fi Tunis describes the troubling turn towards censorship of the internet in Tunisia.
Western Sahara
EUCOCO Launches International Campaign Against Moroccan Military Wall of Shame in Western Sahara The 38th annual Conference for Support for the Sahrawi People released a declaration that they will campaign internationally to remove the wall separating Western Sahara.
Recent Jadaliyya Articles on the Maghreb
Blasti – C’est ma place Jadaliyya Reports on a new Tunisian photography project that encourages women to use this medium to communicate about their relationship to their city.
الجزائر تلقي الحجاب Jadaliyya’s Arabic editors analyze the veil in Algeria as a symbol of anti-colonialism through excerpts from Franz Fanon.
Mohammed Arkoun: A Profile Jadliyya’s Critical Currents in Islam Page profiles Algerian/French scholar Mohammed Arkoun.
Maroc, difficile dialogue entre islamistes et gauche radicale Jules Crétois discusses the necessity for and the obstacles to achieving dialogue between political parties on the radical left and Islamic political factions in Morocco.
New JADMAG: Beyond Dominant Narratives on the Western Sahara A new JADMAG, edited by Maghreb page co-editors Samia Errazzouki and Allison L McManus is available now from Tadween Publishing.
Colonisation Pacifique?: Examining the Contradictions of Xavier Coppolani’s Expansion into Mauritania Hassan Ould Moctar explores the colonization of Mauritania as a series of competing and concurring political maneuvers, instigated by the master plan of orientalist Xavier Coppolani.
باية محي الدين: الرسم على إيقاع الطفولة Jadaliyya’s Arabic editors feature the artwork of Baya Mahieddine.
كروم الجزائر في العهد الاستعماري: أهو تاريخ نبيذ فرنسيّ أم جزائري؟ Through the history of wine production in Algeria in the colonial period, Maia Venturini addresses attitudes of the French and Algerians during colonization.
"Laaroussa" Collaborative Art Project Medrar TV and Jadaliyya Culture feature the “Laaroussa” collaborative between a group of artists and women potters from Sejnane.
Roundtable Introduction: The Afterlives of the Algerian Revolution Jadaliyya’s Maghreb Page co-editor Muriam Haleh Davis produces a roundtable discussion on historiography and post-coloniality in Algeria, based on a series of papers presented at a panel at the most recent Middle East Studies Association conference.
Impossible Opposition: The Magic of the One-Party Regime Malika Rahal explores the paradox of the FLN as both object of criticism and admiration in communist revolutionary circles.
Still Standing: Algeria’s Future Past James McDougall highlights the value of recognizing fluid articulations of past and present and the use of ethnographic methods in the historiography of Algeria.
Reimagining the Belle Epoque: Remembering Nation-Building in an Algiers Neighborhood With the nostalgic memories of residents of Algiers’ Bab al Oued neighborhood, Ed McAllister reconstructs Algeria from 1972.
“Give Us Back Our Oil:” Claims for Justice in Light of Algeria’s Colonial Past Thomas Serres unpacks “colonialisms” in Algerian discourses and the employment of the term in positioning the elite. (In Arabic: أعيدوا لنا نفطنا)
1962 As Event and Metaphor in Women’s Oral Histories in Algeria Through ethnographies of women independence fighters, Natalya Vince explores the binary language of the Algerian struggle for independence and nation-building after 1962. (In Arabic: سنة 1962 كحدث واستعارة في التواريخ الشفوية للنساء في الجزائر)
Testing Diversity, Researching the Invisible: The Jew, the Israelite, and the Margins of Algerian National Identity (in France) In exploring recent moments of Jewish-Algerian experience, Samuel Everett grapples with his nascent research on diversity in the country.