Recent articles and analysis on Syria, representing diverse positions:
Virtual and on-the-ground changes to Syria’s streets and squares
Syria, Spin and Propaganda on Al-Jazeera’s The Listening Post
The real Syrian opposition...? on Syria Comment
Nir Rosen on ‘The Battle for Homs’
BBC : US Government positions on Syria, Aleppo bombings
BBC’s on-the-ground reporting from Homs
Debate and comment on options for Syria
Palestinian intellectuals in support of Syria sign up to the Syrian Writers Association
Roula Khalaf analysis for the FT on opposition’s political manoeuvring
Homs refugees in hiding in Damascus
Syrian Human Rights group tries to shake off imposter
Joseph Massad’s second piece on Syria, imperialism and a third way
But not everyone agrees with Massad; a response here
A Foreign Policy article by Stephen Walt on whether the Libyan case thwarts Syria’s chances
Chatham House’s Rime Allaf in the New York Times
The argument against intervention, from Seamus Milne
And an attack on the Milne apologetics
New York Times Editorial on Syria
With the Syrian Free Army in Lebanon
An important debunking of claims that YouGov Siraj poll shows 55% of Syrians support the regime
The Angry Arab: a nod to the Syrian uprising (1) . . . and on the problematic of Western media coverage of same
Ian Black gives a relatively more nuanced analysis in The Guardian on anti-regime positions
Joshua Landis and Steven Heydemann debate, after UN veto
Financial Times analysis on Syria’s economy (requires registration to view)
#Tweepoftheweek goes to @DavidCButter for considered commentary on Syria
#citizenjournalist extraordinaire goes to activist Danny Dayem reporting from Homs
Arabic Language Articles:
Peter Harling, of International Crisis Group, in Assafir newspaper
An article by Syrian writer Odai al-Zu’bi
Alain Greish at a Syria seminar in Paris
Sectarianism and Syria by Yassin Haj Saleh in Annahar
Syria and foreign intervention by Khalid Hroub, Cambridge University
Recent Jadaliyya Articles on Syria
Turkey's Foreign Policy Towards the Middle East: An Interview with Asli Bali (Part 2)
The Israeli Position Toward Events in Syria
Palestinian Intellectuals to Syrian Regime: Not in Our Name!
On Vetoes, Negotiations, and Syria: RT Interview with Jadaliyya Co-Editor Mouin Rabbani
While You Were Sleeping, Again
New Texts Out Now: Joshua Stacher, Adaptable Autocrats: Regime Power in Egypt and Syria
The Syrian Revolution on Four Packs a Day
US on UN Veto: "Disgusting", "Shameful", "Deplorable", "A Travesty..." Really?
Cynicism Around Syria: Russia as Smokescreen
خطاب الجعفري ...دريفوس معتقلاً
بدأت ثورة شعبية، ولكن هل استطاعوا حرفها؟
The Transformation of the Syrian Revolution: Al Jazeera English Interview with Bassam Haddad
ديناميتان للثورة السورية: المستقبل في الحاضر
الثورة السورية نحو مزيد من التعقيد: تصريحات برهان غليون "غير المدروسة" للوول ستريت جورنال
القيمة الأخلاقية للثورة العربية
The Idiot's Guide to Fighting Dictatorship in Syria while Opposing Military Intervention