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Maghreb Media Roundup (September 20)


[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Maghreb and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Maghreb Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to maghreb@jadaliyya.com by Thursday night of every week.] 


Struggles Continue in Algeria: What to think? Kal “The Moor Next Door” offers several perspectives and analysis on the recent rift between Bouteflika and Toufiq, and the significance of recent cabinet reshufflings.

10 observations sur la crise de l’été 2013 en Algérie. Baki “7our” Mansour summarizes recent political dealings in Algeria with ten points.

Investissement étrangers--Alcatel-Lucent sur le point de quitter l’Algérie pour le Maroc Ali Idir reports on the weak business climate in Algeria, as many companies leave the country to establish themselves in Morocco.

La campagne pour le 4e mandat d’Abdelaziz Bouteflika devrait commencer le 21 septembre prochain Abdou Semmar announces that Bouteflika’s campaign for a fourth term in office will begin in roughly one year.


A long wait for justice in Libya Perspectives on the trials of Abdulluh al-Sanussi and Saif Al-Islam al-Gaddafi cast doubt on the robustness of rule of law in Libya.

Les attaques envers les journalistes soulignent la permanence du règne des milices Reports Without Borders expresses alarm about continued attacks on journalists in the country and calls for political support for a free press.

Must it get worse before it gets better? The Economist surveys the security and political situation in Libya.


UN OCHA Report: West and Central Africa: Humanitarian Bulletin - September 2013 The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reports that malnutrition in Mauritania has reached emergency levels.

Le Premier ministère annonce la composition du comité interministériel chargé de suivre les conséquences des pluies à Nouakchott After heavy flooding, the Mauritanian government announced a committee to follow the consequences of the rain crisis.

 Des jeunes du TPMN réclament la libération de leurs camarades Dozens of Mauritanians in Kaédi gather in solidarity with support those imprisoned during the demonstrations of Touche Pas À Ma Nationalité ! (Don’t Touch My Nationality!)


Affaire Ali Anouzla. Communiqué de Lakome Lakome issues an official press release regarding the arrest of one of its founders and editors, Ali Anouzla, on terrorism charges for having published a video from Al-Qaeda in the Maghreb.

Paying for the sins of others – #FreeAliAnouzla Jadaliyya’s Samia Errazzouki probes the true significance of the imprisonment of Moroccan journalist Ali Anouzla, who has critized the king in the past.

“Un Vote ne Compte Pas” Zouhair Baghough explores the signficance of a single vote in regional and national context.

Immigration : Grosses pressions sur Ceuta et Melilla, des ONG espagnoles accusent le Maroc Ristel Edimo reports on recent attention on the situation of migrants entering the Spanish enclaves, especially heated since the efforts by over a hundred migrants to cross the border.


Abus de procédure et détentions préventives affectent l'activité des journalistes Despite the recent release of journalist Zied el Heni, Reporters Without Borders still expresses concern over a lack of press freedom in Tunisia.

Recrutement dans la fonction publique : lorsque l’homo sociologicus prend le dessus sur l’homo economicus TunEconomist offer an economic analysis of the Tunisian government’s approach to selecting posts for the Ministry of the Commerce based on age.

More Tunisians to Pay Maximum 35 Percent Tax Rate Tristan Dreisbach reports that plans for new tax reform in Tunisia will expand the highest tax bracket to include more of the population.

Western Sahara

Des jeunes du Polisario au Maroc à l’invitation de leurs homologues de l’USFP Mohammed Jaabouk reports on a reciprocal arrangement between the youth of USFP and the Polisario coordinated through mutual visits and discussion.

Recent Jadaliyya Articles on the Maghreb

Où est l’intérêt national et qui le sert ? Leyla Dakhli explores legitimacy and authority in Tunisia today.

A Portrait of Tunisian Artist Nicene Kossentini As part of a coproduction with Medrar TV, the visual artist Nicene Kossentini, from Sfax Tunisia, is profiled in this video. (In Arabic here.)

The Invention of Throne Day Nabil Mouline explains the symbolic significance of Morocco’s Throne Day as an act of legitimation for the monarchy.

Algerian Memories: An Interview with Henri Alleg In commemoration of the life of Algerian independence activist Henri Alleg, whose seminal work The Question exposed French torture in the former colony, Khalil Bendib publishes a 2007 interview.

Elections au Mali : Quelques réflexions sur la restauration de l'ordre Thomas Serres reflects on the implications of the recent elections in Mali, concluding that they indicate a step in the right direction. (In English here.)

المغاربة ينددون باغتصاب طفولتهم مرتَيْنِ Brahim el Guabli describes the recent demonstrations in Morocco, the first that have targeted the king’s authority directly.

Daniel's List Ibn Kafka probes legal and diplomatic responsibility in DanielGate.

نموت ويحيا الوطن Brahim el Guabli explores the sentiments of patriotism and dedication to the homeland in Morocco.

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