[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Egypt and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Egypt Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to egypt@jadaliyya.com by Sunday night of every week.]
“Who's Who: Nominees for Egypt's 50-member constitution committee”
The list of the fifty members that will make up the constitutional committee.
“Khaled Said case adjourned to 1 October”
The re-trial of the policemen responsible for Khaled Said’s death continues.
“Egypt: Reconciliation Or Repression?”
Muslim Brotherhood specialist Khalil Al-‘Anani predicts a split within the ranks of the organization, with a splinter becoming more radical and violent.
“In my Cairo neighborhood, new violence but the same old troubles”
Mokhtar Awad warns that the biggest danger facing Egypt is the return of society to political apathy and its approval of even more authoritarian regime than Mubarak’s.
“Egypt's Rebels Who Lost Their Cause?”
Khalid Diab foresees the impeding confrontation between Tamarod and their current ally, the army.
“Ahmed Maher faces charges of espionage”
A court case starts against April 6 founder, after complaints filed against him for characterizing the events of 30 June as a coup.
“Egypt prosecution arbitrarily extends detentions: FDEP”
Front for Defense of Egyptian Protesters condemns arbitrary extensions of detentions at Abu Za‘abal prison.
“Six dead as protests erupt across Egypt"
Clashes break out Cairo as Muslim Brotherhood protesters and other forces defy the military.
“Morsi supporters rally to 'reclaim legitimacy', police warn against violence"
Protests begin across the country, after calls for civil disobedience.
“US envoy in Egypt blasts state newspaper Al-Ahram”
The US ambassador to Egypt Anne Patterson sends a letter to Ahram editor-in-chief criticizing him for writing an article accusing her of conspiring with the Muslim Brotherhood.
“The flight into Egypt”
Scott Long reflects on the current situation in Egypt, refugees and sectarianism, as he arrives in Cairo.
“Perpetrators of second Rafah massacre arrested”
Three men arrested in Al-‘Arish for involvement in the massacre of twenty-five border guards in Sinai.
“Secularists to dominate Egypt's final constitution-drafting process”
Al-Nour Party will have only one representative in the fifty-member constitutional commission.
“Al Jazeera Mubasher Misr channel banned from Egypt”
The government says the Qatari channel does not have a license to operate legally in the country.
“Former MB figure El-Helbawi says group should apologise to nation”
Kamal Al-Helbawi says that the Muslim Brotherhood is responsible for its mistakes while governing the country.
“Constitutional amendments mostly criticized”
Masr Qawiya, the anti-coup coalition and the press syndicate criticize the constitutional amendments.
“Civilians still face military trials”
The majority of recent trials are concentrated in the Suez Canal cities and Al-‘Arish.
“Son of deputy supreme guide arrested”
Saad El-Shater was arrested in his home in Nasr City in Cairo.
“Administrative Court blocks attempt to seize Ramlet Bulaq”
The court case against the government and a state institution which ordered the seizing of the land was filed by the Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Rights.
“Egypt PM rolls back on Muslim Brotherhood ban”
Prime Minister Hazem el-Beblawi says that banning the Brotherhood is not the solution.
In Arabic:
“الداخلية» عن دعوات «الإخوان» للتظاهر: سنستخدم الذخيرة الحية وفقًا لضوابط حق الدفاع»"
The Ministry of Interior threatens the use of live ammunition for “self-defense” if demonstrations escalate on Friday.
“مؤامرة جديدة لزعزعة الاستقرار بتورط سياسيين وصحفيين ورجال أعمال”
Al-Ahram “uncovers” a conspiracy between the American ambassador and Muslim Brotherhood leader Khairat Al-Shater to destabilize Egypt by moving 300 armed men from Gaza to Egypt.
“تمرد»: قد ندعم ترشح «السيسي» للرئاسة إذا لم تستقر الأوضاع الأمنية»”
Tamarrod says it would support General Al-Sisi’s nomination for the presidential elections, if the security situation does not improve.
“مدير أمن الجيزة: وجدنا بحوزة البلتاجي كاميرا تصوير فقط ولم يكن لديه مستندات”
Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Al-Beltagy was arrested in Giza.
“كلمة د. محمد البلتاجي للجزيرة مباشر مصر”
A video of Mohamed Al-Beltagy aired on Al-Jazeera Mubasher in which he denies accusations of terrorism against the Muslim Brotherhood.
“القبض على أسامة ياسين وبرفقته سكرتير خيرت الشاطر داخل فيلا بالتجمع الخامس”
Former youth minister Osama Yassin and Khairat Al-Shater’s secretary Mohamed Hafez were arrested in a villa in Cairo’s 5th settlement.
“وصلنا حتى الآن 7 بلاغات عن حالات تحرش جماعى و فردى بمحطه مترو الشهداء اليوم”
A witness account of the incidents of mass sexual harassment at the overcrowded metro in downtown Cairo.
“!!"ON TV" ريم ماجد توضح حقيقة استبعادها من قناة ”
Reem Maguid denies reports that she resigned from ONTV for its policy of inciting against the Muslim Brotherhood.
“"بلاغ للنائب العام ضد وزيرة الإعلام لإيقاف بث قنوات "الجزيرة"”
The Free Social Party and the Afro-Asiatic Lawyer’s Union for Human Rights files a case with the prosecution to stop broadcasting of Al-Jazeera in Egypt.
“"الوطن" تنشر صيغة مشروع "القوى العاملة" لقانون المنظمات النقابية”
Al-Watan publishes the text of the draft law on labor and syndicates.
“منصور» يصدر قرارًا بحذف «الإخلاص لرئيس الجمهورية» من يمين القوات المسلحة»”
The president issues a decree to drop pledging obedience to the president’s orders in the oath for graduating officers.
“!أحمد بلال: أنا آسف يا سوريا”
Ahmed Bilal says that over the past two years the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Jazeera have managed to falsify the facts about what is happening in Syria to favor the rebels.
Recent Jadaliyya articles on Egypt:
Khalil Bendib’s caricature commenting on the release of Hosni Mubarak.
بورسعيد: ليلة وصباحيّة
Mohamed Kalfat talks about Simsimiyya music, the local music of the Suez cities.