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Maghreb Media Roundup (August 30)


[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Maghreb and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Maghreb Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to maghreb@jadaliyya.com by Thursday night of every week.] 


Géographie de l’exclusion : la poudrière sociale Mustpha Benfodil describes the social ramifications of a housing crisis near Algeria’s capital city.

Amar Saadani, un proche de Bouteflika à la tête du FLN pour préparer 2014 Riyad Hamadi offers a portrait of Amar Saadani, the new Secretary General of the FLN.

Les Etats-Unis extraderont-ils Chakib Khelil ? Hocine Malti asks why media and public focus on the Sonatrach scandal does not extend farther into the hierarchy of power in the state.


RSF salue le dernier verdict concernant le journaliste Amara al-Khitabi Reporters Without Borders applauds the decision to reinstate the passport of Libyan journalist Amara al-Khitabi.

Oil strikes: will use full force if peaceful action fails – Zeidan Samia Zaptia reports that Prime Minister Zeidan’s has warned he will use any force necessary to dismantle strikes that inhibit oil production.

Bitter Hope Imtidad explains why he has hope for Libya.

Libya’s Tripoli Zoo Houses a Detention Center for Illegal Immigrants With no constitution, Tasbeeh Herwees outlines the horrible conditions for Libya’s migrants.

It’s Time for Saif al-Islam Gaddafi to Go to The Hague Richard Dicker believes that the Libyan authorities should turn Gaddafi’s son over to the International Crimincal Court.


دعوة للمقاطعة  Ahmed Jedou calls for a boycott of Mauritania’s upcoming elections, explaining why they are illegitimate.

La démocratie version Aziz  Mauritanoix explores the constraints on democracy under a military regime.

Loupe du Jour : Elections : dans tous les cas de figures … Cheikh Tidiane Dia questions the validity of a boycott of the upcoming elections.


Mountains and Molehills After the appointment of Aziz Akhennouch to interim Finance Minister, Zouhair Baghough reminds us of his failed “Green Plan” for agricultural development.

Maroc : La formation du gouvernement Benkirane II entre les mains du roi ? Mohamed Jaabouk reports that while Benkirane is absent from the country on vacation, deliberations continue on the formation of the new cabinet.

La réforme de l’éducation : un « chantier royal », des résultats catastrophiques en l’absence de la reddition des comptes Azeddine Aksebi offers an analysis of education reform, with pessimistic conclusions.

Can't go on and can't go back: migrants find themselves trapped and at risk Allison L McManus highlights the serious human rights implications for migrants in Morocco.

Morocco attempts to calm consumers Siham Ali explains the concern amongst Moroccan consumers about a post-Ramadan price hike.


Lettre ouverte de RSF au premier ministre: les autorités doivent revenir sur les nouvelles nominations à la tête des radios publiques Reporters Without Borders expresses concern over the nominations of new leaders of public radio stations, seeing these nominations as counterproductive to the establishment of an independent press.

Tunisie : Il faut enquêter sur des allégations de mauvais traitements en prison Human Rights Watch demands an inquiry into allegations of mistreatment in the Mornaguia prison.

Ennahda Leader Postpones Law Banning Former Regime Politicians Nissaf Slama explains that Ghannouchi has postponed a political isolation law, called the Law for the Protection of the Revolution, that would bar any Ben Ali technocrats from serving in the current government.

La campagne « Dégage » continue, l’impasse politique se maintient Lilia Blaise describes the ongoing stalemate between the ruling government and those calling for it to step down.

Recent Jadaliyya Articles on the Maghreb

The Invention of Throne Day Nabil Mouline explains the symbolic significance of Morocco’s Throne Day as an act of legitimation for the monarchy.

Algerian Memories: An Interview with Henri Alleg In commemoration of the life of Algerian independence activist Henri Alleg, whose seminal work The Question exposed French torture in the former colony, Khalil Bendib publishes a 2007 interview.

Elections au Mali : Quelques réflexions sur la restauration de l'ordre Thomas Serres reflects on the implications of the recent elections in Mali, concluding that they indicate a step in the right direction. (In English here.)

المغاربة ينددون باغتصاب طفولتهم مرتَيْنِ Brahim el Guabli describes the recent demonstrations in Morocco, the first that have targeted the king’s authority directly.

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