[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Maghreb and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Maghreb Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to maghreb@jadaliyya.com by Thursday night of every week.]
Bouteflika indisponible, vacance du pouvoir de facto Kader A. Abderrahim posits that President Bouteflika is faring worse than official statements indicate but still retains his influence.
La justice algérienne lance 20 mandats d’arrêt contre des personnes impliquées Samira Benradouane reports that twenty arrest warrants have been issued in the Sonatrach corruption scandal.
Aux Patrioticards Et Autres Démocrates De La 25eme Heure. Said Radjef traces the shared history and culture of Kabylie and Algeria.
Chakib Khelil : tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur l'ancien homme fort du clan Bouteflika Amir Rabah delves into the political life of Chakib Khelil, Algeria’s former Energy Minister now implicated in the Sonatrach scandal.
Tobruk Shield brigade dissolves itself Despite arms and drug smuggling from Egypt, Ahmed Elumami reports that many of Libya’s brigades have begun dissolving, weeks after a June when thirty-one people died in protests in Benghazi.
Libyan journalist shot as militants target media in Benghazi Chris Stephen describes the obstacles and threats that journalists face reporting in Libya.
Une journaliste échappe de peu à un assassinat Reporters Without Borders condemns violence against the press.
Where slavery persists Al Jazeera’s The Stream covers the many facts of persisting slavery in Mauritania, featuring interviews with Nasser Wedaddy, Saidou Wane, Bakary Tandia and Abidine Ould-Merzough.
Mauritanie : les élections législatives et municipales reportées sine die Khalilou Diagana reports that presidential elections in Mauritania have been suspended indefinitely.
Ouverture d'une enquête sur la mort d'un jeune sénégalais poignardé à Rabat, le suspect identifié Authorities open an inquiry into the stabbing death of a young Senegalese man over a seat on the bus, Lakome reports.
Nous ne Voterons plus. Nous n’existerons plus? Zouhair Baghough looks at demographics in Morocco and projects that the electoral body is shrinking, concluding that a boycott will lead to greater control by the makhzen.
Judicial reform demanded in Morocco Aida Alami talks to Moroccans reflecting on DanielGate controversy.
Le Maroc face à l’affaire Galván Hicham Ben Abdallah el Alaoui (Moulay Hicham) concludes that the DanielGate saga has exposed political asymmetry and encourages democratic reform.
La LMDH soutient Adil Tchikito, le député istiqlalien qui a refusé de courber l’échine devant le roi Lakome reports on the Moroccan League of Human Rights’ support for Adil Tchikito, Istiqlalien, who refused to bow to the king in the Ceremony of Allegience.
Ennahdha, Opposition No Closer to Deal Robert Joyce reports that Ghannouchi is unwavering in his refusal to dismantle the National Constituent Assembly.
Tunisia: Jailed Netizen Denied Eid Pardon Despite having appealed for clemency, Afef Abrougui reports that Jabeur Mejri was not pardoned for having drawn cartoons that depict the Prophet Muhammed.
Tunisia Between a Rock and a Hard Place Rob Prince draws comparisons between Egypt and Tunisia, elaborating on Ghannouchi’s support in the US.
La Femen tunisienne, Amina Sboui, publie une nouvelle photo choc Ismail Beiji reports that, directly upon her release from prison, Amina Tyler of Femen publishes a new photo statement.
Journée nationale de la Femme : mobilisation inégale pour deux manifestations hautement politisées Nadia Akari describes two highly-politicized demonstrations for National Women’s Day.
Pour une alliance démocratique B. Katari outlines the factions that were present at the Bardo protests and offers a vision for a future democratic alliance.
Western Sahara
Polisario political organization secretariat launches 20 May website The Polisario launch a website for their magazine.
The Double Burden of Obesity and Malnutrition in a Protracted Emergency Setting The authors explore health ramifications of living in exigent circumstances in Western Sahara.
Sahara Occidental: le Polisario n'écarte pas un retour à la lutte armée Polisario leader Mustapha Bachir Essaid declares he is not ruling out armed struggle against Rabat.
Recent Jadaliyya Articles on the Maghreb
Algerian Memories: An Interview with Henri Alleg In commemoration of the life of Algerian independence activist Henri Alleg, whose seminal work The Question exposed French torture in the former colony, Khalil Bendib publishes a 2007 interview.
Elections au Mali : Quelques réflexions sur la restauration de l'ordre Thomas Serres reflects on the implications of the recent elections in Mali, concluding that they indicate a step in the right direction. (In English here.)
المغاربة ينددون باغتصاب طفولتهم مرتَيْنِ Brahim el Guabli describes the recent demonstrations in Morocco, the first that have targeted the king’s authority directly.
Daniel's List Ibn Kafka probes legal and diplomatic responsibility in DanielGate.
نموت ويحيا الوطن Brahim el Guabli explores the sentiments of patriotism and dedication to the homeland in Morocco.
Complicity and Indifference: Racism in Morocco Samia Errazzouki highlights the endemic problem of racism in Morocco and the failure of the government to address it.
تونس: الأزمة والأفق المسدود Myriam Guetat condemns partisanship in the Tunisian government and questions its legitimacy since the 2011 elections.
Portrait of Mohamed Brahmi Lilia Blaise paints a portrait of a man of conviction and integrity, but also a threat to many in Tunisian politics, up to his last days.