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Maghreb Media Roundup (August 9)


[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Maghreb and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Maghreb Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to maghreb@jadaliyya.com by Thursday night of every week.] 


Le nouveau rôle clé de l'Algérie Hayet Zitouni explores Algeria’s new, more engaged and visible role in fighting terrorism in North Africa.

La conjuration des extrêmes Samir Bouakouir believes that public displays of non-fasting during Ramadan threaten national unity at a crucial time.

Intégrisme, intolérance et “république” Mustapha Hammouche situates the government’s response to public eating during Ramadan as a tactic of intolerance.


Analysis: Libya struggles to clear explosive remnants of war IRIN describes efforts in Libya to remove hundreds of thousands of landmines from Gaddafi’s efforts to contain 2011 uprisings (and from earlier WWII operations.)

Libya: Wave of Political Assassinations Human Rights Watch warns that a lack of government responsiveness to fifty-one political assassinations may encourage further violence in Libya.

Strikes Keep Hydrocarbon Exports Down The Libya Herald reports on strikes at petroleum plants in Libya, where workers are joined by the military branch Petroleum Facilities Guard.


عاجل : إضراب يشل جميع ورش تازيازت Mauritanian workers strike at a Kinross mine, halting operations there.

Pour une « éducation sexuelle équitable et équilibrée » In a patriarchal society where taboo governs the sexual realm, Baye Tidiane Diagana calls for fair and equal sexual education.

Essirage s’entretient avec Ibrahim Mifo Sow, Vice président des FLAM Essirage interviews Ibrahim Mifo Sow, Vice President of the African Liberation Forces of Mauritania.


منيب: الملك مسؤول والنخبة منافقة وانتهازية ولا يمكن التحالف مع الإتحاد الإشتراكي بسبب القيادة الحالية (فيديو لكم) In a video interview with Lakome, Nabila Mounib, Secretary General of Morocco’s Socialist Party, places blame on Mohamed VI and encourages further public demonstrations.

Maroc : poussé hors d’une fourgonnette en marche par un policier Marocain, un Congolais décède 6 jours plus tard. Afrik Online reports that a Congolese schoolteacher (a husband and father) died six days after being thrown from a moving police vehicle.

Morocco-Spain relations: A new found love Hassan Masiky explains what DanielGate reveals about the increasingly friendly relationship between Morocco and Spain.

La dérobade d’un roi Ali Amar outlines lessons learned from DanielGate, believing that the affair will not be easily swept under the royal carpet.

Morocco political clashes draw youth attention Sihem Ali points to the increased political engagement of young Moroccans expecting more from their leaders.


Quand l’Histoire recule par le bon côté Sadri Khiari describes the energy and diversity of massive mobilizations at Bardo.

Tens of Thousands Remember Belaid, Demand Fall of Government Nissaf Slama covers massive demonstrations commemorating the six-month anniversary of Chokri Belaid’s assassination.

Is Tunisia at War? Youssef Cherif contextualizes the shortcomings of the Tunisian military in its engagement in what may be becoming the “Chaambi War.”

Tunisian FEMEN Activist Amina Released from Prison Afef Abrougui reviews reactions to Amina’s release from prison.

Tunisia: in search of a political exit from political violence Christopher Lamont comes to dark conclusions about Tunisia’s fight against political violence.

Recent Jadaliyya Articles on the Maghreb

Elections au Mali : Quelques réflexions sur la restauration de l'ordre Thomas Serres reflects on the implications of the recent elections in Mali, concluding that they indicate a step in the right direction.

المغاربة ينددون باغتصاب طفولتهم مرتَيْنِ Brahim el Guabli describes the recent demonstrations in Morocco, the first that have targeted the king’s authority directly.

Daniel's List Ibn Kafka probes legal and diplomatic responsibility in DanielGate.

نموت ويحيا الوطن Brahim el Guabli explores the sentiments of patriotism and dedication to the homeland in Morocco.

Complicity and Indifference: Racism in Morocco Samia Errazzouki highlights the endemic problem of racism in Morocco and the failure of the government to address it.

تونس: الأزمة والأفق المسدود Myriam Guetat condemns partisanship in the Tunisian government and questions its legitimacy since the 2011 elections.

Portrait of Mohamed Brahmi Lilia Blaise paints a portrait of a man of conviction and integrity, but also a threat to many in Tunisian politics, up to his last days.

Snapshot: Tunis Laura Boushnak offers insight into women and social activism in Tunisia’s capital in this photo essay.

What Is Wrong with US Aid to Tunisia Allison Good criticizes US foreign aid investment without corresponding institutional reform as detrimental to Tunisia’s transformation from a rent economy to a market economy.

Political Violence Threatens the Tunisian Experiment Stefano Maria Torelli situates Mohamed El Brahmi’s execution in the mounting political violence and stalemate in Tunisia, but concludes with hope.

Tunisia and the 'Arab Spring' Reversal Fadil Alirizi probes the forces of counterrevolution in Tunisia and beyond.

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