[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Syria and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Syria Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to syria@jadaliyya.com by Monday night of every week.]
Regional and International Perspectives
Inflating Syria’s Crisis Jihad Yazigi explores the reasons behind the Syrian government’s recent restrictions on private sector imports.
Quick Take: Syria’s Skyrocketing InflationProfessor Steve H. Hanke says Syria’s implied inflation rate is now 91.9%.
Syrian Rebels Get the “Jilt” From WashingtonDavid Ignatius likens US foreign policy toward Syria to an unhappy romance.
Jordan: Salafist Leader Foresees Post-Assad Conflict With Secularist Tamer al Samadi suggests extremist elements of the armed opposition are already planning their battle against secularists.
Don’t Know Much About History Micah Zenko argues that “the motivated misapplication of such lessons in order to support policy preferences in Syria should be condemned.”
The Arab World Has Harbored Fantasies About The Supernatural Power of the United States Mohammed Attar’s insightful interview with Noam Chomsky, in which he discusses the Syrian crisis and its developments.
Pakistan Taliban “Sets up a base in Syria” Ahmed Wali Mujeeb reports on this alleged development, whereby warfare and communication technology experts from Pakistan would have arrived in Syria.
The Crime Lord of Za’atari Refugee Camp: Muhammad al-Hariri Heather Hartlaub on the mafia environment that emerged in this Syrian refugee camp, where there is tremendous despair and little accountability.
Lebanon Developments
Lebanese Officials Say CIA Warned Them of Imminent Al Qaeda Attack on HezbollahMitchell Prothero breaks this story about the CIA indirectly reaching out to Hezbollah to warn them of the attack.
When Langley Met Dahiyeh, A Trans-Oceanic Love Story Following the news that the United States had warned Hezbollah about the imminent bombing in Dahiyeh, Qifa Nabki writes that “the move is consistent with a broader US policy of trying to curb the influence of the more radical elements in the Syrian opposition.”
Lebanon Headed Toward Crisis, Full-Blown Sectarian Violence Nasser Chararah on how Lebanon’s stability is at stake as a result of its own domestic turmoil as well as the Syria crisis.
Syria Child Refugees Find Little Solace on Beirut StreetTalal Alyan meets with Syrian children living in the streets of Beirut, and becomes aware of his and other people’s problematic way of interacting with them.
Syrian Narratives
Bullets and Empty Promises Push Syrians to the BrinkAmal Hanano is disillusioned about meetings occurring amongst the Syrian opposition outside Syria.
One on One: Rania Abouzeid, Journalist An interview with one of the few journalists who has been going in and out of the country over the past two years, in which she discusses her journalistic practices and experiences covering the crisis.
Syria ERA special Huffington Post report on American doctors on a mission to Syria.
Rebellion, Sectarian Slaughter or Civil War? Reading the Syria Melee Jose Ciro Martinez reviews the works of Fouad Ajami, Samar Yazbeck, Stephen Starr and Bassam Haddad.
En Syrie Des Salafistes en Recul Thomas Pierret on the internal fragmentation within and amongst radical groups in Syria, which slows down their progression.
Al-Qaeda Tries to Control Areas Liberated by Free Syrian Army The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant is the latest group that departed ideologically from the Jabhat al-Nusra front to create another radical group in Syria.
Al Qaeda Kills Free Syrian Army Commander: FSA Spokesman On the further fragmentation of fighting groups in Syria, now fighting each other.
Aleppo Developments
Aleppo Starves Under Siege The undercovered, ongoing situation of chaos unfolding in Aleppo
Aleppo Students Excel, Against All Odds Basel Dayoub reveals the resilience of Aleppo, where 15 of the 38 children to have scored perfect scores in their final exams are from this city.
Kurdish Developments
Clashes Re-Erupt in Syria Between Al Qaeda, KurdsWladimir Van Wilgenburg discusses the latest developments, in which Kurds are trying to counteract the growing influence of Al Qaeda in a region political actors see as crucial to fulfill their goals.
En Syrie, Les Kurdes Infligent Une Cuisant Defaite Aux Jihadistes French outlets also zooming on the Kurdish battle being led against Al Qaeda north of the country.
Inside Syria
Uneasy Peace in Syria’s Tal Kalakh Marah Mashi goes back to Tal Khalak and notices that what had become an anti-regime enclave early on is now loyalist “to the bone,” revealing the complex and ever-evolving allegiances arising in the chaos.
Stealing Ramadan Rita from Syria about the violent campaigns against civilians in Eastern Gouta, Aleppo and Homs.
Syrian Conflict Keeps University Students at HomeAndrea Glioti reports from northeast Syria, where many are forced to remain at home as a result of the crisis.
Arts and Social Media
Ushahidi Hosts Panel Discussion on Crowdsourced Crisis Mapping in Syria An interesting hangout providing information on the application of emerging methods to assess the scope of conflict in Syria.
Mapping Syria’s Rebellion Basma Atassi and Mohammed Haddad provide a useful infographic shedding light on the various political and armed opposition groups involved in the Syria crisis.
Social Media Buzz: We Are Coming to Slaughter You Mohammed Sergie writes about this satirical social media piece, which became widely-circulated for its creative and witty response to the sectarian turn of the Syria conflict.
Syrians Hold Banner Supporting Trayvon Martin’s Family Following the verdict acquitting Zimmerman, Syrians show their support to Martin’s family, revealing the power of social media in uniting people suffering injustices.
Artists Capture a Bloody Ramadan in Syria Many Syrian artists have depicted the holy month in Syria, in the context of the war.
Walk-Ins Welcome: Stories of Syrian Refugee Barbers A group of college students is trying to make a film about the Zaatari refugees, and draw human portraits through an act of everyday life (a haircut).
Journalism vs. Stenography in Mainstream Media A heated debate between James Miller and BBC’s Julia Macfarlane, following the Taliban story which Miller does not believe to be true.
Policy and Reports
Month-by-Month Summary of Developments in Syria (Updated) An update by the International Crisis Group
سوريا: استعداد لحملة "تمرد" على "الائتلاف" المعارض
مسودة "دستور" الحكومة المؤقتة لغربي كردستان
الرقص في عرس الأم
كفاكم اضطهاد للاجئين .. واجهوا عدوكم الحقيقي
تصاعد الاحتجاجات الجماهيرية ضد المجموعات الفاشية الجهادية
معيشة السوري: بالنسبة لبكرا شو؟
محطات متدرجة على طريق الحسم
الأزمة السورية و إشكالية الوعي الجديد
سوريون في سياسة مصر
بحثا عن فلسطين و سوريا في مصر الثورة