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Maghreb Media Roundup (July 12)


[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Maghreb and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Maghreb Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to maghreb@jadaliyya.com by Thursday night of every week.] 


Abdelkader Bensalah dément être un marocain naturalisé algérien. Baki 7our Mansour reports that Abdelkader Bensalah discussed his Moroccan origins in his second recorded interview to date.

What Algeria 1992 can, and cannot, teach us about Egypt 2013 Hicham Yezza draws comparisons between the 1992 Algerian rhetoric and promises of democratic transition and that of Egypt’s current military.

Fête de l'indépendance et absence du chef de l'Etat Tarik Mira describes the peculiarity of celebrating Algeria’s independence while President Bouteflika remains hospitalized.


The revolution is no goldmine says Sahmain Ahmed Elumami reports on recently elected General National Congress President Nuri Abu Sahmain’s first speech.

Comrades in Arms: How Libya sends weapons to Syria’s rebels Jenan Moussa and Harald Doornabus report on the Libya’s role in supporting Syrian rebels, an effort largely financed by Qatar.

Life in Libya: The good, the bad and the ugly Assia Amry describes her life in Tripoli, having moved there after the revolution.


الرجل المريض.. Moulay Abdalla concludes that President Abdel Aziz is conducting his early presidential campaign at serious risk to his own health.

Reporters prepare for Mauritania elections Jemel Oumar interviews Mauritanian reporters preparing to cover an as-yet-undetermined presidential election.

La violence de l’Etat Ba Sileye calls for a moral resistance to the violence and racism of the state.


La docilité comme stratégie politique Mohamed Zenzami reads Istiqlal’s recent exit and subsequent postponement of decision as a sign of continued loyalty to the palace, placing Benkirane in an awkward position.

Morocco: Stop Sealing Houses to Punish Activists Human Rights Watch recommends that Morocco stop the illegal padlock of Al Adl Wal Ihsane members’ homes.

سكيزوفرينيا  "السلطة والفرد في المغرب" Mohamed Benaziz describes the schizophrenic nature of punishment for alcohol sale leading up to Ramadan.

Morocco households feel financial pinch Siham Ali discusses the increasing cost of living in Morocco, where food prices are not expected to decline even after Ramadan


RSF salue la réaction de la HAICA Reporters Without Borders applauds the acceleration of license granting to new television programs created after the revolution.

Tunisia appoints new army chief Monia Ghanmi reports that Moncef Marzouki has appointed General Mohamed Salah Hamdi as chief of staff.

Global Corruption Barometer: Tunisia Transparency International releases their 2013 global corruption barometer, indicating that perception of corruption in Tunisia is worsening.

What the Tunisian Government Should Learn from Egypt Wafa Ben Hassine outlines recommendations for the Tunisian government to address the shortcomings that resulted in recent uprisings in Egypt.

Western Sahara         

The Western Sahara Sand Trap Anita Hunt highlights implications of the cold conflict in the Western Sahara.

Four Saharawi political prisoners on hunger strike in prison in occupied El Aaiun Sahrawi men arrested for participating in protests begin a hunger strike to draw attention to the conditions of their imprisonment.

Recent Jadaliyya Articles on the Maghreb

The New European Union and Mauritania Fisheries Agreement: Between Sustainability and Vested InterestsHassan Ould Moctar weighs the positive and negative aspects of proposed fishing agreements for Mauritania and the EU.

Dissecting 'Opposing' Views: Morocco Reacts to Events in Egypt Samia Errazzouki unpacks the seemingly contradictory positions of the PJD and Moroccan palace, highlighting the role they play in bolstering the king’s neutral image.

Sailing for Safe Abortion Access: The Emergence of a Conscious Social Nonmovement in Morocco Julia Ellis-Kahana chronicles the voyage of Women on Waves’ vessel in its attempt to bring contraception to Morocco, as it illuminates connections between nonmovements and public health initiatives.

Eye on the Libyan General National Congress: Ninth ReportJadaliyya reports on the H20 Team and Bokra Youth Organization’s ninth report on the Libyan National Congress’ meetings.

HRW Report on Tainted Trials and Statements Obtained by Torture in MoroccoJadaliyya reports on Human Rights Watch’s recent condemnation of unjust police and judicial procedures in Morocco.

معتقلو موريتانيا في غوانتانامو Ahmed Jedou describes confusion and outrage over the recent reports that Mauritanian Guantanamo detainees Mohamed Ould Slahi and Ahmed Ould Abdel Aziz had been handed over to Mauritanian authorities.     

Erdogan in Morocco: The Politics of ReceptionSamia Errazzouki analyzes Erdogan’s visit to Morocco, where he met not King Mohammed VI, but an increasingly isolated Prime Minister Abdelilah Benkirane.

Roundtable Introduction: Beyond Dominant Narratives on the Western SaharaSamia Errazzouki and Allison McManus introduce a roundtable of articles on the contours of the Western Saharan “cold war.”

The Last ColonyStephen Zunes sheds light on Morocco’s policies towards the territory and its people, including human rights abuses and policies of settlement. 

US Policy Between a Rock and a Hard Place John P. Entelis explores the Western Sahara’s significance for the region, particularly as the conflict has been mobilized in narratives of decolonization both in Algeria and Morocco.

The Cost of AuthoritarianismAboubakr Jamaï and Ali Anouzla underscore the intensification of the call for self-determination in recent years.

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