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Maghreb Media Roundup (July 5)


[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Maghreb and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Maghreb Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to maghreb@jadaliyya.com by Thursday night of every week.] 


Algérie / Abdelkader Bensalah peut-il assurer l’intérim de la présidence? Baki 7our Mansour explores the constitutionality of Abdelkader Bensalah, the Moroccan born President of the Algerian senate, assuming an interim presidency.

Les indemnités des parlementaires provoquent une crise entre l’APN et le Sénat Achira Mammeri reports on the standoff between the two chambers of Algerian parliament.

Les Algériens Déportés À La Nouvelle-Calédonie, Un Crime Contre L’humanité Abdelkader Ben Brik calls to memory crimes committed by France during the colonial era, calling the deportation of Algerians to New Caldonia a ”crime against humanity.”


NATO and terror in Libya: The peace movement must oppose the militarisation of Africa Horace Mann describes the fallout from NATO’s intervention in Libya as “catastrophic” and urges a movement for peace.

Libyan Youth Voices: Focus on Fezzan Abdulhadi Soliman describes his experiences moving from England to Libya’s marginalized south under Gaddafi, and the impact of the revolution in Fezzan.

Interior Ministry besieged by hundreds of armed men Ahmed Elumami, Ashraf Abdul Wahab and Umar Khan report on the attack on the empty Ministry of Interior complex.

لا للتعذيب..علامة استفهام فى الانظمة السابقة Ahlam El Badri asks why Libya has failed to sign international conventions against torture.


Mauritania: This is their view of security? Alex Neve recounts the tale of Mauritanian children of the “disappeared,” who have no access to health care of public education because parents must be registered under new census.

Mauritania to boost youth employment Bakari Gueye reports on the International Labor Organization’s four day event, culminating in a special program to combat youth unemployment.

La CENI: Des Pouvoirs Mi Fugue Mi Raisins Mauritanian lawyer Takioullah Eidda analyzes insufficiencies in the new Mauritanian election commission.


Crise en Egypte et éventuelles répercussions sur le Maroc : qu'en pensent les politiques marocains ? Obeid Abid and Hamid Mahdaoui interview Moroccan politicians about their views on the potential effects that the demonstrations in Egypt might have in Morocco.

Economie : la stabilité du Maroc menacée par l'absence de réformes Lakome offers a grim analysis of the Moroccan economy based on the absence of reform.

Morocco political deadlock continues Siham  Ali explains that Morocco’s Istiqlal Party continues to wait on a sign from the king regarding their departure from the political arena, resulting in a political deadlock.

UN rights expert urges Morocco to adopt a victim-centred approach to fight human trafficking UN Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons advocates for a human-rghts centered approach to combatting this problem in Morocco.


RSF interpelle François Hollande sur la situation de la liberté de l'information en Tunisie et rend public son analyse de l'actuel projet de constitution Reporters Without Borders calls on French president François Hollande to address freedom of information and the new constitution during his visit to Tunisia.

Une Tunisie postmoderne Farhat Othman describes Tunisia as religiously, intellectually and socially postmodern.

Fermeture du camp de Choucha: Situation compliquée pour les réfugiés Sarah Ben Hamadi reports that Tunisia has closed the Choucha refugee camp, leaving 300,000 refugees in a difficult situation.

Western Sahara       

UN increases MINURSO budget to over 61 million Dollars The United Nations approves an increase in budget for peacekeeping mission in Western Sahara.

Aid Workers Turn to Text Messaging to Improve Food Aid Delivery to Refugees in the Western Sahara Rosa Akbari assesses the potential for emergent technology in humanitarian efforts in Western Sahara.

Recent Jadaliyya Articles on the Maghreb

Sailing for Safe Abortion Access: The Emergence of a Conscious Social Nonmovement in Morocco Julia Ellis-Kahana chronicles the voyage of Women on Waves’ vessel in its attempt to bring contraception to Morocco, as it illuminates connections between nonmovements and public health initiatives.

Eye on the Libyan General National Congress: Ninth Report Jadaliyya reports on the H20 Team and Bokra Youth Organization’s ninth report on the Libyan National Congress’ meetings.

HRW Report on Tainted Trials and Statements Obtained by Torture in Morocco Jadaliyya reports on Human Rights Watch’s recent condemnation of unjust police and judicial procedures in Morocco.

معتقلو موريتانيا في غوانتانامو Ahmed Jedou describes confusion and outrage over the recent reports that Mauritanian Guantanamo detainees Mohamed Ould Slahi and Ahmed Ould Abdel Aziz had been handed over to Mauritanian authorities.  

Erdogan in Morocco: The Politics of Reception Samia Errazzouki analyzes Erdogan’s visit to Morocco, where he met not King Mohammed VI, but an increasingly isolated Prime Minister Abdelilah Benkirane.

Roundtable Introduction: Beyond Dominant Narratives on the Western Sahara Samia Errazzouki and Allison McManus introduce a roundtable of articles on the contours of the Western Saharan “cold war.”

The Last Colony Stephen Zunes sheds light on Morocco’s policies towards the territory and its people, including human rights abuses and policies of settlement. 

US Policy Between a Rock and a Hard Place John P. Entelis explores the Western Sahara’s significance for the region, particularly as the conflict has been mobilized in narratives of decolonization both in Algeria and Morocco.

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