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Egypt Media Roundup (June 24)


[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Egypt and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Egypt Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to egypt@jadaliyya.com by Sunday night of every week.]  

“BREAKING: Morsi prison escape referred to Egypt prosecutors”
Ismailia court refers to court prison break case in which Mohamed Morsi, Essam El-Arian, Sobhi Saleh and Saad El-Katatni were involved.

“June 30 Coordinating Committee announces plans for week-long protests”
Marches and demos leading up to June 30 protests to start as early as 23 June. 

“US troops to be deployed to Sinai a 'formality,' says Egypt army”
Military spokesman says US troops are part of the peace-keeping mission in Sinai, mandated by the peace treaty with Israel.

“Opposition criticises US Ambassador’s statements”
Leftist and liberal forces respond to US Ambassador’s skepticism about the 30 June protests.

“Islamists 'say no to violence,' back 'legitimate' Egyptian president”
Thousands gather for a pro-Morsi demonstration ahead of the protests scheduled for 30 June.

“How Does Morsi Sleep?”
A translation of Alaa’ Al-Aswany’s fictional piece on Mohamed Morsi in his anticipation of the 30 June protests.

“Egypt's Brotherhood calls for 'unconditional' dialogue with opposition”
The Muslim Brotherhood calls on “rules of democracy” to be observed.

“Luxor Governor says he will not resign”
Adel Asaad al-Khayyat denies reports that he has resigned under pressure of protests in Luxor against him.

“Clashes erupt as Morsy attends Cairo mosque”
Supporters and opponents of the president clash in front of the New Cairo mosque, where he prayed on Friday. 

“Anticipating Upcoming Protests in Egypt”
Thalia Beaty says the president is doing everything in his power to preclude the wave of protests against him on 30 June.

“Egypt broadcasts male-only soap for Ramadan”
A Ramadan soap opera to be broadcast on Salafist Al-Hafez Channel includes a male-only cast.

“Clashes in Ismailia outside Wadi El Natrun hearing”
The Muslim Brotherhood and the opposition deny responsibility for the clashes.

“We didn't participate in pro-Morsi protests: Nour Party spokesman”
Al-Nour Party spokesman denies claims by Al-Gama’a Al-Islamiyya that its youth wing participated in the pro-Morsi demonstrations on Friday.

“Egypt and Ethiopia agree to bridge dam divide”
Egyptian and Ethiopian foreign ministers meet in Addis Ababa to lessen tensions between the two countries.

“Is Egypt’s stance on the Blue Nile Dam legally justified?”
Zeray Yihdego says that Egypt’s “historic rights” to the Nile can be challenged according to international law.

“Refugees Day 2013 in #Egypt : More Challenges Than ever”
Zenobia talks about issues that refugees in Egypt face in light of Mohamed Morsi’s recent policies.


In Arabic:

“عصام العريان: أنصار "النور" شاركوا فى مليونية لا للعنف.. وقنديل والنائب العام باقيان والمعارضة ليس لديها بديل”
Essam Al-Arian says that Al-Nour Party participated in the Friday Islamist demonstration.

“الرجل الصحيح فى المكان الغلط”
Fahmy Howeidy comments on the recent controversy surrounding the new Luxor governor.

“مرشدة سياحية حضرت مذبحة معبد حتشبسوت: لن أنسى مشهد مقتل الأم البريطانية وطفلتها”
A witness of the 1997 terrorist attack of Hatshepsut temple in Luxor says she will never forget the victims. 

“القوى الوطنية تضع تصورات ما بعد مرسى.. البرادعى: على مرسى أن يستقيل من أجل مصر”
The opposition discusses plans for the aftermath of Mohamed Morsi’s resignation from the presidency.

“بالفيديو.. وجدي غنيم: مظاهرات 30يونيو حرب بين الإسلام والكفر.. ومن سيخرج لمنازعة مرسي كافر ويقتل”
Controversial sheikh says the protests on 30 June against the president will be a war between Islam and disbelief.

“مجهولون يحرقون حزب النور السلفى بالمولوتوف فى المحلة”
Unknown assailants start a fire at the office of Salafist Al-Nour Party in Mahala.

“وفاة عضو بـ«إخوان الفيوم» متأثرًا بإصابته في «اشتباكات الحواتم»”
A member of the Muslim Brotherhood dies in clashes in Fayoum between supporters of the group and local residents.

“هجوم الإسلاميين على الجيش والأزهر والكنيسة يفجر خلافات قبل مظاهرات «30 يونيو»”
Islamists’ attacks on the army, Al-Azhar and the Church provoke a backlash; military sources says that there is resentment against the Brotherhood among soldiers and officers.


Recent Jadaliyya articles on Egypt:

Upheavals in the Arab World Two Years On (Video)
The video of a panel discussion on the Arab Uprising in Egypt, Yemen and Bahrain.

لا جسد لا سياسة
Abdullah AlBayyari talks about the body as a target of repression and the recent attempts of the government to attack performance arts.

حديثي مع الشيطان
The first part of Amr Adly’s analysis of the currents situation in Egypt and potential for change with the 30 June protests.

هل يمكن تطوير الجدل حول المثلية الجنسية؟
Thabit Khayri discusses the current situation of the public discourse on homosexuality in Egypt.

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