[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Mali, South Sudan, Somalia, Djibouti, and Comoros Islands and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the On the Margins Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each month's roundup to info@jadaliyya.com.]
Somali central bank chief has experience of troubled jurisdictions The new governor of the Central Bank of Somalia shares his vision to transform the "failed" state.
What happened to Somalia’s pirates? The author examines the reasons for the drop in maritime hijackings.
US drone 'shot down by al-Shabaab A report on an American drone that crashed in a remote area of Somalia after it was reportedly shot at al-Shabaab militants.
New UN Report Highlights Needs of Malian Refugees in Mauritania The UN agency for refugees and the UN World Food Programme identified the urgent need to go beyond immediate life-saving assistance.
U.S. Transfers Suspected Senior Al Qaeda Member to Mauritania The author reports on the U.S. transfer of Younis al-Mauritani from Afghanistan to Mauritania.
Moderate Islam 'Only Way' to End Prejudice Interview with "Hand in Hand" director Bedou Ould Salek shows that activists are determined to build bridges between the many racial and ethnic groups.
Six ONG qualifient de raciste l’enrôlement de la diaspora mauritanienne NGOs accuse the government of racism in conducting the census of the Mauritanian diaspora.
Growing Gardens in the Desert Heat of Mauritania Report on how improved seeds, tools and farming techniques allowed farmers to grow their vegetables despite the harsh desert climate.
Djibouti Continues Crackdown On Opposition The author reports on the Djiboutian government arrests of protesters after the contested results of the February parliamentary elections.
Website Technician Gets 45 Days in Jail, Big Fine for Defaming Police Report denounces the way the government hounds critics, including journalists, social networkers and opposition activists.
Comoros islands
CAF President Supports the Efforts of FCF to Develop Football in Comoros The CAF President provided his support to the numerous activities and programs to raise the level of football in the nation.
Other countries:
Mali's Premature Elections Threaten Stability and Future Legitimacy Jamie Bouberie explains why there are better reasons for postponing elections until the end of the year.
Malian Tuareg Group Accused Of Expelling Dark-Skinned Inhabitants Ethnic tensions surface in Mali as black residents are expelled
Bracing for chaos in northern Mali The author shows how a Taliban war scenario is taking shape in northern Mali as armed groups come back with a vengeance.
Mali offered more than €3bn in aid – with strings attached EU-led conference agrees to aid lifeline, but Europeans insist that Mali must fulfill pledges to carry out democratic and social reforms.
Indirect Mali Crisis Talks Begin With Tuareg Groups The author reports on the importance for the success of the ceasefire meeting to allow nationwide elections to take place next month.
South Sudan
Sudan: 'All Treaties With South Sudan Cancelled' By Govt The author reports on Sudan's cancellation of the joint cooperation deal that allowed the pumping of South Sudanese oil via Sudanese pipelines.
South Sudan’s dizzying corruption merry-go-round The author highlights the difficulties the nascent government faces to fight corruption without alienating much-needed allies.
Q&A with an editor of South Sudan's Juba Monitor Interview with journalist Michael Koma, who was arbitrarily detained by police following the publication of an article critical of the deputy security minister.