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O.I.L. Media Roundup (5 June)


[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Occupation, Intervention, and Law and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the O.I.L. Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each biweekly roundup to OIL@jadaliyya.com by Monday night of every other week.]


"Israel to Build New Outposts In Jerusalem," Al Jazeera English
AJE details Israel's plans to build more than 1,000 settler homes in predominantly Palestinian areas of Jerusalem. 

"Social, Economic Situation of Palestine Refugee Bedouins is 'Nonviable,' UN Reports," UN News Centre
The UN News Centre summarizes a joint United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East and Bimkom study on the social and economic effects of the 1997 transfer of one hundred and fifty refugee Bedouin families to Al Jabal village, noting the families' loss of livelihood. 

"Multiple Bombings Kill More than 50 in Iraq," Aziz Alwan
The Los Angeles Times reports on an apparently coordinated series of bombings in Shi‘ite neighborhoods in Baghdad, killing fifty-three and raising questions about the Iraqi government's hold on security. 

"Guantanamo Bay Hunger Strikes Demand New Doctors in Letter of Protest," Spencer Ackerman
Thirteen Guantanamo Bay detainees have written an open letter requesting independent non-military medical treatment, citing their inability to trust military doctors who must report to senior military officers. 

"Libya to Appeal ICC Ruling to hand Over Gaddafi's Son," Reuters
Libya has announced plans to appeal an International Criminal Court ruling that the government hand over Saif al-Islam Gaddafi to their criminal tribunal, arguing that Libya is capable of administering a fair trial within its borders. 

"Egypt: Court Rules Legislature Illegally Elected," Associated Press
Egypt's Supreme Constitutional Court has ruled that the legislature and constitutional panel were both illegally elected, in addition to ruling laws giving the Egyptian president emergency powers regarding restrictions on freedom of movement and assembly unconstitutional. 

"Palestinian Authority Selects Professor To Be Next Premier," Isabel Kershner
The New York Times reports President Mahmoud Abbas has appointed Rami Hamdallah, currently president of An-Najah National University, to replace Salam Fayyad as Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority. 

"Hollande: No Military Intervention in Libya," Nihal Zaroug
French President Francois Hollande has denied rumors of plans for a French military in southern Libya, reports the Libya Herald


"New Drone Strike Undercuts Obama's Promises on Robot War," Spencer Ackerman
Ackerman, writing for WIRED's Danger Room blog, argues a recent US drone strike in Pakistan killing Wali ur-Rehman of the Pakistan Taliban violates President Barack Obama's recently delineated rules restricting drone strikes to al-Qaida and its associated forces who pose a "continuing, imminent threat" to the United States. 

"Inability and Due Process in the Saif Admissibility Judgment," Kevin Jon Heller
Heller argues in Opinio Juris in favor of one of the ICC's justifications for rejecting Libya's bid to try Saif al-Islam Gaddafi; namely, that Libya was unable to "genuinely prosecute" Gaddafi. 

"Yes, Gaza is Still Under Siege," Ali Abunimah
Abunimah, detailing his observations from a recent visit to Gaza, assesses the human rights situation in Gaza since Operation Pillar of Cloud as one of "pre-war status quo," wherein Israel institutionalizes the closure of Gaza at no political cost. 

"Classification Games Hiding the Afghan Defeat," Marcy Wheeler
Wheeler writes that the Obama Administration's focus on cracking down on leaks in Afghanistan amounts of an "abuse of classification," one designed to mask a war effort in Afghanistan increasingly grim in appearance.


"The Drone War is Far From Over," Akbar Ahmed
Ahmed argues in The New York Times that the Obama Administration's pledge to scale back drone operations in Pakistan will have little impact on America's security or image unless the social disruption among Pakistan's tribes wreaked by the drone war can be repaired. 

"Guns and Sugar," The Economist
The Economist argues that the practice of "off-setting" in arms trade, wherein a government requires weapons traders to invest in other deals to assist in the development of their domestic economies fosters corruption inside the countries invested in and may not create viable employment. 

"Palestinian Pawns: Egypt's Refugees," Sarah Mousa
Mousa discusses the legal rights of 1948 Palestinian refugees in Gezira Fadel, Egypt.  As the village is not officially recognized by the Egyptian government, its inhabitants lack official status as refugees.


Dronestream, Josh Begley
Begley, author of Twitter account @dronestream, releases an Application Programming Interface lending the public access to real-time data regarding every reported drone strikes in US history. 

"Obama's Speech on Drone Policy," Barack Obama
The New York Times provides a transcript of President Obama's recent counterterrorism policy speech at National Defense University, wherein he pledges greater transparency regarding drone strikes. 

"Rendition Flights Database," The Rendition Project and Reprieve
The Rendition Project presents an interactive database allowing users to research and visualize information regarding extraordinary rendition flights from March 2001 to May 2012.

On Jadaliyya


  Mouin Rabbani ,مقابلة مع القيادي في حركة الجهاد الإسلامي خالد البط

  Joseph Massad ,آخِر الســاميين

Just Another Open Letter in The Wall: Pink Floyd's Roger Waters' Letter to Alicia Keys, Jadaliyya Reports

Open Letter from Alice Walker to Alicia Keys Regarding the Boycott of Israel, Jadaliyya Reports

New Texts Out Now: Mark Fathi Massoud, Law's Fragile State: Colonial, Authoritarian, and Humanitarian Legacies in Sudan, Mark Fathi Massoud

New Texts Out Now: Ayca Cubukcu, The Responsibility to Protect: Libya and the Problem of Transnational Solidarity, Ayça Çubukçu

Right of Return Conference at Boston University: Realizing Return In Practice, Jadaliyya Reports

Between Hamas and the PA: An Interview with Islamic Jihad’s Khalid al-Batsh, Mouin Rabbani

 Ma3azef , يافا والموسيقى و"فوائد" النكبة


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