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Maghreb Media Roundup (May 31)


[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Maghreb and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Maghreb Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to maghreb@jadaliyya.com by Thursday night of every week.] 


Les hackers dans la cité arabe : En Algérie, très bas débit et girl power Blogeurs invites describes the situation for webizens and digital entrepeneurs in Algeria.

Services secrets en Algérie: la manœuvre Zerhouni définitivement enterrée. Baki 7our Mansour describes the failed political maneuverings of the former Algerian Interior Minister Nourredine Yazid Zerhouni.

Concurrencée par la production américaine, l’Algérie baisse le prix de son pétrole Hayet Zitouni and Lilia Oufella suggest that Sonatrach’s recent reduction in the price of oil suggests greater competition for Algerian oil from American markets.

Algérie, Comment Préparer L’après-Bouteflika ? DZ Activiste offers various perspectives on Algeria after Bouteflika. 


Libyan Youth Voices: The Role of Diaspora in Post-Revolution Libya Libyan Youth Voices and the International Political Forum explore the difficulties and motivations for the diaspora population in their considerations of return to post-revolution Libya.

A Revolution for All Human Rights Watch publishes a report on the opportunity for Libya to create an equitable society post-revolution by incorporating gender parity in the drafting of constitution, among other suggestions.

Magarief resigns as GNC head – in anticipation of being forced out by Isolation law Anticipating the coming isolation law, Sami Zaptia reports that Mohamed Magarief resigns as head of the Libyan National Congress.

Selective Democracy Tasbeeh Herwees denounces Libya’s political isolation law as dysfunctional and warns that it will lead to further instability in the country.


Mauritania Photo Gallery - Zouerate Uprisings Anita Hunt chronicles uprisings in Mauritania where regular protests over labor conditions escalated into violence.

Mohamed Aly Chérif, député UPR à l’Assemblée Nationale : ‘’Un gouvernement d’union supprimerait ou, à tout le moins, diminuerait les prérogatives de la CENI, notamment la plus fondamentale : son indépendance’’ La Calame interviews the the deputy of opposition party UPR after their recent proclaimed support for the president.

Mauritanie – Union européenne : Des eurodéputés rejettent l’accord de pêche The Associated Press reports that the European Union rejected a fishing agreement with Mauritania on the grounds that it would not produce fair returns to EU fishermen.


Abdelhamid Amine : «La vie sans dignité, c’est une vie d’animal» Human rights activist Abdelhamid Amine describes his beating and humiliation by Moroccan security forces at a demonstration in Rabat.

La conférence de presse relative à la répression du 26 mai The Moroccan Association for Human Rights (AMDH) denounces the actions of security forces in repressing peaceful protest in Morocco.

26 Mai 2013 Rabat Repression Manifestation Bab El Hadd (video) An activist from the 20 February movement describes his motivations for protesting and his confrontation with police.

Contrôles au faciès : Le ras-le-bol des ressortissants subsahariens Lakome reports on demonstrations in front of the Senegalese embassy in Rabat to protest consistent marginalization and violence against migrants.


Tunisia: FEMEN Activist Faces Possession of Pepper Spray Charge Afef Abrougui explains the most recent chapter in the story of Femen activist Amina Tyler, as Tyler waits for sentencing on charges of carrying spray (with video.)

Letter to the Tunisian National Constituent Assembly on the 2003 Counterterrorism Law Human Rights Watch drafts a letter to the Tunisian National Constituent Assembly, drawing attention to troubling language that defines terrorism as disruption of the public order.

Tunisian blogger faces military court for criticizing hospital staff Amnesty International calls for charges to be dropped against a blogger accused of undermining the army.

Tunisian film tops Cannes Yasmine Najjar reports that Tunisian filmmaker Abdellatif Kechiche won the Palme D’Or  at Cannes Film Festival for his film La vie d’Adèle.

Journal des débats : le prêt du FMI et les biens confisqués Nawaat.org outlines debates on the role of the IMF in Tunisia and the distribution of funds confiscated from Ben Ali’s regime.

Recent Jadaliyya Articles on the Maghreb        

Bouteflika : Le mage et l'écran de fumée Thomas Serres addresses rumors in his reflections on the life and recent illness of Abdelaziz Bouteflika.

Picturing Algeria Muriam Haleh Davis reviews Picturing Algeria, an edited volume of Pierre Boudieu’s photographs of Algeria during the struggle for independence between 1957 and 1960.

Eye on the Libyan General National Congress: Seventh Report Jadaliyya reports on Bokra Youth Organization and H20 Team’s latest report on the Libyan General National Congress.

The Facade of Political Crises in Morocco Samia Errazzouki analyzes Istiqlal’s recent threat of exit from Moroccan government, deeming it a maneuver under the power of the king.

Algeria Between “la Boulitique” and la Politique: A Tale of Two Youths Muriam Haleh Davis warns of the futility of football fervor as politics.

السلفيون الجهاديّون في تونس: سر انتشارهم الواسع في الأوساط الشعبيّة Ghassan Bin Khalifa describes Salafism in Tunisia.

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