[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Syria and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Syria Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to syria@jadaliyya.com by Monday night of every week.]
Regional and International Perspectives
Child Marriages Rise among Syrian Refugee Girls Sulome Anderson on sexual violence in times of crisis.
Palestinian Refugee Counsels Syrians Laila Atshan speaks about her work with refugees who sought refuge in Lebanon and the “multidimensional approach to refugee counseling” she envisions.
Border Clashes Pit FSA Against Kurds Youssef Sheikho provides an update on developments between the two groups.
The Syrian Market in Bourj Hammoud Anas Zarzar says “refusing to accept certain negative stereotypes, some Syrians have taken the opportunity to look for small business projects in the area.”
Hezbollah’s Involvement in Syria
Syrian Rebel Groups Plan to Attack Hizbollah in Lebanon Phil Sands on the possible retaliation of anti-regime forces against Hezbollah, following its overt involvement in Syria.
Two Rockets Hit Hezbollah District of Beirut
Civil War in Lebanon: Who Wants It? Asad AbuKhalil on the different actors having an incentive in allowing a civil war in Lebanon.
Hezbollah’s Plunge Into the Syrian Abyss Randa Slim on Syria’s involvement in Syria and the impact it will have on its Lebanese supporters.
The Limits of Hezbollah in Syria Wafiq Qanso writes : “sources that spoke to Al-Akhbar stressed that Hezbollah is not fighting on behalf of the regime, but alongside it, and only for as long as the battle serves to protect the party’s strategic interests.”
Has the War Reached Lebanon? Meanwhile, Obama Updates War on Terror Matthew Barber on military developments in Syria and their impacts on Lebanon.
Threats Galore Over Hizbullah in Syria Brian Whitaker says “the demands and threats are certainly flying thick and fast but what we don't know yet is how much of this is bluster.”
Hezbollah’s War in Syria Threatens to Engulf Lebanon Robert Fisk says “quite simply, this is potentially the greatest danger to Lebanon’s people – not to mention the sovereignty of its sectarian state – since the 1975-90 civil war.”
Diplomatic Developments
Inside Syrian Opposition’s Talks in Turkey Hassan Hassan offers a timeline of the developments within the Syrian National Coalition.
Statement Issued by the Revolutionary Movement in Syria“The recent attempt to expand membership in the SC is no more than a feeble attempt to add persons and groups that have no real impact on the revolution, and we reject this attempt.”
Syrian National Coalition on Brink of Collapse Phil sands on the coalition’s difficulty in revitalizing and diversifying the group that is increasingly fragmented.
Europe Lifts Arms Embargo On Insurgents
Syria: The Imperative of De-Escalation Julien Barnes-Dacey and Daniel Levy on the necessary measure to reach a diplomatic consensus on Syria.
Top US Syria Envoy Expected to Step Down Laura Rozen on Robert Ford’s plan to step down this summer, allegedly due to exhaustion.
Scowcroft Argues for Diplomacy in Syria
Syria Narratives
Is It the End of Sykes-Picot? Patrick Cockburn writes :”the Syrian civil war is spreading. This, not well-publicised advances or withdrawals on the battlefield, is the most important new development.”
Syria FSA General Salim Idriss says he's ready to stop fighting
The Syrian War is Not Only Sectarian Vicken Cheterian says “the overuse of the sectarian aspect in this conflict as the main underlying cause will impede us, not only at the level of understanding the general picture of Syrian politics, but also in asking the right questions to comprehend the Syrian conflict.”
Is Assad Really Winning? David Kenner says “there's a new narrative taking hold, fueled by both media reports and assessments by Western intelligence agencies -- that the Assad regime is largely stable, and making significant gains against the rebels throughout the country.”
Des Armes Pour Les Revolutionnaires syriens, Mais Ni Maintenant, Ni Sans Conditions…Ignace Leverrier says until today indecision is characteristic of Europe’s stance over Syria.
Tracking a Rumour: Is There a Factory in Syria Being Used as a Rape House Lauren Wolfe’s post about a recurring rumor that has been circulating for the past two years.
Syria Stalemate Fuelled By Opposition’s Bitter Infighting Hassan Hassan writes : “It is time for Syrians to realise that the political opposition is an important factor behind the stalemate.”
After Qusayr, Regime Eyes Aleppo Radwan Mortada says “the Syrian army has begun building up its forces in several areas in preparation to storm opposition-controlled Aleppo.”
Inside Syria
How We Lost the Syrian Revolution Edward Dark, a Syrian from Aleppo provides his insights into what went wrong in the revolution.
Is Blood Always Thicker Than Water? Regarding the Israeli airstrikes in Damascus earlier this month, Rita from Syria says “the war will not come to an end through foreign military intervention, because the conflict is not only a military one but also an ideological and class battle.”
Chemical Warfare in Syria Jean-Philippe Remy reporting from Jobar, Syria, claims that chemical weapons have indeed be used in the battle.
Fighters, Flowing to Syria, Guard Shiites Sam Dagher report from Seyda Zeinab.
Syrian Village Gives Up Secrets After Dawn Killlings A reporter reaches al Baida and attempts to reconstruct some of the events based on testimonies he collected.
In Damascus, a View of Syria’s War Turned Inside Out Steve Inskeep wanders around Damascus and notes traces of destruction even as citizens struggle to preserve their sense of normalcy.
Arts and Social Media
A Statement by Moaz al-Khatib’s on the necessary steps toward a peaceful resolution of the Syria crisis.
Syria’s Long, Destructive Civil War A photo essay documenting the violence and destruction of the past two years.
Camp Zeitouna #Play4SyriaFundraising has started for this “4-day arts, sports & music program dedicated to bringing joy to these children. A group of Syrian and international artists, writers, athletes, and architects—in conjunction with Karam Foundation and Maram Foundation—will run the camp.”
A Year of Absence Bassel Shehadeh A short film to mark one year after activist Bassel Shehadeh’s death in Homs.
A Dream of Powerful MonstersLina Al Abed makes a film about Syrian children in Chatila refugee camp in Beirut, asking her about their dreams.
Abdel Bari Atwan analyses the recent international developments surrounding the Syrian struggle.
Mostafa Zein criticizes the Syrian opposition, particularly the Syrian National Coalition.
Jihad Al-Khazen criticizes Hezbollah's stance, policies, and practices in terms of the Syrian struggle.
سوريا: القفزةالليبرالية… إلىالهاوية
Wajiha Mhanna on neoliberalism at the time of Assad Jr.
Yahya Al-Ows on the issue of disappearances in Syria.
Mohammad Al-Ballout on the postponement of the Geneva Syrian conference.
Wessam Abdallah on the importance of the upcoming Geneva conference and the role that the issue of the armed fighting inside Syria will take during it.
منالسارينإلىتوازنالرعب: سيكولوجيةالبحثعنذرائعالحرب
Salam Abboud on the strategies that were followed after the failure of toppling the Assad regime through the use of arms.
سوريا: النهببوصفهالديناميةالوحيدةالفاعلة
Ward Kasouha on Syrian elites' looting of the public and the country, which has not only plagued Syria for years, but also has continued throughout the past two years and will most likely continue in the future.
Omar Dahi on the Syrian catastrophe.
Michel Kilo criticizes the Syrian representative at the UN, Bashar al-Jaafari.