[This is a bi-weekly roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Resistance and Subversion in the Arab world and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the DARS Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each bi-weekly roundup to DARS@jadaliyya.comby Sunday night of every second week.]
News & Commentary
Boycotting Israel, by Al Jazeera
The world-renowned physicist Stephen Hawking has become the latest high-profile figure to support an academic boycott of Israel, pulling out of a conference hosted by Israeli President Shimon Peres. Hawking's decision marks another victory for the BDS movement.
Stephen Hawking: Furore Deepens Over Israel Boycott, by Harriet Sherwood, Matthew Kalman and Sam Jones
The celebrated physicist Stephen Hawking became embroiled in a deepening furore over his decision to boycott a prestigious conference in Israel in protest over the state's occupation of Palestine. Hawking cancelled his appearance at the high-profile Presidential Conference, which is personally sponsored by Israel's president, Shimon Peres, after a barrage of appeals from Palestinian academics. The move was denounced by prominent Israelis and welcomed by pro-Palestinian campaigners.
How to Fight Corruption With Online Tools: Best Practice From Morocco, by Tarik Nash-Nash
In February 2012, Transparency Morocco launched the online platform Mamdawrinch.com (which means “We will not bribe”), to provide a tool for anonymous denunciation and encourage people to speak up and discuss corruption in public. Today, corruption is becoming a mainstream topic and even the government claims to be ramping up the fight against corruption.
The Renewed Fight for Women’s Rights in Egypt, by Nahlah Ayed
Egyptian women are struggling to find their place under a conservative post-revolution regime. Women take inspiration from women such as Lotfia El Nadi, who became the first Egyptian woman to become a licensed pilot 80 years ago: "It was my revolt, I had to do it," she said many years later.
Egypt’s Growing Civil Resistance, by Maged Atef
In a recent case of public intoxication of an Egyptian named Mohammed Ragheb, the prosecutor decided to apply sharia law, not the Egyptian legal code, and ordered Ragheb to be flogged. The story leaked on social media and outside social pressure built, forcing the Attorney General to cancel the prosecutor's decision. This incident tells the story of true community resistance against the realization of Islamization of the state.
Notorious Egyptian Terror Group Tries to Carve a Nonviolent Path in Politics, by Catrina Stewart
Jailed for his alleged involvement in the 1981 assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, Tareq al Zumar now represents the moderate face of Al Gamaa al-Islamiya, a homegrown Islamist militant group. The group renounced violence in 2003, but it was the 2011 revolution that demonstrated the futility of armed insurgency.
Bahrainis Must Pay 53000$ For Rally Permit, by Ahlul Bayt News Agency
Bahrainis should pay $53,000 in bail to the government if they want to go on any peaceful demonstration, according a new law ratified by Bahrain’s parliament. Authorities have said that the money will be used for probable damage during the demonstrations. Bahrainis say they will continue holding anti-regime demonstrations until their demand for the establishment of a democratically-elected government and an end to rights violations is met.
Is Social Protest Returning to the Streets? by Maya Epstein and Hila Weissberg
The economic decrees slated to land with a resounding thud on many Israelis in the coming months are beginning to stir considerable public ferment – and it's being channelled toward demonstrations and protest.
Amid Israeli Protest Google Stands its Ground; it’s Palestine! by Derek Crockett
On May 1, Google changed the tagline on the homepage of its Palestinian edition from “Palestinian Territories” to “Palestine”. Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Zeev Elkin told Google CEO Larry Page in a letter sent Sunday that he was in essence recognizing a Palestinian state that does not exist, but Google has not changed the tagline.
Bahrain: Capital of Torture, is a ten-day campaign launched by the Bahraini opposition and taking place during the supposed visit of the UN’s Special Rapporteur on torture to Bahrain (8-16 May 2013) which has been cancelled by the regime. The campaign aims to reveal the torture practices of the Bahraini regime forces and mercenaries against dissidents and which have led to the death of a number of victims inside jails and on streets.
Cairo Exhibition Brings Gandhi to the Egyptian Revolution, by Ati Metwaly
A poster exhibition called "Did you sense the spirit of Gandhi in Tahrir Square?" at El-Sawy Culturewheel in Cairo compiles works by artists from Egypt, India and Africa. Works displayed at El-Sawy Culturewheel's Word Hall are testimonies to a variety of the artistic approaches to this interesting crossroad between the Egyptian revolution, its social and ideological values and Gandhi's powerful visions of non-violence, social change, women's roles, compassion and the power of truth.
In Place of War: Egypt’s Artists After the Arab Spring, by Luke Bainbridge
“In Place of War,” an initiative that supports art and creativity in sites of armed conflict, has launched its new digital platform in Egypt, inspired by the role artists have played in the revolution and how they continue to respond to it.
Out of Egypt’s Chaos, Musical Rebellion, by Ben Hubbard
In just a few years, young musicians have created a new genre of youth-driven, socially conscious music and forced it on the Egyptian soundscape.
Conferences & Events
Revolution by Love: Emerging Arab Youth Voices, 17 May 2013, SOAS, London, UK
Writing Revolution: The Voices From Tunis to Damascus, 28 May 2013, The Frontline Club, London, UK
Arab Spring as Seen by Women Philosophers, 31 May 2013, École Normale Supérieure de la rue d’Ulm, Paris, France
The Reality and the Prospects of Gender Equality After “the Arab Spring,” 30-31 May 2013, Mohammed I University, Oujda, Morocco
Dangerous Ideas for Dangerous Times Festival, 31 May - 1 June 2013, London Borough of Camden, UK