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Egypt Monthly Edition on Jadaliyya (April 2013)


This is a monthly archive of pieces written by Jadaliyya contributors and editors on Egypt. It also includes material published on other platforms that editors deemed pertinent to post as they provide diverse depictions of Egypt-related topics. The pieces reflect the level of critical analysis and diversity that Jadaliyya strives for, but the views are solely the ones of their authors. If you are interested in contributing to Jadaliyya, send us your post with your bio and a release form to post@jadaliyya.com [click “Submissions” on the main page for more information].

First as Shadow, Then as Farce: An Evening with Medieval Puppeteer Ibn Daniyal at CUNY in New York
Anna Della Subin and Hussein Omar review the presentation of the recently translated The Ibn Daniyal Trilogy: Theatre from Medieval Cairo.

قراءة في أحوال الصورة بعد ثورة يناير
Essam Zakarea argues that the Arab Spring has ideological and cultural references to other revolutions in history.

أسئلة العدالة الانتقالية في مصر ورومانسيتها: الجزء الثاني
The second part of Amr Magdi’s article talks about taking a new approach to transitional justice in Egypt.

مَن يُحاسِب؟ ومَن يُحاسِب مَن؟
Fawwaz Trablousi says the first achievements of the Arab revolutions of holding their rulers accountable are threatened by failure to implement transitional justice.

Reflections of the 21st Annual Cairo Papers Symposium, “The Political Economy of the New Egyptian Republic”
A summary of the main points and topics discussed during the 21st Annual Cairo Papers Symposium.

Liberal Illusions
Hesham Sallam argues that the key to exiting the current crisis Egypt finds itself in creating a new social pact between the people and the state.

أسئلة العدالة الانتقالية في مصر ورومانسيتها: الجزء الأول
The first part of Amr Magdi’s article on transitional justice in Egypt discusses the failure of the presidency to act upon evidence of military violence against civilians.

Contested Citizenship in Egypt
Mona Oraby discusses a recent conference on citizenship in Cairo and argues that formulation of what citizenship should mean should take into account different ideas of it within the Egyptian society.

Joint Statement Demanding Public Release of Egyptian Budget
NGOs call on the government to fulfill its commitment to transparency of its finances.

من يكتب أدب الثورة؟
Brahim el Guabli discusses the literary scene in Egypt after the Revolution.

الليبرالية الامبريالية والثورة المصرية
A translation of Atef Said’s article on how the West has imposed a framework on the Egyptian Revolution that limits its scope.

ابناء تاتشر في الإخوان وفي الإنقاذ
Wael Gamal argues that there are proponents of Thatcherism in Egypt among both the Muslim Brotherhood and the opposition.

Bassem Sabry on Social Media in Egypt
Jadaliyya interviews Egyptian blogger Bassem Sabry as part of a series of articles highlighting distinct voices in MENA and South Asia.

كيف يمكن أن نفهم الألتراس؟
Mohamed Elgohari says generalizations in the media and by the government are the reason why the Ultras are misunderstood.

A Subject of Time: A Review of "Dust: Egypt’s Lost Architecture"
Ahmad Hosni’s review of Dust: Egypt’s Lost Architecture, a collection of photos looking at colonial architecture of Egypt.

التحول الديمقراطي والمصير المجهول لمصر
Abdalhadi M. Alijla argues that the Muslim Brotherhood is preparing the political scene not to lose future elections and stay in power indefinitely.

Imperialist Liberalism and the Egyptian Revolution
Atef Said criticizes the reductionist view of imperialist liberalist of the West towards the Egyptian Revolution.

FIDH Condemns Crackdown on Freedom of Expression in Egypt
International Federation for Human Rights’s official statement condemning the crack-down on freedom of expression in Egypt.

قطري حبيبي": ملهاة الإخوان ومأساة الناصرية"
Prompted by Bassem Youssef’s recent episode on Qatar, Zeina Halabi follows the historic evolution of an Egyptian nationalist song.

New Texts Out Now: David McMurray and Amanda Ufheil-Somers, The Arab Revolts
Jadaliyya’s interview with David McMurray and Amanda Ufheil-Somers about their latest edited volume on the Arab Spring.

New Texts Out Now: Esam Al-Amin, The Arab Awakening Unveiled
Jadaliyya’s interview with Esam Al-Amin about his latest book on the Arab Spring.

Has Citizenship Got a Future in Egypt?
Paul Sedra criticizes the language or “protection” that human rights organizations and the Muslim Brotherhood use in reference to attacks on Christians in Egypt.

The Necessity of Revolutionary Violence in Egypt
Philip Rizk argues in support of the use of violence in protests against the regime in Egypt.

Call for Applications: Varieties of Democracy Workshop (8 - 21 September 2013, Cairo)
Call for applications to a workshop organized by the American Political Science Association and the American University in Cairo on intercultural contributions to democratic theory.

أحمد الواصل عن "الخروج من المعبد" أو الهدم طريق الغناء العربي
An interview with author Ahmed Al-Wasil about his new book “Exit from the Temple.”

LA Event -- Return of the Brothers: Student Activism and Islamic Politics in 1970s Egypt (10 April 2013)
The Announcement of UCLA Center for Near Eastern Studies’ event on Islamic Student Activism in the 1970s.

Symposium: The Political Economy of the New Egyptian Republic (6 April 2013, Cairo)
The Announcement of this year’s AUC Social Sciences Symposium.

قراءة في كتاب: هوامش على دفتر الثورة
Janan Abdu’s review of Ahmed Bilal’s book Margins on the Revolutionary Notebook.

Port Said in Revolt
Jonathan Rashad’s photo essay on the recent violent protests in Port Said.

البناء المعرفي للسياسات الإعلامية في البلدان العربية أثناء المرحلة الانتقالية
A report on AUC’s BRIDGE program which offers training and seminars on the topic of the role of the media in the transitional phase of the Arab Spring countries.

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