This is a selection of what you might have missed on Jadaliyya last week. It also includes a list of the most read articles, and roundups. Progressively, we will be featuring more content on our "Last Week on Jadaliyya" series.
- قطري حبيبي": ملهاة الإخوان ومأساة الناصرية"
- The Necessity of Revolutionary Violence in Egypt
- The Terror of Capitalism
- The Naked Bodies of Alia
- The End of an Era: The Less than Grand Opening of the New Ottoman Archives
- Imperialist Liberalism and the Egyptian Revolution
- العقاب الجنسي في الفولكلور
- Settler Colonialism and Alliance: Comparative Challenges to Pinkwashing and Homonationalism
- Theorizing the Arabian Peninsula: Introduction to the Roundtable
- Derrida and the Crisis of French Zionism
- Last Week on Jadaliyya (April 22-28)
- Arabian Peninsula Media Roundup (April 30)
- Syria Media Roundup (May 2)
- Maghreb Media Roundup (May 3)
- Jadaliyya Monthly Edition (April 2013)
- Reports Roundup (May 4)
- Arabian Peninsula Monthly Edition (April 2013)
- Allegory of a Revolution: José Clemente Orozco’s “The Trench”
- Month-by-Month Summary of Developments in Syria (Updated)
- Why Domestic Politics Still Matter in Iran’s Nuclear Policymaking
- Arabian Peninsula Monthly Edition (April 2013)
- Reports Roundup (May 4)
- Jadaliyya Monthly Edition (April 2013)
- Beyond the Banality of Evil: The Challenge of Professional Photography in Syria
- Blurring the Borders: Syrian Spillover Risks for Turkey
- Maghreb Media Roundup (May 3)
- Jonathan Rashad on Freelance Photojournalism in Egypt
- عيد العمال
- Syria Media Roundup (May 2)
- Libya: Which Fate for Gaddafi’s Henchmen?
- Pierced Memories: The Lebanese Archive of Diab Alkarssifi
- New Texts Out Now: Charles Tripp, The Power and the People: Paths of Resistance in the Middle East
- Technology in the Classroom: The Big Brother E-Book
- Justice Is Universal: A Panel Discussion on Palestine, Comparative Frameworks, and Solidarity
- قراءة في الحراك السياسي في الجولان المحتل
- Alternative Worlds at the 2013 World Social Forum in Tunis
- Cyprus, Divided and Financially Broke: An Interview with Rebecca Bryant
- Not in the Revolution's Name: Egypt's New Judicial Authority Bill
- Arabian Peninsula Media Roundup (April 30)
- Le Sahara, l’identité et l’africanité dans la littérature francophone du Sud-est: Moha Souag s’exprime
- April Culture
- From “Islamic Art” to “Arab Lands, Turkey, Iran, Central Asia and Later South Asia”: Reliving the Distortions of History
- Among the Thugs
- The Active Feminine: Performance Art in Lebanon with Reference to Marya Kazoun
- The Lebanese Rocket Society: A Dream Takes Flight
- First as Shadow, Then as Farce: An Evening with Medieval Puppeteer Ibn Daniyal at CUNY in New York
- The Roundup: News and Analysis in Publishing/Academia from the Arab World
- The Terror of Capitalism
- Last Week on Jadaliyya (April 22-28)
- قراءة في أحوال الصورة بعد ثورة يناير