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Maghreb Media Roundup (April 26)


[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Maghreb and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Maghreb Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to maghreb@jadaliyya.com by Thursday night of every week.] 


Algeria denies Ansar Al-Din presence Algeria denies the presence of Ansar al-Din, despite spokesman Sanda Ould Bouamama’s declaration that he entered the country to turn himself in to Algerian authorities, Magharebia reports.

Affaires de corruption de Said Bouteflika: Est-il impliqué? Salima Tlemçani draws possible connections between the President’s brother and advisor and the foreign companies involved in recent corruption scandals.

Lutte contre le chômage des jeunes : le nouveau plan sans imagination du gouvernement Achira Memmari criticizes the government’s new plan to combat youth unemployment.

Beyond Arab vs Berber: the rich complexities of Algerian identity should be celebrated, not feared Hicham Yezza explains the difference between celebrating cultural diversity and allowing it to divide.


Slouching Towards Sirte: NATO’s War on Libya and Africa by Maximilian Forte Dan Glazebrook reviews Maximilian Forte’s heavy handed critique of NATO involvement in Libya and its purported humanitarian justifications.

French Embassy Hit by Car Bomb in Tripoli Rolling News Shabab Libya provides an overview of reports on the French embassy bombing (includes Skynews video.)

French media reactions to the embassy bombing Valerie Stocker chronicles French media reportage on the Libya bombings, as well as readers harsh responses.


Strike Season in Mauritania Anita Hunt documents a dock workers’ strike through photo and text.

Réfugiés maliens de M'bera : entre la misère et la dawa, la guitare touarègue Baba Ahmed describes the therapeutic nature of the regular Tuareg outdoor music concernts in the M’bera refugee camp.

Brouilles entre Nouakchott et Rabat Md O Md Lemine looks beyond political shows of friendliness to the strain on Mauritanian-Moroccan relations over the question of governance in Western Sahara.


Etat des lieux de l’accès à l’information des finances publiques Azzedine Aksebi points to the lack of access to information about public finance in Morocco, tying this to a dearth of government accountability.

Wiam… Amal Jalili calls out press descriptions of the brutal armed attack and rape of a young girl as merely an “attempted rape,” underscoring the media’s accountability in combating sexual violence.

Agée de 80 ans, en grève de la faim contre sa pension de 175 DH/mois Lakome reports on Fatoum Jazouli’s hunger strike, drawing attention to her pension; she receives less than 20 USD per month, well below the $1 a day poverty line.


Opposition Politicians Protest Changes to Draft Constitution Amira Masrour describes the breakdown in discussions over a new constitution, with opposition parties citing an abuse of power in the manipulation of articles regarding right to strike.

Qatar Love Backfires Tunisians capitalize with humor on Marzouki’s misstep demanding respect for Qatar.

IRVA : un comité contre l’oubli et pour la découverte des commanditaires et assassins de Chokri Belaïd Lilia Weslaty reports on the creation of a commission – the Initiative for Research into the Truth of the Assassination of Chokri Belaid.

Western Sahara

Le Maroc a raté une occasion en or Ignacio Cembrero analyzes the geopolitics behind international heavyweight support for the Western Sahara’s integration with Morocco, concluding that Morocco would have been better off complying with the UN’s proposal for human rights monitoring.

UN 'miss opportunity' to allow Western Sahara human rights monitoring Amnesty International describes the international community’s failure to protect the people of the Tindouf refugee camps.

قوات الإحتلال المغربي تقمع مظاهرة سلمية بحي معطى الله العيون المحتلة Equipemedia Sahara video documents demonstrations in Laayoune after the UN decision.

Recent Jadaliyya Articles on the Maghreb

من يكتب أدب الثورة؟Brahim El Guabli explores the crucial role of literature in articulating revolution.

New Texts Out Now: Chouki El Hamel, Black Morocco: A History of Slavery, Race, and IslamBrahim El Guabli interviews Chouki El Hamel about his recent book published by Cambridge University Press.

Trial by Error: Justice in Post-Qadhafi LibyaJadaliyya reports on the International Crisis Group’s findings regarding “Libya’s pervasive insecurity.”

Derrida and the Crisis of French ZionismAndrew Ryder explores Derrida’s experiences as a young Jewish boy living in colonial Algeria, and how these, and his relationship with Jean Genet, have affected his identity and work.

Beyond the Western Saharan DebateSamia Errazzouki highlights nuances in policy regarding the long standing and oft overlooked Western Sahara conflict.

Algeria: The Revolution to Come?Nedjib Sidi Moussa reviews Hocine Belalloufi’s book Democracy in Algeria: Reform or Revolution.

Mali: Security, Dialogue, and Meaningful ReformJadaliyya reports on the International Crisis Group’s recommendations on future actions in Mali.

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