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Egypt Media Roundup (April 15)


[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Egypt and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Egypt Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendatiobs for inclusion in each week's roundup to egypt@jadaliyya.com by Sunday night of every week.] 

“UPDATE 4: Judge recuses himself in Mubarak retrial case”
Judge steps down from Mubarak case and refers it to the Appeals Court for you new judicial team and date to be set.

“Egypt's army took part in torture and killings during revolution, report shows”
The Guardian releases a leaked report alleging the participation of the army in abuse and killing of protesters during the revolution.

“Egypt army denies torturing protesters”
Defense Minister Abd Al-Fattah Al-Sissi calls the accusations in a report detailing army abuse “a betrayal.”

“Military warns media to 'think carefully' before 'offending' the Armed Forces”
In a video response to the leaked report, Defense Minister Abd Al-Fattah Al-Sissi warns against insulting the army.

“Mohamed Morsi backs Egyptian military after malpractice allegations”
The president denounces “insults” against the army in the aftermath of a report that revealed the military’s role in violence against protesters during the revolution.

“Clashes erupt in Alexandria and Cairo”
Anti-Brotherhood protesters in Cairo and Alexandria clash with police and counter-protesters.

“Update: Clashes resume at Abbasseya cathedral after attack”
Sectarian clashes continue as one person is declared dead and twenty-nine injured are treated in a nearby hospital.

“Bishop thanks Muslims for protecting Christians in Egypt's Al-Khosous”
Bishop Moussa says local Muslims who tried to protect the church during the sectarian clashes in Al-Khosous demonstrate the true meaning of religion and love.

“Copts detained in Libya released early, say church sources”
Four Egyptian Christians who were accused of proselytizing in Libya have been released from jail.

“Report: Bullets from automatic weapons killed Copts in Khosous”
The four Christian victims of the violence in Qalyubia governorate were shot with an automatic weapon from above.

“Anti-sectarian march in Cairo”
Protesters march through Cairo to demonstrate against sectarianism and chant against the Muslim Brotherhood.

“Don’t Shy Away From Calling it Sectarian”
Sarah El Sirgany comments on sectarian attitudes and outbursts in Egyptian society and the dangerous trend of their use in politics.

“Did We Get the Muslim Brotherhood Wrong?”
Marc Lynch responds to the challenge of Egyptian blogger “Sandmonkey” to “apologize” for “promoting” the Muslim Brotherhood.

“Are the MB going to fall soon?”
Karim Shafei discusses the scenario of the Muslim Brotherhood navigating the current crisis long enough to ensure their survival in power.

“Violence at Mansoura University”
A student sit-in demanding the resignation of university president, Al-Sayed Abdel Khaleq, was attacked. 

“Al-Erian demands ElBaradei be tried for Iraq War”
The Freedom and Justice Party leader says those responsible for the 2003 invasion of Iraq should be tried at the International Criminal Court.

“Dutch journalist arrested in Cairo”
Rene Netjes was taken to the police by a coffee shop owner who wrote a complaint against her for spreading Western culture and being a treat to Egypt.

“Egypt’s Self-Appointed Gatekeepers”
Ahmed Aboul Enein talks about pressure and censorship on Egyptian media since the beginning of Mohamed Morsi’s presidency.

“Egypt's war of attrition”
Sahar Aziz comments on the political battle between the Supreme Constitutional Court and the Muslim Brotherhood.

“Bassem Youssef episode angers Egypt Qatar Business Council”
Qatari investors react to Egyptian comedian’s poking fun of Qatari aid to Egypt.

“Student unions criticize election process”
Thirteen student unions issue a statement denouncing the Muslim Brotherhood students attempting to sabotage union elections.


In Arabic:

“محاكمة القرن في انتظار دائرة جديدة: مبارك يلوح لمؤيديه‏..‏ والنيابة تبحث إعادته لسجن طرة”
Head of the judicial teal heading the Mubarak trial steps down, while the former president appears in court in seemingly good health and spirits.

“بخصوص الخصوص”
In response to recent sectarian clashes, Ahmed Al-Sawy writes that it is not only the state to blame but also the society which ignores discrimination.

“في تحقيقات أحداث الكاتدرائية: النيابة تأمر بحبس‏10‏ متهمين وضبط وإحضار‏10‏ آخرين”
The prosecution orders the arrest of ten individuals and calls in other ten for questioning over the clashes at the Cathedral in Cairo.

“كيف تواجه الابتزاز الدينى؟”
Comedian Bassem Youssef says the rationale behind historical sectarian prosecutions in the West and the Islamic World persist till today.

 “تقرير حول الأحداث الطائفية بمدينة الخصوص ومحيط الكاتدرائية المرقسية بالعباسية”
The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights publishes its report on the sectarian clashes in Al-Khosous and Cairo.

“غضب مصري وعربي على صحفي قطري وصف المصريين بصنّاع الطعمية”
Qatari journalists’ insulting comments about Egypt on Twitter spur an uproar in the country.

“كرامة أرض الكنانة من كرامتنا”
Emirati journalist Ahmed Al-Mazrouai explains that Ahmed Ali’s comments to Egypt reflect the current attitude of the Qatari ruling elite towards Egypt.

“الأهالي يسحلون شخصين تحرشا بالسيدات رفضت الشرطة استلامهما بالسويس”
Residents of Suez tie and beat up two men for harassing women after the police refuses to take them in.

“النهار | مفاجأة .. عفو رئاسى عن حارس خيرت الشاطر”
The president issues a pardon for the bodyguard of Khairat Al-Shater who was sentenced to one year in prison for possession of a weapon without a license.


Recent Jadaliyya articles on Egypt:

Imperialist Liberalism and the Egyptian Revolution
Atef Said criticizes the reductionist view of imperialist liberalist of the West towards the Egyptian Revolution.

FIDH Condemns Crackdown on Freedom of Expression in Egypt
International Federation for Human Rights’ official statement condemning the crack-down on freedom of expression in Egypt. 

قطري حبيبي": ملهاة الإخوان ومأساة الناصرية"
Prompted by Bassem Youssef’s recent episode on Qatar, Zeina Halabi follows the historic evolution of an Egyptian nationalist song. 

New Texts Out Now: David McMurray and Amanda Ufheil-Somers, The Arab Revolts
Jadaliyya’s interview with David McMurray and Amanda Ufheil-Somers about their latest edited volume on the Arab Spring.

New Texts Out Now: Esam Al-Amin, The Arab Awakening Unveiled
Jadaliyya’s interview with Esam Al-Amin about his latest book on the Arab Spring.

Has Citizenship Got a Future in Egypt?
Paul Sedra criticizes the language or “protection” that human rights organizations and the Muslim Brotherhood use in reference to attacks on Christians in Egypt.

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