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Egypt Monthly Edition on Jadaliyya (March 2013)


This is a monthly archive of pieces written by Jadaliyya contributors and editors on Egypt. It also includes material published on other platforms that editors deemed pertinent to post as they provide diverse depictions of Egypt-related topics. The pieces reflect the level of critical analysis and diversity that Jadaliyya strives for, but the views are solely the ones of their authors. If you are interested in contributing to Jadaliyya, send us your post with your bio and a release form to post@jadaliyya.com [click “Submissions” on the main page for more information].

The Impact of World Bank Policy and Programmes on the Built Environment in Egypt
A report by Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights argues that World Bank investment and assistance have not managed to change the infrastructure situation in the country.

Spring of Fury in Egypt
Jason Brownlee makes parallels between Mohamed Morsi’s presidency and Anwar Sadat’s rule.

Samera Esmeir in Coversation with Adalah's Suhad Bishara, Marking Land Day in Palestine; and Lina Attalah on the Future of Egypt Independent Newspaper
Egypt Independent’s editor-in-chief talks about the challenges faced by the newspaper as it struggles with financial difficulties.

The Mirage of Foreign Investment
Wael Gamal offers a critical approach to foreign investment and examples of emerging markets suffering from some of its conditions.

الأطر النظرية لفهم النماذج التنموية في مراحل ما بعد الثورات
Amr Adly discusses models of development that can be adopted after the revolutionary wave in the Arab world.

The Urban Subalterns and the Non-Movements of the Arab Uprisings: An Interview with Asef Bayat
Asef Bayat comments on the Arab Spring from the perspective of his theory of “non-movements” of the poor and the youth.

Al-Moqattam Clashes in Photos
Jonathan Rashad’s photos of the Moqattam clashes.

Street Wars on a Hill: An Eyewitness Testimony
Wael Eskandar’s testimony of Friday night’s clashes in front of the Muslim Brotherhood Headquarters in Moqattam, Cairo.

ماهي علاقة كل من الإسلاميين - الدولة القومية الحديثة - الديموقراطية ببعضهم البعض؟
Amr Magdi says that Islamists merge readily with the modern nation-state instead of trying to revise it and establish a new social contract.

The Full Story: Silencing English-Language Media in Egypt
Dina Hussein talks about the challenges that English-language media faces in Egypt.

من الثورة على توريث آل مبارك إلى الثورة على توريث الإخوان
Azmi Ashour is comparing the electoral and constitutional processes before and after the revolution, concluding that revolutionary objectives till have not been achieved.

Tahrir and Beyond: Interviews with Journalist, Ahmad Shokr, and Filmmakers Jehane Noujaim and Karim Amer
An interview with Egyptian filmmakers Jehane Noujaim and Karim Amer about their latest film “Al-Meydan.”

The Crime of Insulting the President, A Crime of an Authoritarian Regime
Arabic Network for Human Rights Information condemns the use of a law on insulting the president as a political tool.

New Texts Out Now: Amr Adly, State Reform and Development in the Middle East: Turkey and Egypt in the Post-Liberalization Era
An interview with author Amr Adly about his latest book.

أخونة السلفيين
Islam Mohamed Abdel-Bari explores the relationship between the Muslim Brotherhood and the different Salafi movements.

الخوف والغضب: المرأة وعنف ما بعد الثورة
Deniz Kandiyoti says that the rise of violence against women is due to a crisis of manhood which is taking place in Egypt and Tunisia.

الثورة أنثى
Fawwaz Traboulsi discusses the challenges women in the Arab revolutions face ahead.

عن ثورة الموسيقى الكلاسيكية وقاعات السلطة وأمور أخرى
Ismail Alexandran​i ponders on the ideas of music and revolution.

الخروج من المعبد: توليفات في أنثروبولوجيا الغناء العربي
Jadaliyya publishes the introduction of Ahmed Alwasel’s new book on anthropology of the Arab song.

Whatever Happened to Egypt's Democratic Transition?
Ellis Goldberg argues that Egypt is not undergoing democratic transition, but a revolution.

NGO Conference Calls for Regional Human Rights Reform
A press release by the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights on the occasion of a conference on human rights in the Middle East.

What Does Morsi Not Understand About Police Reform?
Khaled Fahmy says reform of the interior ministry was one of the main demands of the revolution for a reason.

Representation and the Egyptian Black Bloc: The Siren Song of Orientalism?
Joshua Stephens criticizes the response of Western anarchists to the Egyptian Black Bloc.

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